
Terms for subject Footwear containing | all forms
不管是高跟还是平跟鞋,最关键的是是否合脚,得不夹脚且有一定的活动余地The key thing with any shoe, high or flat, is that it should fit properly, not pinch your toes and have a degree of flexibility
两个可调式扣环加上隐藏式松紧带,让子真正舒适服帖。后跟垫可以缓解冲击Two adjustable buckles and hidden elastic stretch material let you find your true fit The cushioned heel pad absorbs shock
他们头戴太阳帽,脚穿休闲,身着休闲裤配薄运动衫They are holding a sun hat, leisure shoes, comfortable clothes and a light sweater
他就是凭着这双草,走遍了祖国的大好河山With that pair of straw sandals, he walked all over his beautiful motherland
休闲leisure shoe
你最爱的子风格是露趾凉鞋,它能将你时髦的趾环展示出来One of your favorite shoe styles is the open-toed sandal in order to display your snazzy toe rings
你的高跟后跟高度不够Your pumps are short in back heigh
nude shoe
是百搭鞋,可以和任何颜色搭配Nude shoes are the perfect neutral, so pair them with any color
只要你有中等的缝纫手艺,你就能轻松地为自己做一双舒适的牛仔布拖If you have intermediate sewing skills then you can easily stitch yourself a pair of proper denim slippers
在制过程中如何硫化呢?How to vulcanize in the shoe making process?
在我的制工厂,我们只用冷粘法来粘鞋In my shoe manufacturing factory, we only use cold sticking method to adhere the shoe
坡跟wedge heel
她喜欢穿松糕,那样能让别人注意到她的鞋子She loves wearing platform shoes, some kind of clothing that people notice her in
实际上,坡跟也有高跟和低跟之分,我们只是按照鞋跟的形状和长度定义其是否为坡跟In fact, wedge heels range from low to high; it's the shape and the length of the heel that classify it as a wedge
尼龙条带连接带和中底,和无舌鞋面完美契合Nylon bands connect the laces to the midsole and work with the shoe's tongueless upper to deliver an outstanding fit
布什开玩笑说,他能跟大家说的就是,那是一只10码的,接着平静地回答问题Bush joked, saying that all he could report was that it was a size 10 shoe, then calmly took questions
平底low cutter
彳艮多职业女性穿平跟步行去上班,在电梯里再换成高跟鞋A lot of women are walking to work in flats and switching in the elevator
我想找一双黑色的高跟搭配我的晚礼服I’m looking for some black pumps to go with my evening wear
松糕,厚底鞋platform shoe
漆皮可以用溶剂型皮革清洁剂清洗Patent leather shoes can be cleaned with solvent-based leather cleaners
绣花embroidered shoes
范斯一直是滑板仔和海滩男孩的标准装备Vans shoes have long been standard gear for skateboarders and beach boys
调整式夹具使面与楦头100%贴合The adjustable clamp will achieve 100 percent jointing of the vamp with the last
过去几年来,公司在收集有民俗风格的式样时,还设计了一些具有时代气息的款式In the past years, the company has worked to collect a whole variety of traditional shoe designs and created some new designs
运动和帆布鞋会有很大的味道,特别是当你夏天光脚穿鞋的时候Sneakers and other canvas shoes can get pretty smelly, especially if you wear them without socks in the summertime
子是用一整块牛皮做的The shoe was made from a single piece of cowhide
这份报纸没有提及金穿着的4英寸厚底的流行,但他超大号的墨镜看起来的确足以和好莱坞的女明星们分庭抗礼The paper didn't mention the popularity of the 4 inch platform shoes Kim wears, but his oversized shades definitely seem to be a big hit with the women of Hollywood
这款是一种带绒边的红色塑料模压木底鞋,并且设计成类似小汽车的样式The shoe is a red plastic moulded clog with fleece lining and is designed to resemble a car
这款短靴并没有延展到内全掌,但的确提供了后跟到脚掌中部的包裹The bootie doesn't extend the full-length of the shoe's inner, but it does provide coverage from the heel to the midfoot
内衬的上部是轻质材料的网孔,具有良好的透气性和舒适性The inner shoe comprises a lightweight mesh upper for excellent ventilation and comfort
foot pad
帮材料upper material
高跟high heel