
Terms for subject Genetics containing | all forms
下颌-颜成骨不全征Treacher-Collin syndrome
乙型肝炎病毒表抗原hepatitis B virus surface antigen
乙型肝炎病表抗原基因hepatitis B virus surface antigen gene (HBsAg 基因)
交叉单one-plane theory of chiasma
交叉双two-plane theory of chiasma
接合lateral conjugation
先天性身、及颈畸形congenital anomalies of ear, face and neck
交叉说one-plane theory of chiasma
one-plane theory
交叉说two plane theory of chiasma
变异型表糖蛋白variant surface glycoprotein
口--指综合征OFD 综合征oral facial digital syndrome
培养slant culture
培养slant cultivation
琼脂slant agar
新二neo-two-plane theory
琼脂斜培养agar slant culture
离心interface centrifugation
眼-下颌-部综合征Hallermann-Streiff syndrome
腭-心-综合征velocardiofacial syndrome
划线培养surface streak cultivation
剂量surface dose
因子surface factor
F 表排斥F surface exclusion
衣壳surface coat
facial form
容异常facial anomalies
-手-指-生殖器综合征Aarskog syndrome
肩肱型肌营养不良症facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
部表情facial expression
-指发育不全Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
畸形craniofacial malformation
骨发育不全Crouzon syndrome
颅-腕-发育不良craniocarpotarsal dysplasia
马铃薯斜potato plug