
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
为国际太阳宁年探索Probe for the International Quiet Solar Year
止自然电位pseudostatic spontaneous potential
止雨系quasi-stationary rain systems
厘米克秒电制centimeter gram second electrostatic (system)
厘米-克-秒电单位制electrostatic centimeter-gram-second unit
国际太阳宁International Years of the Quiet Sun
国际宁太阳年International Years of the Quiet Sun
国际宁太阳年专门委员会Special Committee for the International Years of the Quiet Sun
地球物理固态存储器Geophysical Solid-State Static Memory
太阳年quiet sun year
电离层quiet ionosphere
流体力学压力fluid pressure
流体力学平衡hydrostatic equilibrium
流体hydrostatic pressure
海岸及大地测量电系统coast and geodetic survey electrostatic system
海面推力sea level static thrust
绝对电单位制centimeter gram second electrostatic (system)
英尺磅秒电单位foot-pound-second electrostatic system of units
aural null
吸出水头static suction head
态,力平衡static equilibrium
态,力平衡static balance
态二次离子质谱测定法static secondary ion mass spectrometry
态地理信息系统static geographical information system
态定位fixed aspect stills
态探测法dwell sounding mode
态自然电位static spontaneous potential
态自然电位法测井static spontaneous potential log
推挽放大器quiescent push-pull
固定状态stationary state
止轨道气象卫星geostationary meteorological satellite (Japan)
止轨道气象卫星geostationary meteorological satellite
止轨道气象卫星系统geostationary meteorological satellite system (Japan)
止轨道气象卫星系统geostationary meteorological satellite system
水压water potential
水和动水static with current
水头static head
水生态系统lentic ecosystem
static temperature
驻,滞,停止,临界stagnation point
电亨利Static Henry
电价electrostatic valency
电伏特static volt
电分析仪electrostatic analyzer
电姆static mho
电安培static ampere
电库仑static coulomb
电放射器static discharger
电欧姆static ohm
电等离子体振荡器electrostatic plasma oscillator
电聚焦electrostatically focused
电聚焦束调管electrostatic focusing klystron
等离子体quiet plasma
rest energy
顶部止点crestal stagnant point