
Terms for subject Business containing 非流 | all forms | in specified order only
劳力非流动性immobility of labour
本期非货币性流动资产current nonmonetary assets
非减让性流动non-concession flow
非定额流动基金current fund without norm
非流动性应付款项non-current payable
非流动性应收款项non-current receivable
非流动货币资产的货币亏损monetary loss on noncurrent monetary asset
非流动资产non-current asset
非流动资产non-liquid asset
非流动资产指短期内不能变现的资产illiquid assets
非流通副本指提单副本non-negotiable copy
非流通单据证券non-negotiable document
非流通期票nonnegotiable note
非流通的提单non-negotiable bill of lading
非流通股票not negotiable stock
非流通股票not negotiable share
非流通证券non-negotiable security
非流通证券non-marketable security
非熟练工人流入influx of unskilled workers