
Terms for subject General containing 需时 | all forms | in specified order only
你的意思是说我们可以随时进入贵国而不需要办理任何手续吗?Do you mean we can go to your country at any time without any formalities?
同时需要考虑with inclusion of
如您离开酒店而需要与来客或来电联系时,请把您的去处告之服务总台You can tell our Information Desk the place to go if you want to be in touch with telephone message or visitors when you are out
当您需要清理房间时可以给前台打电话You can call the Front Desk when you want your room done
彳艮高兴为您服务。先生,请告诉我您需要房间的时间It's a pleasure to assist you. Please tell me when you'll be needing the room, sir
需时at one's need
您时间到了,需要帮您加时间吗?Please be informed that time's up. Do you need late check-out?
您需要我什么时候来打扫卫生呢?When would you like me to do your room?
战时可改为军需生产的工厂shadow factory
所需要的时期内for the time needed
打扫房间一般需要半个小时It takes half an hour to finish cleaning
把兑换单收好。在您离开美国时,需要兑换余下的外汇时也许有用Keep this exchange memo. You will need it to convert any money you have left when you leave America
有需要时as occasion requires
有需要时as occasion demands
正像对长度和重量要有个标准一样,同样也需要一个时间标准just as with lengths and weights, so also do we need a standard of time
理查德先生,您什么时候需要房间呢?For which dates, Mr. Richard?
由于战时需要而大大发展的工业〔产品〕war baby
超过规定时间,您需要支付违约金You should pay penalty beyond the limited time
转机时行李需要先拿出来再放回去吗?Will I have to claim and re-check my baggage for connecting flights?
take time
需要时可使用三脚架You can use the tripod, if necessary
需要时就能得到的on tap
需要时就能得到的in tap
需要时日take time
需要服用处方药的乘客应在登机时把药放在随身携带的行李箱中Passengers requiring prescription medications should always carry them on board in their carry-on luggage