
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一般均衡下的求方程式demand equations, general equilibrium
上市的listing requirement
修理no repair action
用固定资产fixed assets not needs
have no use for
要的固定资产fixed assets not needed
要的资本流入undesired capital inflow
高额成本的最佳技术best available techniques not entailing excessive costs
不受价格影响的商品inelastic demand
不变inelastic demand
不大的a thin demand
不稳定的unsteady demand
世界world demand
世界市场的情况要进行周密的分析The situation in the world market needs close analyzing
世界能源总要量total world energy requirement
个人求曲线individual demand curve
个人personal needs
个人individual demand
个人要弹性elasticity of individual demand
个体individual demand
个别individual demand
个别的求曲线individual demand curve
临时temporary needs
为了发展我方业务,我们要源源不断的订单To develop our business, we need continuity of orders
为了满足客户要,业务代表应保证产品按时交货To meet the customer's requirements, the business representatives shall see to it that the products be delivered in good time
为实现转让所必的一切单据及许可证应递交给卖方All the documents and permits that may be necessary to effectuate a transfer should be delivered to the seller
为申请签证,有正式邀请函A formal letter of invitation is required for the visa application
主体已经基本完工尚收尾配套工程the basically completed matching project awaiting finishing
主动性的等级要论hierarchy of needs based on theory of motivation
买方purchaser requirement
买方the purchaser requirement
估计进口estimated import requirements
用法定货币支付You should pay for it in lawful money
你方可能已注意到我们完全有能力满足你方对钢材的You may note that we are able to satisfy your requirement for steel
你方应向我方提供完整详细的财务报告和其他必的资料You shall provide us with complete and detailed financial statement and other necessary information
你方所数量低于最低起订量,因而不能抵补我方为制作特殊集装箱的额外费用The number of articles you require is below the minimum quantity which can warrant us to cover the extra expenses for construction of special containers
使规格与所相符conform the specification to the requirements
demand and supply
十字形supply-demand cross
协调coordination of supply and demand
失调maladjustment of supply and demand
弹性elasticity of demand or supply
总量total supply and demand
服务部门rear supply service department
求曲线结构demand and supply curve framework
法则law of supply and demand
供给与supply and demand
供给能为其本身创造supply creates its own demand
假想求量dummy demand
偿还资金要量debt service requirement
全部工程项目所资金total finance requirements
赋税理论public demand theory
公共经济部分借款public sector borrowing requirement
公司供定律law of corporate supply and demand
公司市场要量company market potential
公司有业务方面的紧急要,要求工厂增加产量The business exigencies of the corporation required that the plant should increase the production
关于数字不必这样急,我们到下星期才There's no hurry about the figures, we don't need them until next week
具补偿要的曲线compensated demand curve
defense goods
military supply
military stores
品收入defense products revenue
pay officer
工业arms industry
工业the munitional industry
物资war material
生产production of military supplies
石油中心Quartermaster Petroleum Center
美国石油中心Quartermaster Petroleum Center
给养报告a quartermaster demand
农业信贷agricultural credit requirements
分析报告表明尿素中缩二脲含量是1.1%,而不是1.0%,比要的要求高一些The analyst report shows that the biuret content of the ures is 1.1% instead of 1.0%, higher than necessary
分配要计划distribution requirements planning
创造有效求的效果effect of creating effective demand
初次期货futures initial requirement
刺激求的措施demand stimulation activities
剩余residual demand
剩余20万美元将用于购置新设备或用于工程师们认为合乎要的其他目的The remaining 200 000 dollars shall be used for purchasing new equipment or for any other purposes that the engineers may consider desirable
单一求弹性unitary elasticity of demand
卖主给我们购买或承租汽车的各种发票Vendor shall give us invoices for cars purchased or rented
卖方如由于无法控制的意外事故而不能供应所货物,该订单将被认为已撤销The order shall be considered to have been cancelled if the seller is prevented from supplying goods required owing to any contingency beyond control
压缩国内depress domestic demand
各种特殊discriminating demand
合同的措词要修改The wording of the contract calls for amendment
员工求指数coefficient of personnel demand
商业性能源的最终final demand for commercial energy
商业流通所的货币额amount of currency required for commodity circulation
商品求构成composition of commodity demand
商品求量commodity demand volume
商品供commodity supply and demand
啤酒瓶的价格包括在销售价之中,这种瓶子是不退回的The cost of beer bottles has been included in the sale price and such bottles are not to be returnable
器材求计划material requirement planning
圣诞节到来,此类商品的求又活跃起来The coming of Christmas has brought about a revival of the demand for these items
在工程进行中,工程师可用图纸说明该项工程所做出的变动During the progress of the work, the engineer may illustrate changes in the work to be done by means of drawings
在这种情况下,要律师来解决你方同债权人的债务争端Under such circumstances an attorney is needed to compound your debts with your creditor
垄断a monopolist demand
垄断性竞争中的求弹性elasticity of demand in monopolistic competition
备件spares requirement
复合joint demand
复合composite demand
多年来棉制内衣的求量一直很大For many years cotton underwear has been in great demands
大量keen demand
大量heavy demand
大量订单涌到,意味着求的复苏The inflow of orders infers a revival of demand
天然气储存要量natural gas inventory demand charge
更多资料,请即告知If there is any need for further information, please don't hesitate to let us know
要对已完工的项目进行检査,承包商应提供必要的便利When an examination of project already completed is needed, necessary facilities shall be furnished by the contractor
如你方不断订货,我方保证经常供应你方所商品We can guarantee a consistent supply of commodities to you if you place an order for goods regularly
如有要,卖主可在箱上加注说明文字The seller can affix indicative information on the case if necessary
如果求持续增长,生产加工能力将达到极限Processes will reach their capacity limit if demand continues to grow
如果你公司对其他新式商品有求,我们将非常高兴能获得机会向你公司显示一下创造新式样的能力We would be very glad to have an opportunity to demonstrate our ability of making a creative design if you have requirement for any other sorts of new style
如果你方对新型毛织品要不急,也许我们在下一个月可以接受你方订单If you are in no haste for the new-type woolens, perhaps we can accept your order in the next month
如果我们没有弄错的话,对我方产品的求将会不断增加If we mistake not, there will be an increasing demand for our products
如果是这样,请将必的申请寄来If so, please send us the necessary application forms
安全集载所的袋装货the bag for safe stowage
实际physical demand
实际effective demand
实际要量actual requirement
实际劳动力effective labour demand
审査过去的账目时要有原始合同The prime contract is needed for the examination of the past accounts
屈折求曲线kinked demand curve
市场求因素market demand factor
市场要水平level of market demand
市场劳动力供平衡equilibrium of labour market
市场劳动力供平衡equilibrium of labor market
平均求量average demand
平均最低要量average minimum requirement
要量annual requirement
年度要量annual requirement
店员每天回答顾客的许多疑问A shop assistant has to answer a lot of queries from customers every day
引伸derived demand
引伸求律law of derived demand
弹性an elastic demand
弹性elasticity of demand
弹性求法则law of elasticity of demand
当前的current demand
很大的a thick demand
很大的heavy demand
很抱歉给你们添了这样的麻烦,又让你们负担了不必的费用We are very sorry to have involved you in such trouble and unnecessary expenses
active demand
处理的商品cats and dogs
投入critical input
函数aggregate demand function
total demand
求价格aggregate demand price
求函数aggregate demand function
求曲线total demand curve
求清单gross requirements list
求潜力aggregate demand potential
求行为参数aggregate demand behavioral parameters
求调控管理aggregate demand management
求量aggregate demand
要量gross requirements
要量aggregate demand function
恒定已知求率constant known rate of demand
感到felt need
成就the achievement needs
要一些业务指导I need some guidance with my business
我们按有我方签字的第5号购货合同付款We shall pay the installments according to our Purchase Contract No. 5 with our signature
我们要两份你方售货发票We need two copies of your sales invoice
我们要大约100公吨铜We need about 100 metric tons of copper
我们要实物来更换设备上的受损部件We need the physical replacement of the damaged parts of the equipment
我们要核査所有文件、提货单和运费账We need checking the documentation n., bill of lading and freight account
我们要相当的时间来完成分配的工作We shall spend quite a bit of time to perform the allocated work
我们进一步调査此事We need go further into the matter
我们会把他们的具体要通知你们的We will advise you of their specific requirements
我们将增加生产以适应我方客户的We will gear up our production to meet the needs of our clients
我们急上月所订的货物We are in urgent need of the goods ordered last month
我们提出这个要求,并不是利用双方多年交往关系,而是出于We advanced the request not presuming upon our long association, but out of necessity
我们能够以优质和快速方便的服务满足你方要,特请早来订单Since we are able to meet your requirements with the best quick and convenient service, we solicit your early order
我们要购买我们要的东西,不计费用We'll buy what we need regardless of expense
我们认为要开辟科学研究的新领域We think it desirable to open up a new field for scientific research
我公司正在进行一项市场调査,以便确定什么产品符合顾客的Our company is carrying out a market survey to determine what products come up to customer' needs
我方将与厂商一起准备好所产品We shall prepare in conjunction with the manufacturers all the products needed
我方的生产与你方的要相适应,能够给你方提供大额的报盘Our production is geared to your needs and we shall be in a position to make you substantial offers
或然probabilistic demand
保险单份数policy and copies required
可用性期限required availability date
外来资金external financial requirement
操作能力required operational capability
的型式desired form
的资本requirements of capital
的资本requirement of capital
经费估计数estimated requirements
财务援助financial assistance requirement
预算经费the budgetary requirement
预算费budgetary requirement
所得要弹性income demand elasticity
所得变动与income changes & demand
对于扩大生产能力的capacity needs
扩大生产能力的迫切pressure on capacity
投产准备期间的预计expected demand during lead time
投入要量input requirements
投机造成的虚假speculative demand
投资要性the desirability of investment
投资要表investment demand schedule
折找性求曲线the kinked demand curve
挂牌的listing requirement
修理repair as required
穿分配distribution according to needs
要提供数据系统on-demand system
按市场求进行生产gear the production to the market demand
按月求计算订货量一览表month-of-stock table
按照新增加就业劳动力平均要的积累水平the average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force
按金融租约规定,承租人负责维修设备With a finance lease, the leasee is responsible for maintaining the equipment, while under an operating lease, the leasing company should bear the cost
收入水平对进口求的弹性影响income elasticity of demand for imports
政府职能national needs
效能必necessary for efficiency
整体制度的need for integrated system
是否要我方投保罢工、暴动、民变险?Shall we attend to the insurance against SRCC strike, riot, civil commotion?
暂无for a while there will be no requirement
暂时未满足的pent-up demand
最低minimum requirements
最后的ultimate demand
最大maximum demand
最小食物援助minimum food aid requirements
最少必设备minimum essential equipment
最终要部门final demand sector
最近询盘的增多证实了对玩具求的增长Latest increase in enquiries confirms the rise of demand for toys
最高资金求额the maximum financial requirement
最高资金要额maximum financial requirement
最高资金要额maximum financial requirement
要时in case of need
有效求原理principles of effective demand
有效求原理.the principle of effective demand
有效求原理principle of effective demand
有效总total effective demand
有立付能力的effective demand
有节制的moderate demand
有购买力的demand backed by purchasing power
未满足的the unsatisfied demand
未满足的unsatisfied demand
本合同两个月进行一次预防性的修订The contract needs preventive revision on a bimonthly basis
材料求清单material requirements list
材料求量计划material requirement planning
来自求方面的压力push and pull of demand
极度extreme necessity
根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》,公民的收入超出规定水平时向政府支付一定的税款According to The Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, a citizen should pay certain tax to the government if his income is above the stated level
概率probabilistic demand
正常求曲线normal demand curve
正常市场usual market requirement
此合同的签字有第三者在场作证The signing of the contract should be witnessed by a third person
此定期租约每年可以续租,不复杂的手续This periodic lease will be renewed from year to year without any complex procedure
此数量足以满足我公司的Such adequate quantity is to meet the requirements of our company
污水排泄工程的劳力与材料labour and material requirements for sewer works construction
津贴subsidy need
派生由对一种东西的使用而派生出对另一种东西的需求derived demand
派生derived demand
消费品要结构composition of consumer goods
消费性求研究consumer study
消费者consumer demand
消费者求的增加increase in consumer demand
消费者求的弹性elasticity of consumer demand
消费者求的所得弹性income elasticity of consumer demand
消费者求的无差别曲线解释法indifference curve approach to explanation of consumer demand
消费者求的无差别曲线解释法indifference curve approach to explanation of consumers demand
消费者求的概念concept of consumer demand
消费者求的概念concept of consumer demands
消费者求的经验或实况 研究empirical study of consumer demand
消费者求的计量经济研究econometric studies of consumer demand
消费者求的边际效用着手法marginal utility approach to consumer demands
消费者求表列与无差别曲线的关系relation of schedule of consumer demands to indifference curves
消费者的consumer needs
潜在potential requirement
潜在potential requirement
熟练工的要量skill requirements
物质material requisite
物资求计划法materials requirement planning
物资供平衡balance in the supply and demand of goods and materials
特定数的社会quantitatively definite social need
生产因素的要弹性the elasticity of factors
生命的第一life's prime want
生活必necessaries of life
生活必necessity for life
生活必the essentials of life
生活必staff of life
生活必necessary for life
生活必consumer goods
生活必the requisite for life
生活必daily necessity
生理上的必physical necessaries
由于求增加,我们正努力加速生产最新式样的服装As the demand increases, we are taking great efforts to step up production of garments of the latest fashions
由于求增加,销售量上升Due to the increase in demand the sales advanced
由于存货不够,我方只能供给你方所要数量的 1/4Because of insufficient stock we can offer you only a quarter of your requirement
由于实际求不断增长,物价也就上升了Prices rose owing to the ever-increasing physical demand
由于最近数周关量销售而使存货耗尽,他们目前不能供应你们所的货As heavy sales in recent weeks have depleted their stocks, they cannot supply what you require at present
由于目前制造的产品满足不了求,我们决定扩大生产Because we cannot manufacture enough products to satisfy the demand at present, we have decided to enlarge our production
由于这家公司已经购足所货物,目前不再进货了As its requirements have already been filled, the company is not buying at present
由于违约,承租者支付一笔清偿损失费The tenant shall pay money for liquidated damages upon his default
由于错装,我们要撤回运送给贵方的商品We need to withdraw the merchandise ship ped to you because of wrong loading
社会social want
社会social demand
社会要构成pattern of social wants
突点求曲线kinky demand curve
突点求曲线kinked demand curve
"突点"求曲线"kinked" demand curve
缺乏弹性的inelastic demand (inelasticity)
缺乏弹性的inelastic of demand
美国不由州或地方政府作配合拨款的联邦财政补贴the non-matching grant
美国军品清单该清单是美国用来控制国防物品出口及国防服务项目或项目分类的United States Munitions List
老板要一名得力助手协助工作The boss needs an efficient assistant to work with him
职工needs for employee
职工need for employee
营业所一般开支establishment expenses (或费用)
虚构imagine demands
衍生的derived demand
补足的complementary demand
衰退a faltering demand
衰退Altering demand
要到一个月后我们才能再谈你所之特殊产品Not until next month can we revert to the special products you required
要素factor demand
要素求的分析analysis of factor demand
负超额求者negative excess demander
财务援助financial assistance requirement
财政financial needs
货币存额保值所款项amount required to maintain the value of currency holding
货币总求量aggregate monetary demand
货币的追加the added demand for money
贵方供货满足不了我方所Your supply is insufficient for our requirements
贷款financial requirements
资料之need of data
资本求量demand for capital
资本capital needs
资本要作为加入的障碍物capital requirements as bar to entry
资金求量capital requirement
资金financial requirement
资金financing demand
资金credit requirement
资金demand for funds
资金的demand for finance
起码daily wants
超前期间的demand during lead time
超过要的剩余物资surplus to requirement
超额excess demand
辅助complementary demand
选择性optional demand
通货膨胀超额求理论theory of inflation induced by excess demand
通货膨胀超额求理论theory of excess demand of inflation
长期要量long-range requirements
长期失业要救济的hard core
美国长期必的预支证券long-term requisite anticipation securities
长期性人力long-term manpower demand
长期未能满足的迫切longstanding needs
随信附上你方顾客所的剪样We enclose the cutting your customer requested
随信附上所新的样品The new samples you requested are enclosed
随机求的基础结构infrastructure for random needs
随机probabilistic demand
付附加费subject to additional charges
供法则law of demand and supply
偿还的援助the assistance on a refundable basis
改革的蓝图a blue-print for reform
take time
wants and needs
求下降the recession in demand
求下降slow down in demand
求下降recession in demand
求不断增长可保证此产品畅销Ever-increasing demand is a guarantee for ready sale of this product
求不足引起的失业demand-deficient unemployment
求与供给demand and supply
求伸缩demand elasticity
求关系demand relation
求分类need hierarchy
求参数demand parameter
求变动引起的通货膨胀demand-shift inflation
求向后定价法demand-backward pricing
求和供应demand and supply
求因素demand factor
求层次need hierarchy
求层次理论need hierarchy theory
求引起的通货膨胀demand-shift inflation
求很大的货币much sought-after currency
求律law of demand
求急剧下降slump in demand
求扩张expansionary demand
求扩张性demand expansibility
求拉动型通货膨胀demand pull inflation
求拉动通货膨胀inflation of demand-pull
求拉动通货膨胀demand-pulled inflation
求拉动通货膨胀论theory of demand-pull inflation
求推动型通货膨胀理论demand-pull theory of inflation
求推动的通货膨胀demand-pull inflation
求收人弹性income demand elasticity
求数量quantity required
求数量quantity requested
求曲线的移动shift in demand curve
求概念demand concept
求模式demand models
求水准an aspiration level
求法则law of demand
求波动swings of demand
求流程工艺demand flow technology
求溢岀spill over
求点demand point
求甚殷in demand
求疲软the weakness of demand
求疲软the weakening in demand
消费者求的交叉弹性cross-elasticity of demand
求的价格弹性price elasticity of demand
求的创造want creation
求的变动change in demand
求的各种概念demand concepts
求的收入弹性income elasticity of demand
求的收入弹性income elasticities of demand
求的服务弹性service-elasticity of demand
求的特性demand characteristics
求的边际效用法marginal utility approach to demand
求秦构pattern of demand
求管理demand-side management
求紧缩a demand retrenchment
求经济学demand-side economics
求结构demand structure
求膨胀excess-demand inflation
求过于供引起的求膨胀demand inflation
求要素demand element
求要素的变动change in factor demand
求评价管理needs assessment management
求评价管理need assessment management
求赔偿demand for compensation
求过多引起通货膨胀的理论theory of inflation induced by excess demand
求过大excess demand
求递减法则law of diminishing demand
求量quantity demanded
求量增加increase in the quantity demanded
求量很大at a premium
求锥体demand cone
求预测demand projections
用率demand factor
经通知发放的贷款loan subject to notice
requirement (的东西)
非常be in great request
的方demand side
要不足lack of demand
要付款的诉权claim for payment
要估计needs assessment
要促进demand promotion
要和可能need and possibility
要大量土地的工业land-intensive industry
要大量研究工作的research intensive
"要密切注意"的商品"requiring close attention" item
要层次needs hierarchy
要层次hierarchy of needs
要展期10天An extension of 10 days is required
要时的委托人a referee in case of need
要构成pattern of wants
要满足need satisfaction
要甚多active demand
要的变动shift in demand
要的变化behavior of demand
要的形式want formation
要的货品demand goods
要竞争demand competition
要证明书a necessity certificate
要证明书certificate of necessity
要量demand quantity
要量和供给量quantity demanded and quantity supplied
要量约计estimate of approximate requirement
非必the non-essential goods
非物质的the non-material need
预备的precautionary demand
预算the budgetary requirement
首先我们取得该国的船运过境权First, we need to secure the right of way for shipping from that country
马斯洛要分类理论Maslow's need hierarchy theory
马斯洛的要层次Maslow's hierarchy of needs
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