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保障人身、言论、出破、会、结社、旅行、迁徙、通信、罢工,选择职业和学术研究以及宗教信仰等各项权利与自由rights and freedoms, including those of person, of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of travel, of movement, of correspondence, of strike, of choice of occupation, of academic research and of religious belief
劳动密型工程建设labour intensive construction
吉尼中比Gini concentration ratio
国际多种方式联运装箱标准特设政府间小组Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on Container Standards of International Multimodal Transport
小组recruit panel
硅片成电路silicon wafer chips (integrated electronic microcircuits)
硅片成电路semiconductors in silicon wafer form
硅片微型电子成电路integrated microcircuits-silicon wafer chips
股本share capital financing
中银行concentration bank
装箱标准特设小组Ad Hoc Group on Container Standards
非劳动密型工业labour extensive industry