
Terms for subject Technology containing 静力 | all forms | in specified order only
三轮静力压路机three-wheeled static roller
井底静止压力bottom-hole static pressure
静力pseudo-static force
静力试验pseudo-static test
低频准静态动力荷载low-frequency quasi-static dynamical load
低频准静态动力荷载low-frequency quasi-static dynamic load
允许静水压力值allowable value of statical water pressure
允许静水压力值allowable value of static water pressure
全液压传动静力触探all-hydraulic driven static cone penetration test
内力超静定statically indeterminate with respect to internal forces
内力超静定桁架statically indetermined truss with respect to internal forces
内力超静定结构statically indeterminate structure with respect to internal forces
静力分析quasi-hydrostatical analysis
静力分析quasi-hydrostatic analysis
静力模型quasi-static model
静力触探贯入度quasi-static cone penetration
静力试验quasi-static test
静力过程quasi-static process
静力过程pseudo-static process
静力近似quasi-hydrostatical approximations
静力近似quasi-hydrostatic assumption
静力近似quasi-hydrostatical assumption
静力近似quasi-hydrostatic approximations
准静态地震力学quasi-static earthquake mechanics
准静态应力场quasi-static stress field
准静横向力quasi-static lateral force
准静水压力近似quasi-hydrostatical approximations
准静水压力近似quasi-hydrostatic approximations
分析静力analytical statics
分析静力analytic statics
初静切力gel initial (泥浆)
剩余静水压力excess hydrostatical pressure
剩余静水压力excess hydrostatic pressure
动静载弯拉应力比impact factor
压力式静电加速器pressure-type electrostatical accelerator
压力式静电加速器pressure-type electrostatic accelerator
起始和十分钟均为零的双零值静切力胶体zero-zero gel
反应堆静力reactor statics
向上静水压力upward hydrostatical pressure
图形静力graphics statics
土压力的静水压分布hydrostatic distribution of the earth pressure
地层静压力reservoir static pressure
地静压力terrastatic pressure
地静压力lithostatical pressure
地静压力lithostatic pressure
地静应力lithostatical stress
地静应力lithostatic stress
坞底静水压力hydrostatic under-pressure
坞底静水压力hydrostatic pressure on dock floor
壳体静力statics of shells
外静水压力external hydrostatical pressure
大气静力atmospheric statics
大气静力稳定度static stability of atmosphere
孔压静力触探试验cone penetration test with pore pressure measurement
孔底静压力static bottom hole pressure
对支点反力超静定statically indeterminate with respect to reactions
对支点反力超静定结构statically indeterminate structure with respect to reactions
对支点反力静定结构statically determinate structure with respect to reactions
岩石静压力lithostatical pressure
岩石静压力lithostatic pressure
带孔压电测静力触探装置electrical piezocone penetration test equipment
带孔压电测静力触探装置electric piezocone penetration test equipment
广义流体静力学方程generalized hydrostatic (adequation)
库水静压力hydrostatic pressure of reservoir
应用静力applied statics
弹性静力statics of elasticity
当量静水压力equivalent hydrostatical pressure
当量静水压力equivalent hydrostatic pressure
静力高差total static head
房屋静力计算方案static analysis scheme of building
扇风机静压力fan static pressure
手摇式轻型静力触探hand light static cone penetration test
抗静水压力的resistant to hydrostatic pressure
抗静水扬压力against hydrostatical uplift
抗静水扬压力against hydrostatic uplift
静力pseudo-static force
静力位移pseudo-static displacement
静力地震分析pseudo-static earthquake analysis
静力影响系数pseudo-static influence factor
静力影响系数pseudo-static influence coefficient
静力破坏机制pseudo-static failure mechanism
静力试验pseudo-static test
静力过程quasi-static process
静力过程pseudo-static process
静力学分析arch analysis
控制静态负荷压力control of static load pressure
最大静水压力maximum hydrostatical pressure
最大静水压力maximum hydrostatic pressure
极限静抗力ultimate static resistance
静力承载公式static pile-bearing formulas
桩的静力公式static formula of pile
模型静力研究static model investigation
欧拉静水力学定律Euler's hydrostatical law
正常静水压力normal hydrostatical pressure
气体静力润滑aerostatic lubrication
静力学基本方程basic equation of hydrostatics
静力运动器hydrostatic vehicle
水力静压头elevation head
流体静力加速仪hydrostatic accelerometer
流体静力学假设hydrostatic assumption
流体静力学地球hydrostatic earth
流体静力学平衡hydrostatic balance
流体静力学近似hydrostatic approximation
流体静力应力状态hydrostatic state of stress
流体静力强度hydrostatic strength
流体静力曲线hydrostatic curve
流体静力水准测量hydrostatic leveling apparatus
流体静力水准测量hydrostatic levelling apparatus
流体静力水准测量hydrostatic level
流体静力水准测量hydrostatic levelling
流体静力水准测量hydrostatic leveling
流体静力润滑hydrostatic lubrication
流体静力称重hydrostatic weighing
流体静力试验hydrostatic testing
流体静力试验hydrostatic test
流体静压力计fluid static pressure meter
流体静压轴向力total hydrostatical end force
流体静压轴向力total hydrostatic end force
流体静压轴向力差difference between hydrostatical end forces
流体静压轴向力差difference between hydrostatic end forces
流体静应力hydrostatic stress
海洋静力static oceanography
海流静力statics of ocean current
液体静力方程hydrostatic equation
液体静力水准仪hydrostatic levelling instrument
液体静力水准仪hydrostatic leveling instrument
液体静力水准测量hydrostatic levelling
液体静力水准测量hydrostatic leveling
液体静力试验机hydrostatic testing machine
液体静力试验机hydrostatic test machine
液体静力轴承hydrostatic bearing
液体静压力计hydrostatic gauge
液体静压力计hydrostatic gage
液力静挤压hydrostatic extrusion
液压静力传动hydrostatic drive
潮汐静力理论static theory of tide
瑞典静力触探Swedish cone penetration test
生物静力抑制biostatic inhibitation
电测静力触探electrical cone penetration test
电测静力触探electric cone penetration test
皮托管静力Pitot static tube
空气静力轴承aerostatic bearing
静力刀具加工isostatic tooling
静力压制isostatic pressing
静力成形isostatic forming
静力成形砖isostatic pressed brick
静力成形耐火材料isostatic pressed refractory
静力isostatic press
静力hydrostatic press
静力iso-static slab
静力氧化铬isostatically pressed chrome oxide
静力火花烧结spark isostatic press sintering
静力线isostatic line
静力结构isostatic structure
等效静力准则equivalent static criterion
等效静力分析equivalent static analysis
等效静力equivalent static method
精密流体静力水准仪precision hydrostatical level
精密流体静力水准仪precision hydrostatic level
纵向静力稳定性longitudinal static stability
结构静力分析static structural analysis
结构静力structural static mechanics
结构工程静力statics for structural engineering
自流水静压力artesian hydrostatical pressure
自由流静压力free stream static pressure
荷兰式静力触探试验Dutch cone penetration test
荷兰式静力触探试验Dutch cone penetration method
解析静力analytical statics
解析静力analytic statics
负静水应力negative hydrostatical stress
负静水应力negative hydrostatic stress
起始静压力initial static pressure
超流体静压力hydrostatic excess pressure
超静定力redundant force
超静定反力法method of redundant reaction
超静定应力redundant stress
超静定边界力statically indeterminate boundary force
超静定边界力矩statically indeterminate boundary moment
超静水压力excess hydrostatical pressure
过剩静水压力hydrostatic excess pressure
金属静压力metallostatic pressure
锥体静力触探static Cone Penetration Test
锥体静力触探仪static cone penetrometer
长期静力试验long duration static test
应力static stress
表面张力static surface tension
静上浮力static lift
静力stable force
静力串联式压路机static tandem roller
静力传感器static probe
静力位移影响函数static displacement influence function
静力作业static work
静力static value
静力凝聚static condensation
静力分选槽static bath
静力加荷static loading
静力加载static loading
静力加载static load
静力static pressure
静力压拔桩机static pile press extractor
静力压拔桩机hydrostatic pile press-extract machine
静力压桩static pressing palisade
静力压桩试验pile static loading test
静力压路机static roller
静力原理static theorem
静力双滚筒压路机static tandem roller
静力变形static deformation
静力地面下的测探static subsurface sounding
静力地面下的触探static subsurface sounding
静力均衡static balance
静力均衡调整isostatical adjustment
静力均衡调整isostatic adjustment
静力多余约束statical redundant
静力多余约束static redundant
静力失稳static instability
静力学准则static criterion
静力学原理principle of statics
静力学条件conditions of statics
静力学理论static theory
超静定的静力学计算hyperstatic calculation
静力学计算法static calculation method
静力安全容许荷载safety statical permissible load
静力安全系数static safety factor
静力安全系数static factor of safety
静力安全系数flat factor of safety (提升钢丝绳)
静力实验模型static model
静力容许statically admissible
静力容许乘数静力平衡状态下对荷载相乘的系数statically admissible multiplier
静力容许的statically admissible
静力工作static work
静力平衡器static balancer
静力平衡方程static equilibrium equation
静力平衡条件static equilibrium condition
静力平衡法static equilibrium method
静力平衡状态static equilibrium state
静力式压路机static roller
静力弯曲static bending
静力弹性工作性能static elastic behaviour
静力弹性工作性能static elastic behavior
静力弹性工作状态static elastic behaviour
静力弹性工作状态static elastic behavior
静力弹性模量static Young's modulus of elasticity
静力弹簧重力仪static spring gravimeter
静力强度static strength
静力强度static intensity
静力性能static behaviour
静力性能static behavior
静力打桩公式static pile-driving formula
静力扭矩static torque
静力承载能力static bearing capacity
静力承载量static bearing capacity
静力挠度static deflection
静力排水试验static drain test
静力摩擦static friction
静力方法statical method
静力方法static method
静力杨氏弹性模数static Young's modulus of elasticity
静力杨氏弹性模量static Young's modulus of elasticity
静力校准static calibration
静力实验模型static model
静力模量static modulus
静力比较static comparison
静力气象学static meteorology
静力水位static water level
静力水位static level
静力水压static head of water
静力absorption basin
静力static approach
静力活荷载static live load
土质静力测探static sounding
静力海洋学static oceanography
静力球印硬度试验static indentation test
静力相似性static similarity
静力研究statical investigation
静力研究static investigation
静力破坏荷载static failure load
静力破坏荷载statical rupture load
静力破裂static fracture
静力确定statically determinate
静力稳定static stability
静力稳定statical stability
静力稳定大气statically stable atmosphere
静力空间框架分析static space frame analysis
静力等效statically equivalent
静力系数coefficient of static earth pressure
静力系数法static coefficient method
静力系统static system
静力荷载static loading
静力荷载basic loading
静力荷载static load
静力荷载basic load
静力荷载试验static load test
静力static balance
静力触探static cone penetration
静力触探探头阻力static point resistance
静力触探杆static sounding rod
静力触探消散试验static cone penetration dissipation test
静力触探试验static sounding test
静力pressure at rest
静力计算static computation
静力试验台static testing pad
静力试验场static test site
静力轮子平衡重static wheel balancer
静力通风static draft
静力重力仪static gravimeter
静力重结晶作用方式static recrystallization way
静力量测法static measurement
静力锥形贯入阻力static cone penetration resistance
静力锥探仪static penetrometer
静力锥探仪static cone penetrometer
静力防喷器static blow-out preventer
静力静电计static electrometer
静力still water level
静力面积力矩statical moment of area
静力面积力矩static moment of area
静力预压static prestress
静力预压static preload
静卷扬力矩static hoisting moment
静压力static pressing
静压力still pressure
静压力pressure at rest
静压力at-rest pressure
静压力传感器static probe
静压力受感器static head
静压力桩static press piling
静压力水头geodetic head
静压力水头static head
静压力水头geodesic head
静压力管static probe
静压力补偿static-pressure compensation
静压力试验at-rest pressure test
静压力重新恢复static regain
静土压力earth pressure at-rest
静土压力系数coefficient of earth pressure at rest
静定容许力场statically admissible field
静岩压力lithostatical pressure
静岩应力lithostatical stress
静岩应力lithostatic stress
静应力sustained stress
静应力quiescent load
静应力still stress
静应力dead stress
静态接触力static contact force
静态重力测量static gravity survey
静抓力holding power
静拉力试验机quite tensile testing machine
静推力statical thrust
静推力static thrust
静止上托力hydraulic uplift pressure
静止土压力earth pressure at-rest
静水力方程hydrostatic equation
静水力学称量法hydrostatic weighing method
静水力学称量法dead water mechanical weighing method
静水力平衡线isostatic line
静水力拱hydrostatic arch (曲线)
静水力计算hydrostatic calculation
筑坝的静水压力pressure of impounded water
静水压力vertical head
静水压力fluid pressure
静水压力分布hydrostatic pressure distribution
静水压力分布图distribution diagram of hydrostatical pressure
静水压力分布图distribution diagram of hydrostatic pressure
静水压力基床hydrostatic bed
静水压力悬链线hydrostatic catenary
静水压力拱hydrostatic arch
静水压力排泥sludge discharge by static water head
静水压力水位hydrostatic level
静水压力水头hydrostatic head
静水压力状态hydrostatic static of stress
静水压力盒hydrostatic pressure cell
静水压力系数hydrostatic pressure coefficient
静水压力线hydrostatic line of pressure
静水压力设计应力hydrostatic design stress
静水压力阀hydrostatic valve
静水应力状态hydrostatic stress condition
静水张力hydrostatic tension
静水扬力hydrostatic lift
静水扬压力hydraulic uplift pressure
静水拉力hydrostatic tension
静水拉力hydrostatic pull
静水止托力hydrostatic uplift
静水浮hydrostatic uplift
静水浮力static lift
静水浮托力hydraulic uplift
静水阻力still water resistance
静水阻力water drag
静水阻力smooth water resistance
静液压力fluid pressure
静电作用electrostatic force
静电加力袋式除尘器electrostatically augmented baghouse
静电吸力electrostatic attraction
静界面张力static interfacial tension
静置10分钟的泥浆静切力gel ten minutes
静能力static capacity
静荷载应力static load stress
静载力矩dead-load moment
静载动力dead load power
静载应力dead-load stress
静载张力试验static tension test
静重力仪static gravity meter
非静水压力固结non-hydrostatical consolidation
非静水压力固结non-hydrostatic consolidation
高级静水压力试验high-level testing (英国)
齿轮机械式静力触探试验gear mechanical static cone penetration test