
Terms containing 限 定 时间 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.合同规定的时间限制contractual limits of time
interntl.trade.有法定时间限制的息票statute barred coupon
fin.有法定时间限制的息票statute time-barred coupon
econ.有法定时间限制的息票a statute barred coupon
el.有限时间稳定性finite-time stability
securit.特定的时间限制specified time limit
ecol.规定时间内量化的限制和减少排放指标排放削减指标quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives within time-frame
tech.限定开关时间finite switching time
footb.限定时间limit the time
tech.限定时间time limit
voll.限定时间set a time limit
tech.限定时间limiting time
tech.限定时间承兑acceptance qualified as to time
avia.限定的时间definite time