
Terms for subject Rail transport containing | all forms
三人双座椅double-side three-seat
三心圆断three-centered cross-section
两人单座椅single-side two-seat
交会边界interface boundary
人机交互man-machine interface
人机接口/界Driver/Machine Interface
人机界Driver Machine Interface
位移附层厚度thickness of displacement-boundary layer
低温热水地辐射供热radiant floor heating by low temperature hot water
搭节焊缝side lap weld
限界distance between track centre and the inner side of mast
催化壁catalytic wall
光伏屋photovoltaic roof boarding
全坡圬工防护masonry protection for full side slope
全断封闭防水fully-enveloped waterproofing
全断掘进机Tunnel Boring Machine
全断注浆full face grouting
全断道床夯实机full section ballast consolidating machine
全断道碴清筛机ballast undercutting cleaner
切割face of cut
切割平面度evenness of surface
列控地子系统trackside subsystem of train control
列车正冲突train head-on collision
列车表空气压力air pressure on train surface
列车表空气压力系数air pressure coefficient on train surface
刚性防水屋rigid waterproofing
前导向front guide
沉降仪settlement profiler
沉降观测装置observation device for profile settlement
升力理论lifting -surface theory
环弹簧half ring spring
拉铆钉blind lockbolt
铆钉blind bolt
单位积夯实力consolidation force for per unit area
卷材防水屋waterproof membrane roofing
压型钢板屋profiled steel sheet roof
压实板press plate area
焊缝double weld
焊缝double-sided welds
调车信号机signal for shunting forward and backward
铝箔绝热板风管double-sided aluminum foil insulation board flue pipe
变截variable cross-section beam
后导向rear guide (钩锁)
后端rear end face (车钩尾框)
后端弯角rear end face fillet
后踢足toggle shaft rear kicking face
低温热水辐射采暖radiant floor heating by low temperature hot water
信号trackside signal
信号设备trackside signal facility
固定信号fixed wayside signal
固定信号fixed trackside signal
坡度ground gradient
塌陷ground collapse
应答器trackside balise
横坡明显obvious ground lateral slope
测试系统test system on ground
漫流法surface overflow method
设备配置configuration of land device
铁路线open line track
地板高度height of floor from rail top
地板高度floor height
地毯carpet surface
地砖floor tile surfacing
防护slope protection
Z 型截Z-section
LM 型轮缘踏LM wheel flange tread
L/V 型轮缘踏L/V ratio
塑料板plastic board surface
塑胶地plastic floor
多滑滑板multiple bearing type guide
大断开挖large cross-section excavation
大断隧道large cross-section tunnel
头部纵向剖形状longitudinal section figuration of head
完全催化壁fully catalytic wall
实木复合地板wood composite flooring surface layer
室内地标高elevation of floor level
室外地标高elevation of leveled ground
列车opposing train
尾涡trailing vortex surface
工程质量constructional quality of roofing
雨水排水系统roof drainage system
工形截I-shaped section
标准箱位箱位planar slot of standard container slot
疏解horizontal untwining
疏解plane untwining
调车区集中联锁centralized interlocking for shunting area
调车场flat marshalling yard
钢筋plain steel bar
铳刀face mill
应答器地电子单元Lineside Electronic Unit LEU of balise
建筑积指标building area index
建筑屋building roofing
开挖工作excavation face
弹簧顶半圈half ring
径向载radial section
心盘自由高free height of center plate surface from rail top
心盘自由高free height from rail top to center plate wearing surface
分析section analysis
section view
惯性矩inertia moment of cross section
抗弯刚度bending rigidity of cross section
抵抗模量cross section modulus of resistance
重心centroid of section
承轨rail-bearing surface
钢筋armour bar
换算截conversion cross section
换算房屋conversion area of building
摇枕斜磨耗板bolster slanted surface wear plate
dressed stone
method of section
无石乍桥ballastless bridge floor
无砟桥ballastless bridge floor
时间—积值time-area value
时间一积值time-area value
明桥open bridge floor
最小平曲线半径minimum lever curve radius
有效地板effective floor area
有砟桥ballasting deck
木地板wood floor surface course
板块plate surface
架空型屋overhead roofing
标称截nominal cross section
bridge deck board
防水层bridge deck water-proofing layer
横向调准平horizontal alignment face
横断测量cross-section leveling
横断测量cross section leveling
横断测量cross leveling
横断设计transverse section design
横断选线cross-section method for location of line
正交异性板桥orthotropic deck
母线横截bus bar cross-section
specific floor area
毛截gross area
水文断hydrologic cross-section
水文断hydrologic cross section
水文断hydrologic sectional drawing
水泥基自流平地cement-based self leveling floor
水泥混凝土cement concrete pavement
水泥混凝土混合料整concrete finisher
水泥混凝土路切缝机concrete joint cutter
水泥混凝土路清缝机concrete joint cleaner
水泥混凝土路锯缝机concrete saw
水泥砂浆cement mortar surface course (topping)
水流断water flow section
沉降观测断settlement observation section
泄压pressure relief area
泵壳垂直中分carved face vertical pump casing
wash sink
器排水管wash sink drain
室排水管sink drain pipe
washing compartment
washing room
活动地板removable floor surface
浸润wetted surface area
涂膜防水屋membrane waterproof roof
高度指示牌liquid level indicating plate
滚子球基roller spherical base surface
焊缝背root surface
特种断尖轨switch rail made from unsymmetrical thick-web rail
特种断尖轨switch rail made from special section rail
玻璃液glass gauge of liquid level
玻璃采光楼roof with glass lighting
接头ball union
round end
电介dielectric surface
电缆截cross-section of cable
分割器screen divider
盘形制动及踏制动装置disc and tread brake equipment
盲文平braille plan
直接膨胀表式冷却器direct expansion surface-type cooler
破碎crushing surface
硬钎焊braze interface
磨耗型踏worn profile wheel tread
磨耗型踏worn profile tread
磨耗型踏worn profiled wheel tread
磨耗形踏worn tyre
磨耗形车轮踏worn wheel profile
窗墙积比window to wall area ratio
站房station building area
筛分screen area
纵断测量longitudinal section survey
纵断设计longitudinal section design
石膏板paper gypsum plank
线路平track plan
线路平剖track charts
结构产状attitude of structure plane
overlay of pavement
自流平地self-leveling floor
蜜胺贴melamine-faced plywood panel
喷浆surface spay mortar
水力负荷surface hydraulic loading
硬化浇铸case hardened casting
裂纹face crack
龟裂chequered surface
货车故障地图像检测系统Trouble of moving Freight car Detection System
跨音速积律transonic area law
坑槽pot holes
平整度测定仪pavement evenness tester
搓板pavement corrugation
路基宽度formation width
路基宽度width of the subgrade surface
路基形状profile of subgrade surface
路基排水drainage of subgrade surface
路基满铺荷载模式roadbed in full load mode
wheel tread
制动tread brake
制动缸吊座tread brake cylinder bracket
剥离shelling on wheel tread
剥离shelled tread
剥离flaking on wheel tread
基点tread taping point
外形tread profile
外形tread contour
擦伤slid flat on tread
擦伤flat tread
擦伤tread slid flat
擦伤wheel flat
擦伤flat sliding
清扫器tread cleaner
磨耗tread wear
裂纹cracking of running surface
辗堆wheel tread cone
锥度tread conicity
踢足推动lock actuating surface (钩舌推铁)
擦伤scotching on wheel tread
车体内侧高度inside height of carbody
车站总建筑total building area of the station (the station buildings summation)
车身断形状cross-section figuration of carbody
车轮踏外形测量装置measuring equipment for wheel tread profile
轨头侧磨耗side wear of rail head
轨头内侧工作gauge face of rail head
轨头底接触夹板head contact flat joint bar
轨头断非对称打磨asymmetrical rail head profile grinding
轨顶rail top surface
轮对踏诊断线wheelset tread diagnosis line
轮对踏诊断设备wheel tread diagnosis equipment
软弱weak plane
软钎焊solder interface
轴承滚道剥离bearing race surface peeling
远动界telecontrol interface
透水层交界permeable stratum interface
道口路crossing road surface
道砟桥ballasted bridge floor
部分催化壁partially catalytic wall
采光屋daylighting roof
金属板材屋metal plate roofing
钢轨侧磨耗side wear of rail head
钢轨型误差rail profile error
钢轨走行running surface
钩头正coupler front face
钩尾配合coupler tail fitting surface
钩舌座锁coupler knuckle seat locking face
钩舌锁coupler knuckle locking face
钩舌锁knuckle locking face
铁芯变压器core area
铁芯截cross-section of core
铺砟桥ballasting deck
locking face
锁腿导向lock leg guide surface
锥形踏coned tyre
锥形车轮踏cone wheel profile
镀锌钢板屋galvanized steel roof
阻水anti-water area
陶瓷洗ceramic washbasin
隔热屋heat insulation roof
隧道断tunnel cross-section
隧道贯通tunnel through plane
非踏制动off tread braking
涡法methods of surface vortex
top ballast
积定理area theorem
风挡vestibule diaphragm face plate
材料face material
高峰小时客流断流量peak hour cross section passenger flow
高强度螺栓连接摩擦friction surface of high-strength bolt joint
齐平嵌装把手flush handle