
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
不可装在下包装never stow below
不规定发行价格的无值股true no par stock
仲裁裁决award made in writing
信托express trust
协定written statement
协议契约written agreements contract
证明的合同contract evidenced by a writing
合约written contract
同意written consent
复式合同speciality contract
契约written agreements
形式上的要求requirement of written form
报吿written statement
报吿written report
文件written document
申请written application
答复reply by writing
诉讼中的答辩contentions in writing
许可证written permission
证据written evidence
证据documentary evidence
证明written document
说明written indication
通知written notice
通知notice in writing
人性方的成功沟通术human side of successful communication
以账结账清算settlement by book entry
低于票价值-有贴水par below-at a discount
低于票价格below par
低于票价值,低下面值below par
低票股份low-value stock
使与…成一平面level off to
依照票价格at par
侧开集装箱side door container
价格all-round price
保险full insurance
制裁general sanction
制裁comprehensive sanctions
削减across-the-board cut
发展integrated development
均衡general equilibrium
均衡模型general equilibrium model
就业政策overall employment policy
的强制性制裁comprehensive mandatory sanctions
的最惠国条款comprehensive most-favored-nation clause
禁运total embargo
认可blanket approval
调查团general survey mission
通货膨胀general inflation
鉴定complete verification
降低关税across-the-board tariff reduction
公诉人方证人witness for the prosecution
关于海上运载核材料方民事赔偿责任的国际公约1975年7月15 日International Convention Relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material
出口港船交货vessel named port of shipment
结汇unilateral payment
购买straight purchase
销售straight sale
单方ex parte
单方制定合同内容unilateral fixing of the terms of the contract
单方受益的契约gratuitous contract
单方合同unilateral contract
单方废除unilateral denunciation
单方撤销revoked unilaterally
单方无分回业务分保non-reciprocal reinsurance
单方转移unrequited transfer
制造业在原料供应和产品销售方的一体化backward and forward integration
双方拉拢bringing together
举证责任reversed burden of proof
证实negative confirmation
证据proof of the contrary
证据proof to the contrary
反托拉斯法案对立anti-trust act
变更change in par value
口头和书声明oral and written statement
名义票价格nominal par
离岸向海off ward
呆滞的市sluggish market
在另一方per contra
在所有方in omnibus
在承运人代表前进行检验survey held in the presence of the carriers' agent
在生客前的虚礼company manners
服务代理人ground handling agent
飞机ground risks
飞机ground risks
用涂改等欺骗手法增加了票价值的支票raised cheque
外汇汇率方所承担的风险exchange rate risks
外汇的全地位overall position of exchange
多数方的法官majority judge
多方的防御措施multipart "defence" programme
大大超越竞争中把... 远远抛在后outdistance
宏观经济方和部门方面macro-economic and sectoral levels
实施方的延误operational delay
审查案件的实体方review of the merits
审理案件的实体方review of the substance (of a judge ment)
regulate the market
价值market value
兴旺swimming market
冷淡暗淡dull market
冷淡dull market
凋零sagging market
呆滞sick market
坚定firm market
坚挺firm market
旺盛strong market
清淡depressed market
萧条hard times
价格flat list prices
合同horizontal trust
销售构想horizontal marketing concept
平衡的全发展规划balanced over-all development planning
战争水险协定water-borne agreement
战争水险条款water-borne clause
战争险水合约water-borne agreement
承付贷款的票face value of loan commitments
抛弃舱货物jettison of cargo
按账价值per books
捐款distribution in nominal terms
推销方sales wise
提单反reverse side of a bill of lading
提单正条款face clause
提单背reverse side (of a bill of lading)
提高票价值increase the par value
支票票face of the value
……方面的协议agreement on (about, for, upon, concerning)
值股份non-par stock
值股票no par stock
值股票no-par-value stock
值股票shares: no par value
值股票non par value stock
美国值股票"no par value" shares
值股票的宣称价值no par stock with stated value
额股票no-par stock
无票价值的股票no-par-value capital stock
无票价值股票no par value stock
无票no par value
更加向出口的工业部门more export-oriented industrial sector
额股票par-value stock
有关方interested party
未偿本金principal outstanding at face value
本金principal at face value
根据书证据判decide on the basis of documentary evidence
根据书证据所作的裁决render an award on documentary evidence
根据书证据裁决仲裁案件decide a case of arbitration on the basis of the relevant documents
询证positive confirmation
每平方米舱负荷deck load per square metre
海关单据背的表格locker order
废止unilateral denunciation
最惠国条款one-sided most favoured nation clause
票据的face of an instrument
以上above par
价值face value of a note
价值par value of stock
价值face value (face amount)
价值denomination value
价格以下的股票below par stock
价额为100美元的股票full stock
值法par-value method
汇价nominal rate
股本nominal capital
face amount (or value)
稳定的但可调整的票价值stable but adjustable par values
paper back
"纸黄金",指国际货币基金的特别提款权paper gold
统一船舶碰撞或其他航行事故中刑事管辖权方若干规定的国际公约International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Penal Jurisdiction in Matter of Collision or Other Incidents of Navigation
维持市regulate the market
编制全预算办法full budgeting approach
股本par-value capital stock
股票票价值par value of stock
股票:票价值shares: nominal value
股票票价值face value of share
肯尼迪回合的全关税降减across-the-board tariff reductions in the Kennedy Round
on deck
备料deck spares
提单on deck bill of lading (B/L)
装货over-deck shipment
装货on deck shipment
装货on-deck shipment
装运deck carriage
on deck cargoes
on deck goods
deck cargo
货提单on-deck bill of lading
货物goods carried on deck
货物由货主担风险deck cargo shipper’s account
货舱goods carried on deck
载运carriage on deck
载运carriage of cargo on deck
载运货物goods carried on deck
运费率deck rate
on deck risk
on deck risks
deck risk
商店营业的分布assignment of space
价值nominal value
货物的状态apparent condition (of goods)
状态apparent condition
证据prima facie evidence
费率apparent rate
被告方证人witness for the defense
"装舱",装在甲板上on deck
规定发行价格的值股stated value no par stock
债务book debts
净值net book value
利润paper profit
利率book rate
存货book inventory
成本book cost
折合率book rate
毛额gross book value
盈余paper profit
盈余book surplus
盈余book profit
盘存book inventory
盘存制book inventory system
科目book accounts
负债state liabilities
资产ledger assets
货币钞论veil-of-money concept
货物搬运区freight handling area
资产账毛额gross book value
资源的全安排over-all disposition of resources
起诉的书说明written statement of claim
输出方export side
通货账利率book rate of a currency
face amount (or value)
值证书face-amount certificate
包店tommy shops
向出口的工业export-oriented industry
向市场的生产market-oriented production
向行动action orientation
向行动的方案action-oriented programmers
向行动的研究action-oriented studies
向行动的谈判action-oriented negotiation
face value (face amount)
nominal amount
额为25美元的股票quarter stock
额为50美元的股票half stock
额股本par-value capital stock
额股票par value stock
额证券公司Face-Amount Certificate Company
高于票价值above par
高于票价值-有升水par above-at a premium