
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 非"门 | all forms | in specified order only
与 A 无关的 B 非门negative B ignore A gate
与 B 无关的 A 非门negative A ignore B gate
A"与"B非门A expect B gate
"与非"门alternative denial gate
"与非"门NAND element
A"与"B 非门negative A-implies-B gate
"与非"门NOT-AND element
"与非"门NOT-both gate
B" 与" A 非门subjunction gate
A" 与"B 非门subjunction gate
"与非"门NOT-AND gate
"与非"门negative AND gate
"与非"门NAND gate
B"与"A 非门B AND NOT A gate
A"与"B 非门A AND NOT B gate
"与或非"门AND-OR-NOT gate
"或非"门rejection gate
"或非"门zero-match gate
"或非"门negative OR gate
"或非"门NOR element
"或非"门NOR gate
"或非"门joint denial gate
B"或"A非门A implies B gate
非专门技术人员nonprofessional technical staff
"非"门NOT gate
"非"门NOT element
"非"门电路"Not" circuit