
Terms containing 零售 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.一般零售物价指数general index of retail price
busin.一般零售营业税general tax on retail turnover
tech.不擅自降低零售价格的协定fair-trade agreement
sport., cloth.不要害怕去零售商店如沃尔玛购买质轻透气的运动服装,或者到二手体育用品店购买一些健身器材Don't be afraid to check retail stores like Wal-Mart for basic lightweight, breathable workout apparel, or secondhand sports stores for fitness equipment
adv.专业零售specialty retailer
securit.为了零售股份发出的临时凭证scrip certificate issued for fractional shares
auto.零售hub retailer
adv.主要在零售店或超市售卖的杂志store-distributed magazine
econ.他们同意这种产品不得售予任何其他经销商或零售They agree that this product shall not sell to any other distributor or dealer
econ.他们答复说也经营零售贸易They reply that they also deal with retail trade
gen.他最近在雅典市中心为体育用品巨头耐克找到了一个很好的零售店铺地址He has recently secured a prime retail location in central Athens for the sportswear giant Nike
tech.住房零售价格house purchase price
interntl.trade.供出售的零件resale parts
busin.全功能零售full service retailer
interntl.trade.全国零售信贷协会national retail credit association
gen.全国石油零售业协会National Oil Marketers Association
gen.全国石油产品零售业协会National Congress of Petroleum Retailers
commer.全国社会商品零售总额total national retail sales of commodities
fin.全社会零售物价总指数society-wide general retail price index
busin.商品全部拆零出售completely knocked down
busin.全面服务零售即包括售货、接受信用卡、分期付款、赊销及为顾客送货等全面服务full-service retailer
econ.公司经营零售商店company operated retail stores
gen.农业零售Ag Retailer for Crop Input Professionals
auto.出售汽车旧零件的场所bone yard
auto.制造商建议的零售manufacturer's suggested retail price
adv.加盟零售cooperative affiliate
adv.加盟零售affiliated retailer
tech.包装零售的货物package goods
econ.包装零售货物package goods
adv.厂商或代理商在零售店的销售代表retail man
adv.厂商直接向零售商发货store door delivery
adv.厂家经常向零售商提供他们能用于广告、宣传和公共关系方面的促销手段Manufacturers often provide retailers with aids they can use in their advertising, publicity, and public relations
adv.厂家采用促销手段使未来的零售客户和公众了解他们的产品Manufacturers use sales promotion to make their merchandise known to prospective retail buyers and to the public
interntl.trade.原定零售original retail
econ.只有许可证持有者才能将产品直接零售给最终消费者Only the licensee sells the products for ultimate retail consumption
interntl.trade.可以拆散零售的成套商品open stock
busin.可拆零出售的成套商品如成套瓷器等open stock
busin.后进先出零售价法LIFO retail method
tech.向厂商直接进货的零售drop shipper
tech.向厂商直接进货的零售desk jobber
auto.售后零件部after-sales parts operations
busin.商业零售网点commercial retail outlets
commer.商品零售volume of retail sales
busin.商品零售commodity retail sales
econ.国营零售商业state-run retail trade
fin.国营商业零售物价指数retail price index of state commercial enterprises
libr.图书零售published price
comp., net.在线零售online retailer
interntl.trade.地方零售local retailers
econ.备有汽车零件出售的商人a stockist of auto parts
busin.外国零售商买主buyer of foreign retailer
tech.外汇零售市场foreign exchange retail market
adv.多渠道零售multichannel retailing
busin.零售big retailer
commer.大型零售large-scale retailer
auto.大型零售mass merchandiser
busin.大规模零售large retailing
shipb.大规模零售large-scale retailing
busin.大规模零售large-scale retail trade
busin.大规模零售业务large-scale retail business
tech.大规模的零售big retailer
interntl.trade.零售trades woman
gen.如果你买的话,我可以从“制造商建议零售价”里折掉500美元I can take $500 off the MSRP if you buy it
fin.实际零售real retail sales
interntl.trade.家庭经营小零售mom and pop store (stand)
econ.家庭经营的小零售ma-and-pa store
econ.家庭经营的小零售mom-and-pop store
busin.家庭经营的小零售mom and pop store
adv.零售商购货的额外奖励buying loader
econ.零售a five-and-ten
econ.零售a five-and-dime
adv.零售mom and pop store
busin.小型零售small scale retailing
busin.小规模零售small scale retailing
busin.工业品零售价格指数index of industrial product's retail prices
econ.工厂将所有产品只卖给批发商而不卖给零售The factory sells all its products only to distributors not to retailers
econ.平均零售价格retail level.
busin.平均零售价格水平retail level
adv.廉价零售discount store
auto.建议零售suggested retail price
adv.建议零售suggested retail price
econ.建议零售价格recommended retail price
econ.建议零售价格suggested retail price
commer.厂商建议零售价格recommended retail price
econ.零售be in trade
econ.当地销售网中的零售商正以25美元的价格零售此货Retailers in the local sale network are retailing the goods at 25
adv.快销包装零售fast-moving package goods
econ.我们答应这些产品不卖给任何其他批发商或零售We agree that these products will not be sold to any other distributor of dealer
econ.我公司还在市中心设立一个门市部,直接向公众零售我方产品Our company also has a department in the centre of the city to retail our goods directly to the public
gen.我没有零钱,能使用自动售票机吗?I don't have any change. Can I use the vending machine?
econ.批发零售商名录directory of wholesales and retailers
econ.批发零售商名录directory of wholesalers and retailers
tech.批发零售商店wholesale warehouse (building)
busin.批发零售指数index of wholesale and retail sales
commer.批发与零售价差difference between wholesale and retail prices
busin.批发与零售商业基本数据basic data on wholesale and retail trade
commer.批发与零售差价wholesale and retail price differentials
fin.批发及零售wholesale and retail trade
interntl.trade.批发及零售商业whole sale and retail trade
fin.批发及零售市场wholesale and retail markets
shipb.批发和零售差价difference between whole sale price and retail price
shipb.批发和零售差价whole sale and retail price differentials
adv.批发商与零售商合约cooperative merchandising agreement
adv.批发商为零售商提供的服务方案retailer's service program
adv.批发商给零售商作为利润分享的代金券deferred discount
busin.批—零销售法wholesaler-retailer approach
busin."折扣加荷"零售discount loading
busin.拟议零售价格recommended retail price
econ.按商品目录零售catalog transaction
busin.按目录零售业务catalogue retailing
tech.推荐零售价格recommended retail price
adv.整齐摆放零售商品face up
busin.旅游零售tour retailer
busin.无商品零售non-store retailer
adv.无店铺零售non-store retailing
commer.无店面零售non-store retailing
busin.最高零售maximum retail price
busin.最高零售价格maximum retail price
commer.有机产品零售organic retailer
econ.服务零售网点service retail outlets
busin.服务业零售网点service retail outlets
adv.期刊零售统计newsstand circulation
adv.期刊的订阅加零售总量total net paid
adv.期刊订阅加零售发行量net paid circulation
adv.本地零售店一览表route list
tech.杂货零售商店miscellaneous retail stores
org.name.欧洲零售联盟European Confederation of Retailing
econ.此种新产品的零售价每件不得高于58元人民币The retail price of this new product shall not be above RMB ¥58 per piece
commer.毛织品零售woolen draper (店)
auto.汽车零售交易retail car business
auto.汽车零售vehicle retailer
auto.汽车零售管理系统automotive retail management system
fin.消费品零售总额total retail sales of consumer goods
tech.消费品零售purchase tax
tech.液化气零售liquefied petroleum gas retail depot
auto.特约零售authorized retailer
tech.特许零售franchised dealer
busin.独立零售independent retailer
econ.独立经营的零售an independent retailer
fin.电子零售electronic retaining
fin.电子商务零售出口e-commerce retail export
gen.知情人士周一表示,珠宝零售商周大福计划于2012年第一季度在香港上市Jewelry seller Chow Tai Fook aims for a Hong Kong IPO in the first quarter of 2012, people familiar with the situation said Monday
econ.社会商品零售价格总额total retail prices of commodities in society
econ.社会商品零售volume of domestic retail sales of commodities
fin.社会消费品零售总额total retail sales of social consumer goods
China, polit.社会消费品零售总额retail sales of consumer goods
econ.禁止出售从整机上拆离的零部件Parts separate from complete machines are forbidden to sell
anim.husb.粮食零售corn chandler
brit., busin.粮食零售corn chandler
tech.零售商业网pure retail network
commer.经营零售业务carry on a retail business
commer.经营零售生意carry on retail business
econ.给予零售商业的贷款retail credit
adv.统一零售resale price maintenance
auto.维修零售service retailer
econ.维护转售价格制是商品价格由生产者制定,不允许零售商改变的一种制度The resale price maintenance is a system where the price for an item is fixed by the producer and the dealer is not allowed to change it
fin.网上零售on-line retail
fin.网上零售商店on-line retailer
fin.美元币值后进先出零售dollar value retail LIFO method
interntl.trade.自助零售self-help retailing
econ.自助零售the self-help retailing
tech.自助零售商店self-retailing shop
econ.自选零售the self-help retailing
adv.薄利零售low margin retailing
commer.设定零售食品最咼限价set price ceilings on retail foodstuffs
adv.负责零售店布置的总店工程部store engineering
busin.货车零售wagon retailing
busin.转售零配件resale parts
econ.这家公司从中国批发,在美国零售This company buys wholesale from China and sells retail in the USA
interntl.trade.连环零售retail chain
interntl.trade.连环零售商店retail chain store
econ.连环零售联号retail chain
busin.通过经纪人零售selling retail over the counter
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600零售行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Retail Blue-Chip Index
adv.邮购零售mail-order retailer
auto.配件零售parts retailer
adv.针对零售商绩效的购货返款performance allowance
adv.针对本地零售商的广告费率retail rate
econ.银行零售业务retail banking
auto.销售商外购零件vendor parts number
auto.销售商零件编号vendor parts number
auto.对总装厂而言销售商零件vendor parts
tech.附属零售affiliated retailer
adv.限期内对零售商特殊的购置补贴special purchase allowance
auto.件销售人员parts counterperson
gen.零售at retail
interntl.trade.零售party selling
interntl.trade.零售sell retail
interntl.trade.零售sell by retail
tech.零售retail sale
econ.adv. 零售retail
econ.零售retail transaction
econ.零售retail sales (额)
econ.零售retail (的)
busin.零售by retail
interntl.trade.零售与批发消费品retailing and wholesaling consumer's goods
interntl.trade.零售retail industry
interntl.trade.零售retail trade
interntl.trade.零售retail business
interntl.trade.零售retail trading
econ.零售retail trading (贸易)
busin.零售业会计retail store accounting
busin.零售业会计retail accounting
interntl.trade.零售业公会chamber of trade
securit.零售业务银行retail bank
busin.零售业后进先出法LIFO adaptation of retail method
econ.零售业商品储备retail inventory
econ.零售业广告the advertising for retail business
busin.零售业广告advertising for retail business
econ.零售业标准协会Retail Trading Standard Association
busin.零售业竞争competition in retail business
busin.零售业管理retailing management
interntl.trade.零售中间商retailing middleman
econ.零售中间商a retailing middleman
econ.零售中间商the retailing middleman
comp.零售程序retail host program
libr.零售书业retail book trade
libr.零售书商retail bookseller
agric.零售交易retail trade
busin.零售交易retail trading
securit.零售交易retail transaction
adv.零售交易区retail trading zong
adv.零售交易区retail trading area
securit.零售交易者retail trader
econ.零售代销人retail distributor
busin.零售代销商retail distributor
econ.零售retailer price
econ.零售retail price
econ.零售retail price
anim.husb.零售consumer price
econ.零售价和生产价的差距the price spread
gen.零售价备retail price
agric.零售价格price per piece
commer.零售价格retail price
agric.零售价格consumers' price
econ.零售价格与价值成比例retail prices proportion to price
econ.零售价格总数general index of retail price
busin.零售价格指数index of retail price
econ.商品、工业品零售价格指数retail price index (of commodities, industrial products)
stat.零售价格指数retail price index
econ.零售价格指数index of retail prices
busin.零售价格指数index number of retail price
econ.零售价格膨胀retail price inflation
commer.零售价格调查retail price survey
fin.零售价盘存法retail method of pricing inventory
fin.零售价盘存法retail inventory method
busin.零售价补助金Retail Price Maintenance
adv.零售份额share of retail sales
econ.零售企业retail business
interntl.trade.零售会计retail accounting
tech.零售供应站retail depot
econ.零售信用retail credit (赊账)
busin.零售信用消费信用retail credit
anim.husb.零售修整肉块产量trimmed retail cut yield
securit.零售公司retail company
anim.husb.零售分割的retail joint
anim.husb.零售分割的retail cut
anim.husb.零售分割肉retail cut meat
busin.零售分配retail distribution
econ.零售包装retail packing
pack.零售包装consumer package
anim.husb.零售包装retail packaging
pack.零售包装consumer pack
tech.零售retail shopping district
tech.零售retailing sphere
tech.零售区域retailing sphere
econ.零售升级周期a wheel of retailing
agric.零售单位retail dealer
adv.零售合作社retail cooperative
busin.零售合作社retail co-operative
agric.零售合作社buying co-operative
interntl.trade.零售后进先出法retail LIFO last in first out method
busin.零售后进先出法retail LIFO method
busin.零售吸引力retail gravitation
adv.零售retail salesperson
busin.零售和饮食业商店retail and catering outlets
busin.零售goods in trail
econ., agric.零售detail dealer
tech.零售商业retail trade
tech.零售商业中心retail center
econ.零售商业区retail center
tech.零售商业区retail trade district
tech.零售商业区retailing business district
tech.零售商业区retail district
busin.零售商业库存inventory of retail commerce
econ.零售商业折扣trade allowance
econ.零售商业的商品物资储备retailer's stock
tech.零售商业街retail business district street (道)
manag.零售商业销售额value retail trade
econ.零售商价格retail price
econ.零售商价格retailer price
adv.零售商/厂商联合广告retail co-op advertising
econ.零售商品retail (的)
busin.零售商品retail goods
busin.零售商品售价金额核算制calculation system by recording sales prices in retail shop
tech.零售商品场地retail sales area
econ.零售商品流转retail turnover
busin.零售商品流转retail commodity circulation
adv.零售商品组合促销combination feature
econ.零售商在价格上给了九折优惠The dealer offered a 10% rebate on the price
econ.零售商应支付由于他自己违反本协议所造成的损失的费用The dealer should pay for the damage sustained by a breach of this agreement by himself
busin.零售商店retail store
econ.零售商店专业化the retail specialization
tech.零售商店中心retail shopping center
tech.零售商店区retail shopping district
agric.零售商店系统retail store system
tech.零售商店街retail shopping center
econ.零售商所接到的有关产品的查询意见应提交给制造商All inquiries received by dealers relating to the products shall be refer red to manufacturers
adv.零售商批发联盟retail-owned wholesaler
busin.零售商接收的需求量requisitions received at retail
econ.零售商毛利retail margins
agric.零售商网dealer net
adv.零售商联盟cooperative association
econ.零售商销货额value of retail trade
econ.零售回购协议retail purchase agreement
securit.零售回购协议retail repurchase agreement
tech.零售场地retailing sales area
anim.husb.零售块肉bulk meat
securit.零售基金retail fund
securit.零售基金的认可制度retail fund authorization regime
commer.展览会零售sale room
busin.零售sales room
tech.零售retail salesroom
commer.零售存货retail inventory (与批发存货 (wholesale inventory) 相对)
fin.零售存货估价法retail inventory method
econ.零售the science in retailing
econ.零售定价法retail pricing method
busin.零售定存单tap CDs
adv.零售审查retail audit
securit.零售客户retail client
interntl.trade.零售市场retail market
agric.零售市场buyers' market
commer.零售市场价格retail market price
adv.零售市场区域retail space
busin.零售广告retail advertising
busin.零售retail establishment
tech.零售retail store
securit.零售retail house
anim.husb.零售店冷库sales cooler
adv.零售店测试store test
refrig.零售店的除湿空调系统desiccant-based air conditioning systems for retail store
anim.husb.零售胴体修整; 猪胴体修整时去头,在脊梁骨分剖为两半,除去板油,大腿内侧去皮packer style
refrig.零售性冷藏库retailing cold store
busin.零售总额total volume of retail sales
securit.零售总额retail sales
interntl.trade.零售成本retail cost
econ.零售承担中间人费用定价法market-minus pricing
busin.零售指数index of retail sale
securit.零售指数共同基金retail index mutual fund
busin.零售方法the retail method
busin.零售旅游商travel merchant
agric.零售服务retail service
agric.零售果蔬店retail fruit-vegetable store
fin.零售the retail method
econ.零售泵价retail pump price
multimed.零售版软件shrink-wrapped software
busin.零售牌价指数listed retail price index
commer.零售物价总指数general retail price index
busin.零售物价总指数General Index of Retail Prices
tech.零售物价总水平general level of retail price
commer.零售物价指数index number of retail prices
econ.零售物价指数index number of retail price
econ.零售物价指数index of retail price
busin.零售物价指数index of retail prices
busin.零售物价调查Retail Price Survey
interntl.trade.零售生意retail trade
interntl.trade.零售生意retail business
econ.零售生意the retail business
tech.零售trade use
tech.零售百货商店discount center
anim.husb.零售的分割肉meat cutting
anim.husb.零售的香肠馅bulk sausage
interntl.trade.零售retail taxes
econ.零售sales tax
securit.零售类成长股retail growth stocks
agric.零售粮店retail food shop
econ.零售系统retail trade system
adv.零售组织广告institutional retail advertising
telecom.零售终端商用计算机retail terminal
securit.零售经纪商行retail brokerage house
commer.零售经营活动retail activities
commer.零售统计statistics of retail sales
econ.零售retail trade system
tech.零售retail network
anim.husb.零售肉块consumer cut
anim.husb.零售肉块butcher's cut
econ.美国零售自动执行系统retail automated execution system
securit.零售自动执行系统retail automated execution system
tech.零售苗圃retail nursery
tech.零售范围圈retailing sphere
econ.零售营业税retail sales tax
adv.零售营销retail marketing
securit.零售认购户retail subscriber
fin.零售记帐charge account
busin.零售负责人retailing sponsor
tech.零售charge account
securit.零售账户retail account
econ.零售value volume of retail transactions
busin.零售货物sell goods by retail
environ.零售贸易retail trade The sale of goods to ultimate consumers, usually in small quantities (向最终用户销售商品,通常是小数量的。)
busin.零售贸易值value of retail trade
busin.零售贸易额value of retail trade
fin.零售资讯服务retail information service
securit.零售资金retail capital
securit.零售转账retail transfer
econ.零售连锁商店retail-chain store
busin.零售连锁商店retail chain store
agric.零售通信retail communication
busin.零售selling retail department
busin.零售retail sales department
busin.零售sale room
securit.证券经纪公司的零售retail stock broking firm
econ.零售部门retail department
stat.零售1/4鄹裰甘retail price index
auto.零售配件retail parts
auto.零售配件商店retail parts store
fin.零售银行业retail banking
securit.零售银行业务retail banking
fin.零售银行存款retail bank deposits
fin.零售销售报告retail sales report
econ.零售销售税retail sales tax
econ.零售销售额retail sales
busin.零售销货额retail sales
interntl.trade.零售销路retail outlets
busin.零售销路retail outlet
econ.零售门市部retail department
busin.零售门市部selling retail department
econ.零售volume of retail sales
econ.零售value of retail sales
commer.零基销售zero-base marketing
interntl.trade.零星销售retail selling
securit.零股抛售指标odd-lot selling indicator
avia.〔客〕零部件维护手册售主component maintenance manual vendor
busin.零部件销售数number of units sold
fin.零售基金non-retail fund
securit.非上市零售结构性产品unlisted retail structured products
tech.非成套的零售商品open stock
tech.非竞争零售non-competing retailers
pack.预先零售包装consumer prepack
busin.预定零售will call
econ.预定零售a will call
econ.预订零售部的销售will-call sales
agric.香蕉零售banana retailer
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