
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
万向架固定抛物天线gimbaled dish antenna
上半平upper half of plane
上部平水平联结top lateral connections
不屏蔽表bare surface
不平地broken ground
不相干散射截incoherent scattering cross section
不透水护watertight facing
专用集成电路桌操作台ASIC desktop console
21世纪地战士 部队twenty-first century surface combatant
21 世纪地武士twenty-first century land warrior
21世纪地武士第二代twenty-first century land warrior/generation II
业务特定向连接协议service-specific connection-oriented protocol
两步淀积皱纹表多晶硅two step deposited rugged surface polysilicon
严重光学镜损伤catastrophic optical mirror damage
严限界台close-confinement mesa
middle surface
中型地站模块medium ground station module
中子俘获截neutron capture cross section
中子微分截differential neutron cross section
中子总截total neutron cross section
中子总截neutron total cross section
中子截neutron cross section
中子截neutron cross section library
中子扩散neutron diffusion area
中子移出截neutron removal cross section
中子能量剖冲子能量分布neutron power profile
中子运输截neutron transport cross section
中心与表势垒高度差center surface barrier difference (SOI 技术)
中继器平位置指示器repeater plan position indicator
中间像intermediate image plane
企业全电子管理解决方案total enterprise electronic management solution
企业桌管理程序enterprise desktop manager
伏•秒voltage-time area
休斯卫星地Hughes satellite earth station
传热heat transfer area
传热heat transfer surface
倒棱圆边技术rounded edge mesa technique
倒边的表chamfered surface
借助表响应方法学获取知识knowledge acquisition from response surface methodology
分出截removal cross section
分区页队列元素partition page queue element
分子束表散射molecular beam surface scattering
分布功能平distributed functional plane
分布反馈双沟道平掩埋异质结构半导体激光器distributed feedback double channel planar buried heterostructure semiconductor laser
分布式通用地系统distributed common ground system
分级式向对象的设计hierarchical object oriented design
X 切割晶体、Z 方向传播声表滤波器X-cut crystal, Z-propagating surface acoustic wave filter
刚性表式加热器rigid surface heater
初始裂变截initial fission cross section
利用中子和离子碰撞辐射的表成分分析法surface composition analysis by neutron and ion impact radiation
包壳管横截cladding tube cross-sectional area
包壳管横截clad tube cross-sectional area
包壳管表温度cladding tube surface temperature
包壳管表温度clad tube surface temperature
化学机械平chemical mechanical planarization
北极north pole face
北约地防空网系统NATO air defence ground environment
合成材料色散参数composite profile dispersion parameter
同位素激活截isotopic activation cross section
同时抗蚀剂背蚀刻技术simultaneous resist etchback
板标识rear label
后加热铝平工艺aluminum-planarization by postheating process
后向散射截monostatic cross section
后向散射截back scattering cross-section
启发式向对象的程序设计heuristic object-oriented programming
圆偏振平circularly polarized plane wave
圆形截三芯三相电缆three-conductor round cable
圆截导线round wire
圆截导线circular conductor
圆片背氧化oxidation on the back side of the wafer
圆片表分析wafer surface analysis
圆片表喷液扫描wafer surface scanning by droplet
圆锥截conical section
在两个方both ways
在两方both ways
在刻外延生长growth on facets
在地以上above ground
在地表at grade
在应用和开发方的领先地位及精品leadership and excellence in the application and development
上的基标点ground orientation mark
下凝汽器underfloor condenser
互连电缆网络interconnecting ground cabling network
传送数字视频广播digital video broadcasting for terrestrial
位置指示器ground position indicator
作战操作支援系统ground operational support system
作战命令ground order of battle
作战支援中心ground operational support center
信号ground light
光学孔径合成技术terrestrial optical aperture synthesis technique
公用设备ground common equipment
制导站ground guidance station
制导设备ground guidance equipment
动程雷达surface movement radar
厂房水电站aboveground hydropower station
压力thrust of earth
厚度floor depth
合成信号混频器ground composite signal mixer
和两栖军事行动ground and amphibious military operations
地球站ground earth station
处理ground handling
处理与维护设备ground handling and servicing equipment
处理系统ground processing system
处理设备handling ground equipment
处理设备ground handling equipment
核废料处置terrestrial disposal
放射性废物处置区ground disposal area
处置设施ground disposal facility
备用仪器ground backup instrument
安全壳aboveground containment
完整性监测信道ground integrity monitoring channel
定时信号发生器ground timing generator
广播发射terrestrial broadcast transmission
引导guidance control
微波链路terrestrial microwave link
战术航空管制系统ground tactical air control system
指令制导ground command guidance
指令接口逻辑ground command interface logic
指令控制彩色电视装置ground commanded color television assembly
探测器ground detector
接口模块terrestrial interface module
接口设备terrestrial interface unit
接收时间ground-received time
控制发射机ground-controlled transmitter
控制拦截雷达ground controlled intercept radar
控制拦截雷达站ground control interception radar station
控制操作设备ground controlled operational equipment
控制着陆ground-controlled landing
控制装置ground control unit
控制轰炸系统ground control bombing system
控制进场雷达ground controlled approach radar
控制雷达ground-controlled radar
搜索雷达surface search radar
摄影相片terrestrial photograph
支援ground support
支援模拟计算机ground support simulation computer
支援系统ground support system
支援系统检査ground support system review
支援系统规范ground support system specification
支援维护设备ground support maintenance equipment
支援设备系统规范ground support equipment system specification
支援设施ground support facility
攻击控制能力ground attack control capability
故障ground malfunction
故障告警ground fault warning
故障探测器ground fault detector
故障断路器ground fault interrupter
故障电路断路器ground fault circuit interrupter
效应起飞与着陆ground effect take-off and landing
数字电路terrestrial digital circuit
数字音频广播terrestrial digital audio broadcasting
机动部队ground mobile forces
机动部队卫星通信系统ground mobile forces satellite communications system
机载航空电子设备系统ground airborne avionics system
标记land mark
检验装置ground verification unit
检验设备ground checkout equipment
武器火力控制surface weapons fire control
水文学模型ground hydrology model
水电站aboveground hydropower station
活动控制ground movement control
测绘雷达ground mapping radar
测绘雷达平面位置指示器ground mapping plan position indicator
测试ground test
测试命令ground test command
测试支援设备test ground support equipment
测试计划ground test program
测量与通信系统ground instrumentation and communications system
测量设备ground instrumentation equipment
温度ground temperature
湿度ground humidity
激光定位指示器ground laser locator designator
激光指示站ground laser designator station
激光雷达ground laser radar
火力定位系统ground fire location system
照明灯ground light
熔炼ground melt
特征terrain feature
环境规划ground environment program
环境设备ground environment equipment
电压接地网两点间的电压降ground voltage
电子接口设备ground electronic interface unit
电子系统ground electronics system
电子维修设备electronic maintenance ground equipment
电源设备ground power supply unit
电站terrestrial power plant
电缆可以移动的电缆land cable
建筑物疏水floor drains
疏水箱floor drain tank
疏水系统floor drain system
着陆控制区earth landing control area
着陆系统earth landing system
、空中遥控机器人系统ground and air teleoperated robotic system
突防雷达ground-penetrating radar
窃听ground interception
终端控制earth terminal control
终端操作与支援设施ground terminal operations and support component
终端终点标识符ground terminal endpoint identifier
网络接口模块terrestrial network interface module
网络连接设备terrestrial network connection equipment
航天器跟踪与数据网络ground spacecraft tracking and data network
航线电话系统terrestrial in-flight telephone system
航线通信系统terrestrial in-flight telecommunications system
覆盖区域earth coverage area
观测所ground observation post
观测站台ground observation post
训练辅助设备ground training aid
设备ground unit
设施环境评估程序program for evaluation of ground environment
设置的自适应相控阵天线adaptive ground implemented phased array
调动控制ground movement control
调度雷达ground movement radar
贮存surface storage
放射性废物贮存露天贮存ground storage
/车辆激光定位指示器ground/vehicular laser locator designator
辐射源定位与识别系统ground emitter location and identification system
通信业务ground communication activities
通信线路ground line of communications
通信设施-通信交换机ground communications facility-communications switcher
遥测子系统ground telemetry subsystem
防撞雷达terrain avoidance radar
集群无线通信terrestrial trunked radio
地下水groundwater table
地下水比降watertable slope
抽水所引起的地下水降落锥watertable depression cone
地层剖地质stratigraphic section
地质不连续:结构面;切割面geological discontinuity
地质不连续:结构面;切割面geologic discontinuity
地质剖地质strata profile
地质剖geologic profile
地震地运动earthquake ground motion
堆芯有效流通effective flow area of core
堤防护levee revetment
complex plane
复式断composite cross section
复式断compound cross section
河槽的复式横断composite cross section
复斜屋curb roof
事件检测模块external event detection module
过滤器保护栅face shield
涂塑料的plastic sheathed
外延台epitaxial mesa
外延台光电晶体管epitaxial mesa phototransistor
外延台晶体管epitaxial mesa transistor
外延生长台式晶体管epitaxial mesa
外延硅表epitaxial silicon surface
外表检查outer surface inspection
外部共享页external shared page table
外部界external interface
外部页external page table
外部页表项external page table entry
外露岩exposed rock surface
多任务先进地智能控制multimission advanced ground intelligent control
多普勒平均截Doppler-averaged cross section
多晶硅增强背吸杂polysilicon enhanced gettered backside
多极等离子元multipole surface plasmons
多线程检索页multithreaded search page
多群截multigroup cross section
多重平掺杂multiple planar doping
幅面布告broad-area announcement
积加工large area processing
积反射干涉测量技术large area reflective interferometry
积处理large area processing
积太阳能电池阵列large area solar cell array
积太阳能电池阵列large area solar array
积接触结构broad-area contact structure
积杀伤弹药wide area munition
积离子源离子蚀剂large area source supported ion etching
积计数器large area counter
积记录阅读机large area record reader
积透射密度large area transmittance density
积集成电路large area integrated circuit
积雪崩光电二极管large area avalanche photodiode
大光腔分段箍缩平双异质结构激光器large optical cavity sectional constricted planar double heterostructure laser
大地基准geodetical level
大型焦平阵列large focal plane array
大幅反装甲弹药wide area anti-armor munitions
大幅探针large area prober
大幅显示large area display
大幅显示板large-area panel
大幅照相机large frame camera
大幅电子显示板large area electronic panel
大幅电子显示板large area electronic display panel
大幅电子沟道效应模式large-area electron channeling patterns
大表电极large-surface electrode
内页inside front cover
封接界局部氧化工艺sealed interface local oxidation process
封接界局部隔离sealed interface local isolation
封装的页描述语言文件encapsulated postscript file
小型可迁移地small transportable earth station
小型表安装生产线compact surface mounter line
反应堆带侧反射层的side reflected
带油压减震的碳密封oil-buffered carbon face seal
带透镜发射体lensed surface emitter
帧间视频对象interframe video object plane
开挖working face
异质界场效应晶体管hetero-interface field-effect transistor
异质结光电晶体管-垂直腔发射激光器heterojunction phototransistor-vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser
弧形板支墩坝curved buttress dam
战术地支援设备tactical ground support equipment
战术射程对面制导导弹tactical range surface-to-surface guided missile
战术无人值守地传感器tactical unattended ground sensor
sectional area
数据储存和检索系统cross section information storage and retrieval system
测定cross-section determination
渐变波导管tapered waveguide
滤波器pi-section filter
特性数据cross section quality
核反应资料辑数据集cross-section compilation
截击机半自动地控制semi-automatic ground control of interceptor
截击测定用地光学记录设备ground optical recorder for intercept determination
截抛物cut paraboloid
截抛物反射器cut paraboloidal reflector
按组平均截group averaged cross section
按计划要求全开发full-scale development request for proposal
按通量平均的截flux-averaged cross-section
按键控制push button panel
挖开断excavated section
挠性表加热器flexible surface heater
支撑bearing area
支架和rack and panel
星形处延平star epitaxial planar
星形截的燃料棒star shaped slug
最大存储密度每平方英寸磁盘表面可存储的最大信息位数maximal areal density
最大平线性热功率maximum planar linear heat generation power
最大楼加速度zero period acceleration
最小接触minimum contact area
最小接触minimal contact area
最小接触积静电吸盘minimum contact area electrostatic chuck
最高表温度maximum surface temperature
分析与测绘计划lunar analysis and mapping program
实验舱lunar surface experiment package
应答器lunar surface transponder
科研舱lunar surface scientific module
转发器lunar surface transponder
月球表硬着陆hard lunar landing
有效工作active area
有效传热热交换面积effective heat transfer surface
有效反射cross section
有效投影辐射表effective projected radiant surface
有效极active polar surface
有效电极表activation polar surface
有效碰撞截effective collision cross-section
有效表漏电阻effective surface leakage resistance
有效表电容率effective surface permittivity
有效表阻抗effective surface impedance
有正常焦平的长焦距long distance with normal focal plane
有沥青铺层的碎石路coated macadam
有限宽度导体底托共波导finite-width conductor-backed coplanar waveguide
朝阳的一sunny side
期末账存量ending book inventory
未作图中间掩模表分析技术unpatterned reticle surface analysis technology
未建成unbuilt area
本底截background cross-section
本征表光伏效应intrinsic surface photovoltage effect
本征表光致电压效应intrinsic surface photovoltage effect
栅元均匀化截cell-homogenized cross section
校准comparison surface
校准sizing plane
椭圆偏振平elliptically polarized plane wave
椭圆形接触elliptical area of contact
椭圆截elliptical section
椭圆断elliptical section
椭圆断elliptic section
模块化固态电子航天地设备modular electronic solid state aerospace ground equipment
模拟电磁脉冲地环境simulated EMP ground environment
模拟界analog interface
横向lateral face
横截扫描电子显微分析法cross-section scanning electron microscopy
横截扫描隧道显微分析法cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy
横截扫描隧道显微分析法与扫描隧穿谱分析法cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning tunneling spectroscopy
横截扫描隧道显微镜cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscope
横截透射电子显微分析法cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy
横截透射电子显微照片cross-sectional transmission electron micrograph
横断cross-sectional area
横断原子力显微镜cross-sectional atomic force microscope
横断扫描电子显微分析法cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy
横断扫描电子显微照片cross-sectional scanning electron micrograph
横断模型cross-sectional model
横表surface transverse wave
欠热表沸腾subcooled surface boiling
气象卫星地计算机系统METEOSAT ground computer system
氢化四体非晶碳hydrogenated tetrahedral amorphous carbon
氧化物反蚀刻reverse etching of oxide
氧化物-硅界oxide/silicon interface
氮化硅表淀积氧化物氧化工艺oxidation of deposited oxide on nitrided silicon surface
清洁clean area
渠道canal cover plate
温度控制声表波振荡器temperature-controlled SAW oscillator
温度补偿声表波振荡器temperature compensated SAW oscillator
漏声表leakage surface acoustic wave
漏导沟道衬底平结构leaky-guided channeled substrate planar structure
漏导沟道衬底平结构激光器leaky-guided channeled substrate planar structure laser
漏表波滤波器surface leaky wave filter
漫反射diffuse reflector
焊缝根部root face
無权平射影stereographical projection
無权平射影stereographic projection
偏差focal plane deviation
焦平晶体分光计focal plane crystal spectrometer
焦平阵列体系结构focal plane array architecture
三角学spherical trigonometry
偏转分析器spherical deflector analyzer
光栅单色仪spherical grating monochromator
光栅透镜spherical grating lens
凹曲度控制多孔散布器阴极发射体表面spherically concave controlled porosity dispenser cathode emitter surface
吸收校正spherical absorption correction
垫圈形套环spherical washer shaper collar
封头密封垫圈spherically faced closure washer
steradian (SI 制立体角单位)
sterad (SI 制立体角单位)
微组合透镜spherical micro integrated lenses
栅迟滞电位分析仪spherical grid retarding potential analyzer
概率误差spherical probable error
spherical faced pan
谐波分析spherical harmonic analysis
谐波系数spherical harmonic coefficient
镜分析仪spherical mirror analyzer
天线阵列spherical array
球床表pebble bed surface
理想传导perfectly conducting surface
甚低台条型结构very low mesa strip structure
甚大积集成very large area integration
甚小天线卫星地very small aperture terminals
甚高频单信道地与机载无线电系统single channel ground and airborne radio subsystem VHF
生活福利区living and welfare facility zone area
用铅覆lead lined
真正平显像管infinite flat tube
砂轮机可以提高工件的精度及其表的光洁度The grinding machine could raise the precision of a workpiece and improve its surface finish
ashlar brick
砌块体路block pavement
砖块brick facing
砖块砌brick facing
砖铺路brick pavement
缓冲buffer area
缓发中子delayed neutron area
缓变势垒量子阱异质结构大积激光器graded barrier quantum well heterostructure broad area laser
配筋joint reinforcement
耐酸瓷砖地acidproof ceramic tile floor
耦合共波导coupled coplanar waveguide
脉冲响应积比impulse response area ratio
航天器地作战支援系统接口测试系统spacecraft GOSS interface test system
航天器地控制进场spacecraft ground-controlled approach
航天器电视地数据处理系统spacecraft television ground data handling system
航空无线电地交换机ground aviation radio exchange
航空港地探测设备airport surface detection equipment
航空用地aeronautical ground light
航空航天系统地操作语言ground operations aerospace language
航运地aeronautical utility land station
谐振散射截resonance scattering cross section
贋表pseudosurface wave
money of account
存量book inventory
记载的物料book inventory
质子轰击双沟道平隐埋异质结构激光二极管proton bombarded double channel planar buried heterostructure laser diode
送气air supplied mask
逃脱截escape cross-section
选择外延平工艺selective epitaxial planar process
选择性表掺杂selective surface doping
选择性钨多层平工艺selective tungsten multiple-level planar process
选频frequency selective surface
选频反射器frequency selective reflector surface
透镜剖对中系统lens profile alignment system
透镜形发射体lensed surface emitter
通用地无线接人universal terrestrial radio access
通用地设备general purpose ground equipment
通用平定向器universal flat orienter
通用移动通信系统地无线接人UMTS terrestrial radio access
通用移动通信系统地无线接人网UMTS terrestrial radio access network
通过表改性优化抗蚀剂剖面的工艺process for resist profile improvement with surface modification
通道横截流通channel cross-sectional flow area
锁模声表波振荡器mode-locked SAW oscillator
锁模声表波振荡器mode-locked surface acoustic wave oscillator
锂表扩散金属离子源lithium surface diffusion metal ion source
frontal surface
锐波束地测绘雷达ground mapping pencil radar
锥形槽剖测定法tapered-groove profilometry
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