
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一阵graupel shower
万年neve snow
万年ice firn
万年firn ice
万年firn area
万年线line of firn
万年积perpetual snow
万年积firn cover
snowy weather
不均匀积uneven snow coverage
中粒medium-grained snow
中粒mean grain firn
人工融artificial snowmelt
人工造artificial snow-making
低吹drifting snow
光学崩式激光器optical avalanche laser
光学崩式激光器optic avalanche laser
全层ground avalanche
再结sun crust
再结晶recrystallized snow
冬季防设施winter service
firn area
压力ice snow pressure
cryoconite hole
cryoconite horizon
cryoconite strip
时期cryogenic period
气候glacial climate
泻槽slush ice chute
cryogenic lake
界线firn edge
磧纪Drift period
融化天气thawing weather
融化水melt water
融化水melt snow and ice
冰川glacier snow
冰期线glacial age snow line
切比夫不等式Chebyshev's inequality
切比夫多项式Chebyshev's polynomials
切比夫多项式Chebyshev polynomial
切比夫平差Chebyshev adjustment
切比夫微分方程Chebyshev's differential equation
切比夫模Chebyshev's norm
切比夫滤波器Chebyshev's filter
切比夫级数展开Chebyshev's series representation
切比夫逼近法Chebyshev approximation
切比夫集合Chebyshev's set
刚下的fresh snow
fresh snow
new snow
young snow
freshly fallen snow
初落freshly fallen snow
snow spreader
snow scraper
样器snow sample cutter
北非Atlantic cedar
半永久线semi-permanent snow line
半融slope snow
半融slush zone
单向single-check snow plough
单廊式巴利卡corridor type basilica
单行one-way snow plough
卡车truck snow plough
即发性direct action avalanche
rolling avalanche
压坚硬的hard snow
压实的hard snow
压实的hard-packed snow
压实的跑道packed snow runway
压积的compacted snow
压积的compacted snow formation
原始wild snow
公元306~312年古罗马君士坦丁巴利卡长方形大敎堂Basilica di Constantio
snow drift (堆)
snowdrift ice
冰川drift glacier
冰川snowdrift glacier
冰川catchment glacier
snow blower
吹堆drift snow
吹积snow drift
喷气除snow blowing machine
喷气除snow blower
地形线geomorphical snow line
地形线geomorphic snow line
铲除工hard snow remover
铲除工hard-packed snow remover
铲除机hard snow remover
为风所吹集的snow drift
复合低温崩开关compound cryosar
heavy snow district
地区snowy district
bob sled
警报advisory for heavy snow
大气一海洋—陆地一冰体系atmosphere-ocean-land-ice system
大西洋Atlas cedar
大西洋Atlantic cedar
大量积heavy accumulation of snow
大风barber (美国和加拿大地区)
天然natural snow cover
天然积natural snow cover
太平洋岸黄Pacific coast yellow cedar
奥福德港Port Orford cedar
定量金相quantitative metallography
实测水当量measured water equivalent of snow
室内滑indoor skiing slope
slight thunderstorm
小型滑提升small type ski hoist
尖桩式picket type snow fence
屋顶天沟挡gutter board
屋顶挡roof guard
履带式上汽车ski mobile
1549年意大利维琴察帕拉第奥的巴利卡长方形厅堂Basilica Palladiana
带式装snow loader with belt conveyer
带钢撑棍的滑ski with steel ski pole
常年perennial snowfield
常年积perennial cover
常年积permanent snow-field
dry avalanche
平均线高度average snowline height
平均初mean date of first snow cover
平均积厚度average thickness of cumulative snow
平均终mean date of last snow cover
开裂cracked snow surface
微波崩二极管microwave avalanche diode
荷载total snow load
snow trap
手扶式除hand-guided snow remover
snow plough
snow plow
snow flanger
壁柜broom closet
snow plow
snow sweeper
snow pusher
snow plough
栅栏collecting snow fence
汽车snow plowing automobile
装车机snow loader
snow sweeper
snow removal truck
扫除积snow clearing
gauge catch
gage catch
抗雨干扰anti-clutter rain
装置snow casting device
挖槽除channel snow plow
挖槽除channel snow plough
snow retention
snow hook
屏障snow hedge
木板snow board
snow board
gutter board
snow barrier
duck board
snow cradling
snow guard
snow cradling
栅栏snow protection hedge
snow fence
snow guard tile
装置snow guard
snow plough
mechanical snow plow
snow gutter
drain for snow-removing
snow drain
snow drainage ditch
snow gutter
道路设施snow removal equipment
车队snowplough train
revolving snow plow
控制积措施snow drift control
snow grader
摩托化扫motorized snowplow
撒砂的压实积sanded packed snow
放射性同位素测radioisotope snow gauge
放射性同位素测radioisotope snow gage
放射性同位素测radioisotope snow gauge
放射性同位素测radioisotope snow gage
放射性量radioactive snow gauge
放射性量radioactive snow gage
数字盖地图digital snow map
斑点状积patch snow cover
freshly fallen snow
fresh snow layer
新下的fresh snow
新月形snow barchane
新月形snow barchan
新降young snow
spring snow
春天溶spring thaw
春天粒granular snow
春天粒corn snow
春季融spring snowmelt
春融积corn snow
暂时线temporary snow-line
暂时线temporary firn-limit
暴风driving snow
暴风drift storm
暴风strong snow storm
暴风blizzard wind
暴风blizzard snow dune
最大climax avalanche
最大maximum snow
最大积maximum accumulation of snow
最大降线maximum snow fall line
最大除maximum snow clearing capacity
有效融effective snowmelt
机动sledge car
松散loose snow avalance
松树防压的伞形吊绳suspension to prevent snow damage
枝状dendritic snow crystal
模拟冰条的路面winterized pavement
snow residuum
snow residua
残余penitent snow
残留snow residuum
气候线climatic snow line
气候线climate snow line
water snow
永久permanent snow-field
永久neve field
永久线permanent snow-line
永久线permanent snow-limit
永久冰neve snow
永久冰firn area
永久积neve snow
永久积permanent snow-cover
永久积firn cover
永久积band of firn
永久积neve ice
永久积firn-line zone
永久积neve field
永久积线firn line
永久积线firn limit
永久积firn line
永久积firn limit
污染polluted snow
洪都拉斯松属Honduras cedar
流域覆盖密度snow cover-density of watershed
snow surveying
snow survey
取样路线snow sampling course
测量积雪用snow measuring plate
snow measuring plate
snow bin
线snow course
snow gauge
snow gage
路线snow course
海上飞marine snow
消防及融系统fire and snow melting system
清除积snow removal
湖上lake effect storm
湿snow slush
湿moist snow
湿cooking snow
湿wet avalanche
湿damp-snow avalanche
湿土堆wet avalanche
snow eater
snow eater
煤气融gas snow melter
片状flaky snow
特罗贝夫尺coordinate grid scale
snow plow
snow plow
snow-plow car
犁式除blade snow plough
电压控制崩管振荡器voltage-controlled avalanche oscillator
电子崩倍增electron avalanche amplification
电子崩击穿electron avalanche breakdown
true cedar
砂性sand snow
崩光源silicon avalanche light source
崩光电二极管检测器silicon-avalanche photodiode detector
深线isonival line
线isonival line
量线isonival line
granular snow
snow grain
grain of ice
powder snow
粉末状powder snow
neve snow
firn snow
neve ice
snow glacier
ice firn
firn ice
冰崩firn ice avalanche
冰川neve glacier
冰川firn glacier
firn area
snow field
neve field
firn field
bank of firn
形成firnification (过程)
firn line
firn edge
neve basin (地)
firn basin (地)
线firn line
线firn limit
覆盖firn cover
花石膏crude alabaster
粗粒coarse firn
紧急除emergency snow clearing
松木油red cedar wood oil
纸制的栅栏paper snow fence
老年old snow
联邦标准采样器Standard Federal snow sampler (瑞士)
球模型dirty snowball model
航空测aircraft snow survey
航空测aerial snow survey
芳香红aromatic red cedar
蒙特罗斯型取样器Mount Rose snow sampler
thaw of snow
melted snow
后退分析recession analysis for snowmelt
snow melter
ice melting salt
warm avalanche
强度snowmelt intensity
径流snow runoff
径流runoff of melting snow
径流过程线snowmelt hydrograph
径流预报forecast of snowmelt runoff
径流预报forecast of melting snow runoff
持续时间length of melt period
thaw period
melt period
period of thaw
snowmelt season
snowmelt period
melting season
melting period
snow melter
水产流量snowmelt excess
水补给recharge of melted snow
水补给河spring fed stream
snow-melting oil
洪水snow water flood
洪水flood of melted snow
洪水snowmelt flood
heat of fusion of snow
snowmelting rate
melt rate
snowmelting pipe
snowmelting tank
系数法degree-day method
补给河snowmelt-fed stream (流)
补给河snowmelt-fed river (流)
装置snow melter
设备snow melting plant
设备snow-melting equipment
预报snowmelt forecast
封住snow bound
褐色brown snow
西南亚Lebanon cedar
西南亚cedar of Lebanon
duration of continuous snow cover age
跑道snow covered runway
超渗融snowmelt excess
转子式除rotary snow plow
转辙器的融switch heater
轻微积light accumulation of snow
轻快speed snow plough
辐射融radiation snowmelt
snow shelter
snow shed
acidic snow
花石膏specular alabaster
snow defence
snow protection
protection against snow
围栏snow fence
snow protection bank
snow wall
protection against avalanches
崩廊道avalanche defence gallery
崩护廊avalanche defence gallery
崩措施avalanche stoppage
崩栅栏avalanche defence
挑檐snow cornice
明洞snow gallery
snow guard
snow shield
snow barrier
snow break forest
snow-control forest
snow protection plantation
snow shelter forest
snow-protection forest
snow drift prevention forest
snow breaker
snow shield
snow protection fence
snow guard (栏)
snow hurdle
leading snow fence
avalanche defence
栅栏snow-protection fence
栅栏snow-protect ion f ence
栅栏snow screen
栅栏snow shield
栅栏snow hurdle
栅栏snow barrier
snow hurdle
snow fence
snow paling
snow barrier
树木snow-protection tree
snow shed
滑链条snow chain
snow protection hedge
系统snow protection system
设备snow shield
设备snow protection device
防冰与融设备deicing and snow melting equipment
防止积drift prevention
snow flurry
firn snow
fall of snow
丰富abundant snowfall
天数number of days of snowfall
强度snowfall rate
强度rate of snowfall
截留量snow interception
条件snow condition
snowfall rate
rate of snowfall
调查snow surveying
调查snow survey
fall of snow
amount of snowfall
量观测线snow course
使路面露的养护bare pavement maintenance
工作snow removal operation
snow handling machine
snow plough
snow remover
snow shifter
snow clearing machine
snow fighter
snow breaker
hard snow remover
机刀片snow blade
机械snow clearing machinery
标桩marker post for snow clearing
pilot plow
snow plough
snow scraper
pilot plough
装置snow plow attachment
设备snow removal equipment
snow shovel
snow scraper
snow plough
非晶质amorphous snow
驱傲blowing snow
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