
Terms containing 面对面 | all forms | in specified order only
ecol.一种产品对环境各方面的问题environmental aspects (of a product)
expl.一维平面对称on-dimensional plane symmetry
math.一面对数图semi-logarithmic chart
econ.下面是我们对国内市场变化的观察报告We give below our observations on the changes of the home market
tech.不对称平面unsymmetrical plan
tech.不对称平面unsymmetric plan
tech.不对称断面non-symmetric section
tech.不对称断面轧材unbalanced section roll bar
tech.道路的不对称横断面unsymmetrical cross-section
tech.道路的不对称横断面unsymmetric cross-section
tech.不对称正面asymmetrical facade
tech.不对称正面asymmetric facade
tech.不对称立面asymmetrical facade
tech.不对称立面unsymmetrical facade
tech.不对称立面unsymmetric facade
tech.不对称立面asymmetric facade
tech.不对称表面皱纹asymmetrical surface ridge
tech.不对称表面皱纹asymmetric surface ridge
tech.不对称面asymmetrical face
tech.不对称面asymmetric face
agric.两侧对称平面bilateral plane of symmetry
avia.中程面对空导弹medium-range surface-to-air missile
securit.书面对账单written reconciliation statement
agric.二十面体对称icosahedral symmetry (symmetria icosahedralis)
gen.互相面对面toward each other
tech.交通对路面的揉搓作用kneading action of traffic
tech.人体左右对称的断面medial sagittal plane
econ.代表团对本协议的措词以书面的形式提出异议The delegates presented an objection in writing to the wording of the agreement
gen.你可以在对面那条街的药店买到这种药You can get some at the pharmacy across the street
gen.使 M 面对〔临〕bring M face to face with
gen.使面对bring up against
agric.侧面对称[性]lateral symmetry
gen.做出勇敢面对现实的样子put on a bold front (on)
gen.做出勇敢面对现实的样子show a bold front (on)
gen.做出勇敢面对现实的样子present a bold front (on)
tech.像对共面basal coplane
tech.像对平共面horizontal coplane
avia.先进空对面导弹引头advanced air-to-surface missile seeker
avia.先进面对空导弹系统advanced surface-to-air missile system
tech.全球性海面相对上升global relative rise of sea level
tech.全球性海面相对下降global relative fall of sea level
tech.全球性海面相对稳定global relative stillstand of sea level
China, polit.全面提高对外开放水平make China more open to the outside world in all respects
securit.全面相对价格overall price relative
math.关于平面的对称mirror symmetry
math.关于平面的对称symmetry with respect to a plane
adv.内文对面位置facing matter
chem.凸面对焊法兰raised face welding neck flange
tech.凸面对焊法烂raised face welding neck flange
gen.别这样,要勇敢面对自己Don't be like this. You should be brave to yourself
tech.刻对角线槽石面punched work
tech.刻对角线槽石面broached work
desert.剖面对比图section correlation
gen.加人反对方面be on the other side of the fence
gen.勇敢地面对stand up to
gen.勇敢地面对show a bold front (on)
gen.勇敢地面对put on a bold front (on)
gen.勇敢地面对present a bold front (on)
gen.勇敢地面对某事物look sth. in the face
econ.勇敢面对beard (或对付)
commer.包装方面的这一改变对我们相当不便It is rather inconvenient for us to make such a change in packing
tech.半面型对称hemi-hedral symmetry
tech.单向加载三对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading three-pair sliding-face cubical ultrahigh pressure device
tech.单向加载三对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading three-pair sliding-face cubic ultrahigh pressure device
tech.单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubical ultrahigh pressure device
tech.单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubic ultrahigh pressure device
tech.单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压高温装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubical ultrahigh pressure and high temperature device
tech.单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压高温装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubic ultrahigh pressure and high temperature device
tech.单斜面对接single bevel butt joint
tech.单面 V 形对single V butt joint
tech.单面V形对single V butt weld (缝)
tech.单面V形对接single V joint
busin.单面V形对接焊single V butt joint
tech.单面V形对接焊single V-butt weld
tech.单面斜对焊接single-bevel butt joint
chem.单面焊对接接头single-welded butt joint
tech.单面盖板对接single-strap butt joint
sport.压缩对方的防守面pack the defence
tech.双对称断面double symmetrical cross-section
chem.双面 V 形对焊接double V butt joint
tech.双面 V 形对焊接double V-butt weld joint
shipb.双面对接焊double welded butt joint
tech.双面对焊接double-welded butt joint
tech.双面V形对double V-butt joint
tech.双面V形对接接头double-V butt joint
tech.双面焊对接接头double-welded butt joint
tech.反射对称面reflection plane of symmetry
tech.反辐射对称面abactinal side
tech.反面对反面相叠back to face
gen.同时对几个摩擦面进行润滑的装置multiluber (方法)
tech.后刀面相对磨损率relative wear of the tool flank
China, polit.向全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见communicate: to the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee suggestions, criticisms and comments on all aspects of its work
China, polit.向常务委员会书面提出对国务院和国务院各部、各委员会的质询案submit to the Standing Committee written questions addressed to the State Council and the ministries and commissions under the State Council
gen.和…对面相撞run full butt into
gen.和…对面相撞run full butt against
gen.和…对面相撞come full butt into
gen.和…对面相撞come full butt against
gen.四面体: "不对称性"Tetrahedron: "Asymmetry"
tech.四面体对称性tetrahedral symmetry
tech.四面对称曲线tetrahedral symmetric curve
China, polit.因各方面对制定该法律的必要性、可行性等重大问题存在较大意见分歧owing to significant disagreement among the various quarters on the necessity and feasibility of making the bill into a law
gen.在…对面over against
gen.在…对面〔过〕across from
gen.M 在M对面be opposite (to)
gen.在对面on the other side
gen.在N方面对 M 给予应有评价give M credit for (N)
gen.在正对面in front
gen.M 在M的正对面over against
tech.在石面刻对角线墙broached work
tech.地层柱状剖面对比图stratigraphical correlation diagram
tech.地层柱状剖面对比图stratigraphic correlation diagram
avia.地面发射的先进中距离空对空导弹surface launched advanced medium range air-to-air missile
avia.地面对空警戒引导雷达aircraft warning and ground control radar
agric.地面对车辆的推进力surface traction
tech.地面摄影立体像对terrestrial stereogram
mil., air.def.地面电子对抗装备ground based electronic warfare equipment
avia.地面部队对空联络官ground liaison
sport.外面有几个篮球筐和一对生锈的金属双杠Outside there are a handful of basketball hoops and a set of rusty metal parallel bars
tech.多面体对策polyhedral game
gen.多面体的对棱opposite edge of a polyhedron
tech.多面体的对角面diagonal plane of a polyhedron
gen.实验性"面对面"导弹experimental surface-to-surface missile
tech.对不动隐藏者的平面搜索plane search for an immobile hider
nautic., tech.对仲裁员回避的书面请求challenge against an arbitrator
gen.M 对M作全面的调査〔观察〕make a survey of
gen.对M作N方面〔成分〕的分析analyze M for (N)
tech.对偶工作面double face
tech.对偶面dual face
tech.对双方面都有约束力binding upon all parties
econ.对各方有约束力的是书面协议,而非口头的It is the written agreement, not the parol one that is binding on parties (协议)
China, law对各方面工作的建议suggestion on any aspect of work
China, polit.对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见suggestions, criticisms and complaints on any aspect of work
China, polit.对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见proposals, criticisms or opinions concerning any sphere of work
avia.对地速度/地面轨迹ground speed/ground track
tech.对地面水的密封tight to surface water
gen.〔飞机〕对地面目标的攻击strike attack
mil., air.def.对地面防空兵器突击antiground attack
securit.对大户的书面警告written caution to big investors
tech.对头顶屋面板center nailing
avia.对小面积目标轰炸pickle barrel bombing
tech.对屋面板的特殊要求characteristics of shingles
tech.对拉面opposite faces
tech.对接单面盖板铆接single butt-strap riveting
tech.对接双面盖板铆接double-butt-strap riveting
tech.对接的屋面木板瓦joint shingle
tech.对数平均面积logarithmic-mean area
earth.sc.对数正态多球面矩阵log-normal multisphere matrix
tech.对数速度剖面图logarithmic profile of velocity
gen.对映面antipodal plane
tech.对有关各方面都有约束力binding upon all parties
China, polit.对有关地方性法规和工作文件进行全面梳理screen all relevant local laws, regulations and decrees
AI.对极平面epipolar plane
tech.对构件表面直接钉装top nailing
tech.对沥青路面层修补skin patch
tech.对流传热面convective heating surface
tech.对流加热表面convection heating surface
mil., air.def.对海警戒地面雷达ground to surface vessel radar
agric.对照剖面control profile
tech.对照断面contrast section
tech.对照断面check cross-section
desert.对照面积control area
tech.对着庭院的立面elevation facing yard
tech.对称symmetrical plane
tech.对称symmetric plane
tech.对称剖面symmetrical profile
tech.对称剖面symmetric profile
tech.对称四极剖面曲线symmetrical quadripole profiling curve
tech.对称四极剖面曲线symmetric quadripole profiling curve
tech.对称回转抛物面薄壳paraboloidal shell of rotational symmetry
math.对称平面plane of symmetry
avia.对称平面symmetry plane
tech.对称断面symmetrical cross-section
tech.对称断面symmetric cross-section
tech.对称断面型钢symmetrical section steel
tech.对称断面型钢symmetric section steel
tech.对称旋转面symmetrical surface of revolution
tech.对称旋转面symmetric surface of revolution
nautic., tech.对称流线型切面symmetrical aerofoil section
tech.对称立面symmetrical facade
tech.对称立面symmetric facade
tech.对称轴面axial plane of symmetry
agric.对称面planar of symmetry
tech.对称面symmetry of faces
agric.对称面symmetrical plane (planus symmetricus)
expl.对称面plane of
sport., med.对称面plane of symmetry
avia.对空警戒及地面引导雷达aircraft warning and ground control radar
construct.对立面opposite faces
tech.对置面opposing face
tech.对角diagonal plane
expl.对角工作面oblique front
expl.对角工作面diagonal face
tech.对角截面diagonal section
tech.对角滑移平面diagonal glide plane
chem.对角滑移面 ndiagonal glide plane n
tech.对角线曲面diagonal surface
tech.对角钢筋带的有效面积effective area of reinforcement in diagonal bends
tech.对角铺砌石板瓦屋面drop-point slating
agric.对角面diagonal plane
agric.对角面尺diagonal scale
tech.对金属表面的亲合力affinity for metal
gen.对面right ahead
tech.对面opposite hand
gen.对面opposite side
adv.对面位置facing matter
railw.对面列车opposing train
tech.对面布置double layout
gen.对面店里打底裤便宜得多The leggings are way cheaper in the shop across the street
tech.对面板counter plate
tech.对面窗counter light
tech.对面顶opposed anvil
tech.对面顶装置opposed anvil apparatus
adv.对顶棱锥的版面设计double pyramid
tech.局部海面相对上升local relative rise of sea level
tech.局部海面相对下降local relative fall of sea level
tech.屏面对角线picture diagonal
tech.峰的相对面积relative area of peak
expl.工程爆破对环境与生态的负面影响negative effects of engineering blasting on the environment and ecology
econ.已对经销商进行了全面考査A review has been conducted of distributors
earth.sc.市价对账面价值比market-to-book value ratio
tech.常对称面common plane of symmetry
tech.平面对称异构plane symmetrical isomerism
tech.平面对称异构plane symmetric isomerism
tech.平面对称异构现象plane symmetrical isomerism
tech.平面对称异构现象plane symmetric isomerism
tech.平面对称流动plane symmetry flow
tech.平面对等砧装置flat-faced opposite anvil
mil., air.def.平面显示器对敌方雷达无源测向passive PPI victim radar direction finding
tech.形式对称的立面图formal symmetrical elevation
expl.影响爆破行为的岩体特性描写的最少、包括非连续面的密度、强度、硬度、频率及自然属性、而且对爆破区域内这些参数的可变性了解的也最少The minimum description of rock mass properties that influence blast performance includes the density, strength, stiffness and frequency and nature of discontinuities, together with an understanding of the variability of these parameters across the blasting area
econ.我们对你方下列商品感兴趣,即美容霜、珍珠粉、面膜和护发素We are interested in the following items of yours, viz. vanishing cream, pearl powder, face pack and hair conditioner
gen.我帮您查一下。对不起,所有面朝花园的房间都已被订了Let me see... Sorry, you can not have a room facing the garden. All the rooms facing the garden have been reserved
gen.我方对贵方法兰绒面料很感兴趣,我在考虑价格问题。不知道贵方出什么价?We are interested in your flannel, but I'm wondering about the price. How much will you possibly offer us?
gen.战术射程面对面导弹tactical range surface-to-surface missile
gen.战术射程面对面导弹tactical range surface-to-surface guided missile
avia.战术空对面导弹tactical air-to-surface missile
avia.战术空对面系统tactical air-to-surface system
tech.截面对比资料data of cross-sectional comparison
tech.截面对比资料data of cross-section comparison
tech.护面块石相对重度relative mass density of rock armour
tech.护面块石相对重度relative mass density of rock armor
earth.sc.护面对称式硬土石坝faced symmetrical hardfill dam
sport.拉开对方的防守面防区spread the defence
sport.拉开对方的防守面open up
China, polit.推动对外关系全面发展promote comprehensive development of our relations with other countries
China, polit.提出对各方面工作的建议和意见offer suggestions and comments on all work
China, polit.提出对各方面工作的建议和意见make suggestions and comments on all work
tech.旋转对称双曲面hyperboloid of rotational symmetry
tech.无支护对角工作面untimbered rill
tech.时间剖面对比time sections correlation
gen.M 是M的对立面be opposite (to)
econ.最后,他们会对所发生的争执提供一份书面决定或公断书They will render a decision or award in writing upon such disputes finally
tech.木支护的对角工作面timbered rill
avia.未来面对空导弹系列future surface to air family
gen.杨先生的房子就在银行对面Mr. Yang's house is across the bank
avia.标准面对面导弹standard surface-to-surf ace missile
tech.梯形槽式密封面对焊法兰ring joint welding neck flange
tech.榫孔周围与榫肩对抵的夹面abutment cheek
tech.榫孔周围与榫肩对的颊面butment cheek
econ.正在对经济性质的这一问题进行全面调査A full-scale investigation is under way into the matter of economic nature
tech.正对面right opposite
econ.正面和反面的理由,赞成者和反对者pro and con
tech.正面对空观察frontal coverage
avia.水下对面导弹underwater-to surface missile
gen."水下对面"导弹由海底向地面或海面发射的underwater-to-surface missile
tech.水平线框法相对磁异常剖面图profile figure of relative magnetic anomaly of horizontal loop method
tech.水平线框法相对磁异常剖面平面图magnetic anomaly of horizontal loop method
econ.没有设计人的书面同意,不允许对既定的设计做任何变动It is not permissible to deviate from the set design without the written consent of the designer
tech.海平面相对升降曲线curve of relative eustatic sea level
tech.海平面相对变化全球性亚周期subperiod of sea level relative change
tech.海平面相对变化准周期paracycle of relative variation of sea level
tech.海平面相对变化准周期paracycle of relative change of sea level
tech.海面相对上升relative rise of sea level
tech.海面相对变化准旋回paracycle of relative change of sea level
tech.滑动对称面glide plane of symmetry
tech.滑移对称面glide plane of symmetry
gen.火箭助推的空对面炸弹air-to-surface rocket boosted bomb
chem.环槽式密封-面对焊法兰ring joint welding neck flange
tech.环槽式密封面对焊法兰ring joint welding neck flange
sport.球从对面墙上反弹rebound from the front wall (squash)
golf.球杆杆面相对封闭shut face
tech.球面对称三角形symmetrical spherical triangles
tech.球面对称三角形symmetric spheric triangles
math.球面对称分布spherically symmetric distributions
mil., air.def.球面对称能带spherically symmetric band
econ.由于我方始终未得到全面详细的信息,对你方市场不了解We are unfamiliar with your market situation since we haven't been fully informed
expl.由于膨胀气体挤压这种物质、致使能量损失速度快、爆后产物的压力和温度迅速下降。这些损失作为膨胀波传到反应区之内、因而降低了压力和反应速率、且最终消除了对爆震波面传播的能量支持As the expanding gases compress such material, energy is lost rapidly and pressure and temperature drop sharply in the reaction products. These losses are communicated to the interior of the reaction zone as a rarefaction wave, lowering the pressure and reaction rate, and ultimately removing support far the propagation of the detonation front
tech.相对峰面积relative peak area
agric.相对平面培养效果relative plating efficiency
tech.相对异常剖面曲profile curve of relative anomaly
tech.相对振幅剖面relative amplitude section
tech.相对方位平面位置指示器heading upward plan position indicator
tech.相对曲面拟合relative surface fitting
tech.相对最小面积relative minimum of area
agric.相对木质部输导面积relative xylem conduction area
tech.相对正截面reciprocal normal sections
earth.sc.相对海平面relative sea level
earth.sc.相对海平面上升relative sea level rise
earth.sc.相对海平面下降relative sea level fall
tech.相对虚分量剖面图profile figure of relative imaginary component
tech.相对虚分量剖面平面图profile-plan figure of relative imaginary component
tech.相对表面apparent surface
expl.相对表面活性relative surface activity
tech.相对表面磨损relative surface wear
tech.相对表面积浓度relative concentration of surface area
agric.相对输导面积relative conducting area
tech.相对镜面光泽度relative specular glossiness
construct.相对面涂布double spread
earth.sc.相对面积响应〔值〕relative area response
tech.相对面积响应relative area response
earth.sc.相片对假定平面不一定是水平面的相对倾斜relative tilt
avia.空对地面air to surface
avia.空对地面air to ground level
avia.空对地面武器air-to-surface weapon
gen."空对面"导弹由空中对地面或海面发射的导弹air-to-surface missile
obs.立〔站〕在对面stand opposite
gen.站在反对…方面be ranged against
expl.粒状炸药对其表面水分的亲和性prill's affinity of moisture on its surface
avia.纵向对称平面vertical symmetry plane
shipb.绝对二次曲面absolute quadric
avia.绝对地面高度absolute ground level
agric.绝对平面dead level
tech.绝对平面的fully flattened
desert.绝对或假定基面以上高程elevation above absolute or arbitrary datum
shipb.绝对水平面absolute horizon
expl.绝对表面积法absolute surface area method
agric.绝对面积absolute area (area absoluta)
gen.缺面〔部分〕 对称的merosymmetrical
gen.缺面〔部分〕 对称的merosymmetric
tech.虚相对速度剖面pseudo-relative velocity section
tech.虚绝对速度剖面pseudo-absolute velocity section
avia.螺旋桨叶剖面相对曲度propeller camber ratio
construct.表面对〔与〕质量之比surface-to-mass ratio
avia.表面对流换热系数surface-convection heat-transfer coefficient
tech.表面张力梯度驱动的对流Marangoni convection
multimed.视频对象平面组group of video object plane
commer.许多国家对包装箱面所标唛头与标志有严格规定Many countries have strict regulations about the marking and branding of packages
tech.路面板端相对垂直错动faulting of slab ends
tech.车辆对路面的有害冲击destructive attack of vehicle
railw.轨头断面非对称打磨asymmetrical rail head profile grinding
railw.轮对踏面诊断线wheelset tread diagnosis line
railw.轮对踏面诊断设备wheel tread diagnosis equipment
expl.这里包括减轻水下爆破对海洋生物的负面影响所采取的亠些措施Included here are a number of measures to mitigate the adverse environmental effects of underwater blasting on marine creatures
mil., air.def.远程空对海面搜索雷达long-range air to surface vessel (radar)
avia.远程空对面搜索雷达long range air-to-surface vessel
avia.远程面对空制导武器long range surface-to-air guided weapon
avia.远程面对空导弹long range surface-to-air missile
gen.远程"面对空"导弹long-range surface-to-air guided weapon
econ.采购部经理应该对公司购进的货物负全面责任The purchasing manager should have overall responsibility for the goods bought for the company
chem.镜面反射对称reflection plane symmetry
chem.镜面反射对称mirror reflection symmetry
earth.sc.镜面对称场magnetic mirror field
tech.镜面对称场mirror field
avia.镜面对称零件opposite part
tech.镜面对称面plane of mirror symmetry
econ.除了包装,我们对其他方面都满意We are satisfied with everything except for packing
soil.雨水对地面侵蚀surface washing by rain
avia.地面或水面对面导弹surface-to-surface missile
agric.面向对象oriented object
multimed.面向对象分析object-oriented analysis
multimed.面向对象分析与设计object-oriented analysis and design
multimed.面向对象图形object-oriented graphics
multimed.面向对象接口object-oriented interface
avia.面向对象数据库管理系统object-oriented data base management system
multimed.面向对象数据库管理系统object-oriented DBMS
avia.面向对象物料表object-oriented bill of material
multimed.面向对象界面object-oriented interface
avia.面向对象的任务分析方法object-oriented role analysis method
avia.面向对象的分析object oriented analysis
avia.面向对象的动态需求系统dynamic object orientated requirement system
avia.面向对象的开发object oriented development
avia.面向对象的数据库object-oriented data base
tech.面向对象的结构object-oriented construction
expl.面向对象编程target programming
multimed.面向对象设计object-oriented design
AI.面向对象语言中用的一种连接A Kind Of
gen.面对in the teeth of
gen.面对〔临〕come face to face with
gen.面对give on (to)
tech.面对严峻挑战meet the serious challenge
China, polit.面对复杂多变的国际形势in the face of a complicated and fluid international situation
tech.面对大海的屋顶阳台widow's walk
busin.面对损害confront damage
gen."面对水下"导弹从地面或舰上向海水中发射的surface-to-underwater missile
gen.面对现实face the fact
tech.面对称mirror symmetry
avia.面对空surface to air
gen."面对空""地对空"导弹从地面或舰上发射的surface-to-air missile
avia.面对空制导武器surface-to-air guided weapon
gen."面对空"反导弹导弹anti-missile surface-to-air missile
avia.面对空回收surface-to-air recovery
avia.面对空回收系统surface-to-air recovery system
gen."面对空"导弹surface-to-air guided weapon
avia.面对空导弹截击研制surface-to-air missile intercept development
avia.面对空弹道导弹截击系统surface-to-air ballistic missile interception system
avia.地/水面对空短程导弹surface-air courte portée (missile)
tech.面对角线face diagonal
adv.面对道路的海报位head-on site
tech.面对面nose to nose
gen.面对面in opposition to each other
gen.与…面对面come face to face with
gen.面对面front to front
gen.面对面eyeball to eyeball
avia.面对面实验导弹experimental surface-to-surface missile
avia.面对面导弹surface to surface missile
gen."面对面"导弹surface-to-surface missile
busin.面对面小组face-to-face group
gen."面对面"弹道导弹surface-to-surface ballistic missile
busin.面对面服务face-to-face service
sport.面对面比赛face-to-face sport
sport.面对面比赛项目face-to-face sport
adv.面对面访谈face to face interview
tech.面接对偶lower pair
plast.surg.面部两侧不对称facial asymmetry
avia.飞机相对地面的水平速度ground speed
gen.驶到对面put over
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