
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
光学optical target
光学optic target
光导photoconductive target
光栅信息存储grating storage target
场点whole range point
internal target
internal probe target
辐照internal target irradiation
军事firing-in butt
冷冻cryogenic target
出现伪时的搜索问题search problem in the presence of false target
射束simple beam
模型thick target model
双冲压喷气发动机twin-ram-jet target
双功圆盘double-action disc harrow
双面two-sided target
反射reflection target
反射reflectance target
反射镜矩阵mirror matrix target
取样sampling target
同位素isotopic target
external target
实验proving range
室外打outdoor shooting areas
导弹missile range
层状layered target
嵌镶mosaic target
平行校parallel boresighting
平面flat target
弱流low-current target
径迹敏感track-sensitive target
手控hand-controlled target
和演习区firing practice, exercise area
shooting range
target range
shooting gallery
towed target
trailer aircraft
tow-target aircraft
towed-target aircraft
装置tow target system
振动vibrating target
提升flip-up target
散射scattering target
旋转rotary target
旋转rotary harrow
无线电遥控radio controlled target boat
无限厚infinitely thick target
木架钉齿wooden-framed spiked harrow
木质wooden target drone
boresight (镜)
气体gas target
气动pneumatic target
氚化的钛tritiated titanium target
水上water range
水下试验underwater test range
泊松伪模型Poisson's false-target model
浓缩enriched target
激光laser target
激光辐照分层laser irradiated layered target
热源heat-source drone target
target glass
玻璃glass target
玻璃激光glass laser target
玻璃空心球glass-shell target
电子束着误差beam-landing error
瞄准具校sighting harmonization
空心玻璃壳微球hollow microsphere target
foil target
绝缘insulating storage surface
fragile target
thin target
试探probe target
试验场跟踪test-range tracking
距离校正range-calibrator target
透射transmission target
遥控remote control target-boat
遥控船舰射击queen duck
重冰heavy ice target
重水探头heavy water probe
金属metallic target
X线摄影radiography with molybdenum target tube
vanishing target
生物non-target organism
丸压缩pellet compression
丸电晕pellet corona
信号闪变target flicker
target image
分子target molecule
化学target chemistry
target region
区优选target selection
原子辐射target atom irradiation
gunnery range
shooting gallery
armament training camp
archery ground
场测量雷达missile-range-instrumentation radar
场警戒旗range flag
子大小target size
子学论target theory
子组织target tissue
子论target theory
wad cutter
学说target theory
密度target density
式流量计target meter
径辐射stem radiation
barn (1靶恩= 10⁻²⁴平方厘米)
截止电位target cut-off potential
截止电压target cutoff voltage
target aircraft
板式气流粉碎机target type fluid energy mill
板式气流粉碎机jet-anvil type fluid energy mill
标潜艇target and training submarine
target nucleus
核数量amount of target nuclear
激发target actuation
玻片target glass
理论target theory
电压target voltage
target mesh
网颤噪效应target mesh microphonics
target ship
pinched stem
面加热器target heater
面积area of target
射击场trap field
射击场sheet field
高衬度high contrast target
鱼雷试验torpedo testing range