
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
一边刨光的木板surfaced on one side and one edge
三角形断chamfered groove
不可展直纹skew ruled surface
不滑粗糙no skid road
光始胶合板good two sides
刨士surfaced on two sides
坚实的胶合板sound on two sides
锉刀double ender
中间中界median surface
主割principal section
二次柱曲面quadric surface
人字式铺砌砌筑herringbone pavement
人造卫星地satellite ground station
控制level control
低于地的道路depressed road
使用楼面floor space
端部装饰品side ornament
像素elementary area
线ray velocity surface
抹灰屋檐plain plaster cornice
光学平样板optical flat
光敏photosensitive surface
玻璃状光泽glassy surface
详细,多元,多方面 分析multianalysis
扩建general extension
扫掠四周搜索装置all-round looking scanner
综合方案计划overall project
的分析rounded analysis
综合规划comprehensive planning
综合(性)试验comprehensive test
晶体octahedral crystal
公寓可使用公寓内除去结构面积的面积net apartment unit area
公寓外的面积阳台等exterior apartment area
公寓服务从隔墙中心线算起所有公寓内的面积,包括电梯、楼梯、大厅、垃圾井、配电间等apartment service area
公寓辅助包括大厅、会议室、卸货台、游泳池等supplemental area
方向in-plane direction
共焦锥confocal cones
冲击波的反射波reflected shock front
粗,厚开quarry face of stone
分界joint plane
分界上的波运动interfacial oscillations
分隔division surface
剖视sectional elevation
brush finish
刹车brake bush
刻槽粗糙scored surface
敷箔,印制电路single-clad board
设备的占地floor area
压实compaction plane
参变平parametral plane
晶滑移twin gliding plane
刀盘螺旋伞齿轮切削刀盘spread blade cutter
坡的屋顶double pitched
撑杆dead man
涂布double spread
规尺double-edging tool
双位控制high-low level control
双位液控制器high-low level control
emitting area
发射抛物天线transmitting paraboloid
compression face
受压compression area.
变断楔形板材taper plate
可变截喷管variable nozzle
各向等积收集器omnidirectional collector
喷管岀口截tip of nozzle
刨光的木料surfaced on four sides
加压式砧tetrahedral anvil
四开断quarter section
围道曲contour surface
等温线solid isotherm
土的剖soil profile
车床在刀架上最大加工直径swing over carriage
背景反射信号background return
地下水位表phreatic surface
地下水位表groundwater surface
地下水位计表piezometric surface
地质柱状剖geologic columnar section
沿地震剖勘探profile shooting
坐标coordinate plane
坝的迎水坡度upstream slope of dam
垫在下的开口环collar bush
地平drawing of site
堤坝承水dam face
填方路堤fill section
护墙磁砖furring tile
复剖composite section
部立outside face
外居住等于公寓外面的面积 EAA +户外公用面积ECAexterior resident area
多方的效应multiple effect
运量观测站blanket-count station
大阴极积光电倍增器large-area photomultiplier
套式铳刀facing-type cutter
密级配柏油游青dense tar surfacing
对立opposite faces
路面seal coat
45°屋坡度square pitch
荧光tube face
履带与地车轮与轨道的附着力track adhesion
棋盘形嵌石镶嵌细工的tessellated pavement
等高,同水平交叉grade crossing
位置环视扫描显示器plane position indicator
位置雷达显示器plan position indicator scope
planar element
力系合成composition of forces in plane
底层ground plan
布置site plan
总布置general layout
屋顶flat roof
板材弯曲试验camber test
坐标方位角grid azimuth
配合上下straight die
铳刀slabbing mill
平截八truncated octahedron
平行垂直于层压压缩强度edgewise compression
填方挖方平衡纵断balanced profile
平路road planer
占地,楼面,设备所占floor space
底和端beds and butts
to sb.'s face
木材径截纹理quarter-sawn grain
径锯quarter-sawn grain
大量生产gross commercial area
总受热total heating surface
总居住等于公寓单元总面积+公寓服务面积+公寓辅助面积+技术用房gross residental area
总平布置general layout
成层铺装coursed pavement
特性behavior of cross section
的变化过程曲线behavior of cross section
逐渐扩大gradual enlargement
逐渐缩小gradual contraction
户外公用广场等exterior common area
扁椭oblate ellipsoid
打底、 中层和罩三层涂抹render, float and set
打底和罩两层涂抹render and set
pinch plane
抛物反射器parabolic dish
抛物接攵天线receiving parabola
ring stone
搭盖墙rustic siding
摇臂钻横动床traverse bed
支承承压,升力carrying plane
支承area of bearing
放射emission surface
故障故障范围分析surface analysis
整面,修整dressing hammer
楔形chamfer cut
创削angle planing
新铺green surface
无光泽荧光frosted face
无筋混凝土路unreinforced concrete pavement
无碴open bridge floor
格子间距grating space
curved surface
双色印刷aniline printing
刀具的曲切削curved cutting face
有关方the proper authorities
有效水流active cross-section
有效可用 useful area
有效迷惑干扰effective confusion area
木排 圆木corduroy mat
电子束截area of beam
极射赤投影网stereographic net
柱状剖geologic column
格式楼coffered floor
格纹楼 waffle floor
road of bridge
圆形ellipsoidal mirror
槽钢 channel cross-section
横截transverse cross-section
横断bench section
填角焊缝front fillet weld
辐射head-on radiation
正则多regular polyhedron
歪得舷边和水相平gunwale to
歪得舷边和水相平gunwale down
matte surface
般的光泽water glaze
水平高度elevation of water
水平剖horizontal profile
水文测验断demarcated section
石子washed finish
沥青asphalt carpet
波浪形切cutting plane
活塞环内表back of piston ring
测站施测断demarcated section
下某深度的压力subsurface pressure
控制level control
混凝土路刷毛brush finish
洪水淹路overtopping of highway
滑移glide mirror
灌柏油碎石路面层tar-grouted surfacing
火焰表清理surface scarfing
灯泡表tube face
荧光屏spherical face
几何学geometry of spheres
凸轮spherical cam
墁刀bacca box smoother
球状投影globular projection
球极平极射赤面 投影尺stereographic ruler
球极平极射赤面 投影网stereographic grid
球极平极射赤面 投影网stereographic net
直线走刀曲仿形铣铳刀在一次走刀中,只有上下和纵或横一个方向的移动stroke milling
相对涂布double spread
相接贴合abutted surface
相界phase-contact area
短槽敷droved dressing
凿平的plain work
斫平的工作plain work
shell plate
sheathing plate
破断cutting plane
破断broken out section
碟形曲dished turn
磨掉的lost surface
离路高度road clearance
elevational drawing
立缝白铁屋standing seam tin roof
纵向行程挡块facing stop
积法end-area method
end window
车削surface cut
端立end vertical plane
端纵end vertical plane
等效当量equivalent cross-section
等相平equiphase plane
管接头凸垫圈male adapter
管接头凹垫圈female adapter
管泡涂磷光体的玻璃face glass
管道输水道conduit section
做成粗糙sandpaper surfacing
压路机roughing roller
素混凝土路unreinforced concrete pavement
纵断profile paper
纺锤形圆纹曲spindle-shaped solid
有效绕射截面diffraction cross-section
绘油井剖well log
编码信号black area
finishing layer
finishing coat
finish-coat paint
群众场group shot
填角焊缝焊道back bead
背水下游坡度downstream batter
背立back view
节理分界divisional plane
节理平joint plane
芯柱梁腹stem section
不平度奇异性surface irregularity
修整路面翻修材料resurfacing material
加工face work
指触午燥dry tack free
发纹缺陷surface flaw
奇点缺陷surface irregularity
质量之比surface-to-mass ratio
尺寸superficial dimension
superficial stratum
活性活化surface active chemical
渗人层blotter coat
木材炭化防腐法superficial charring
的修琢figuring of surfaces
外表裂缝external crack
针孔pitted skin
铝及铝合金防蚀化学处理法Alrak method
龟裂checked surface
裂纹checked surface
bareface tenon
shell plate
sheathing plate
观测剖observed profile
角焊缝断形状profile of fillet weld
调浆dough mill
超前 生产,最近采矿工作forefield
表层road carpet
底,承重road base
头道液体沥青asphalt primer
标高grade elevation
画线标示delineation marking
翻新大修renewal of pavement
路拌柏油混合料路面层tar-road-mix surface
轮辋断rim section
软表pressure release surface
辐射表emitting area
相遇nose to nose
井的进水曲cone of intake
金属metal covering
弹着指示法clock system
钻孔柱状孔径钻探calliper log
铁芯core area
surfacing material
锯齿波浪形纵断choppy grade
反射mirror surface
反射specular layer
反射散射specular scattering
阳极前的光anode column
层表面薄层boundary layer seam
雕嵌石头上雕凿出的供镶嵌屏板用的凹陷平面sunk face
雨量器的承雨exposure of rain-gauge
霜化毛化frosted face
非球校正透镜aspherical correcting lens
非纵地震反射剖broadside seismic reflection profiling
face piece
元素surface element
坐标areal coordinates
保护mat coat
skin coat
顶,外涂top coat
顶,外涂top coat
层涂层back coat
图,镶panel board
饰,护facing stone
瓷,搪炉stove tile
积元surface element
积元素differential of area
积单元surface element
积法area method
积的形心centroid of area
积系area factor
surface element
shell plate
sheathing plate
骨料表结构aggregate surface texture
black area