
Terms for subject Electronics containing 非电路 | all forms
微电子或非门电路microelectronic NOT OR circuits
改进型非阈值逻辑电路modified nonthreshold logic circuit
最大非对称短路电流maximum asymmetric short-circuit current
有效非导通的继电器输出回路effectively nonconducting relay output circuit
有效非导通的继电器输出回路effective nonconducting relay output circuit
消辐射非线性电路计算机分析computer analysis of nonlinear circuit excluding radiation
短路电流的非周期分量aperiodic component of short-circuit current
里顿或非集成电路Litton integrated NOR circuit
非一致电路anticoincidence circuit
非冗余集成电路nonredundant integrated circuit
非对称干涉仪门[选通]电路asymmetrical interferometer gate
非对称特性电路元件asymmetric characteristic circuit element
非对称电路asymmetrical network
"非或"逻辑电路inclusive NOR circuit
非线性电路nonlinear network
非重合电路anticoincidence circuit
非阈值逻辑大规模集成电路nonthreshold logic large scale integrated circuit