
Terms for subject Drilling containing | all forms
井口止压力wellhead static pressure
井底压力static bottom-hole pressure
井底止温度static bottom-hole temperature
井底止温度bottom hole static temperature
储集层压力reservoir static pressure
初始柱压力initial hydrostatic pressure
min.泥浆静置十分钟切力gel 10
压持井底岩屑的压力static chip hold down pressure
压持井底岩屑的压持力static hold down
双零值切力凝胶泥浆zero-zero gel
地层压力geostatic pressure
地层压力梯度geostatic gradient
地层止压力static formation pressure
大钩载荷static hook load capacity
套管压力static casing pressure
弯曲井眼内钻柱态分析static curved hole analysis of drill string
无绷绳力轻便井架portable mast without guyline-static
油气层reservoir static pressure
泥浆切力gel of mud
泥浆柱压力hydrostatic mud pressure
等效态密度equivalent static density
等效载荷equivalent static load
与地层压力近平衡的水液压near balance hydrostatic head
钻柱在弯曲井眼中的态分析static curved hole analysis of drill string
钻柱弯曲井眼态分析static curved hole analysis of drill strings
切力gel strength
泥浆失水率static filtration rate
态底部钻具组合模式static bottom-hole-assembly model
at rest
止位置rest position
止深度stationary depth
止轮dead pulley
水压头hydrostatic pressure
液力坐封封隔器hydrostatic set packer
液压hydrostatic pressure
液压测试hydrostatic test
液柱压力static fluid column pressure
液柱压力hydrostatic column pressure
frictional electricity
重吨dead weight tonnage
重指示仪deadweight gauge
额定载荷static load rating