
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
upper band
上下协议ceiling-floor agreement
上海商业银行有公司Shanghai Commercial Bank
定委托no-limit order
量发行tap issue
不受制基金unrestricted fund
不受制货币unrestricted currency
专门有保险公司proprietary insurance company
东亚银行有公司bank of East Asia, Ltd
个人所得税缴纳期time limitation of personal income tax payment
中信标普指数信息服务有公司S & P/CITIC (指数管理公司)
中信证券股份有公司CITIC Securities Co., Ltd
中国人民保险集团股份有公司People's Insurance Company Group of China Limited (简称"中国人保",是一家综合性保险(金融)公司,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强排行榜中名列第226位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第256位)
中国保险控股有公司China Insurance Holdings Co., Ltd.
中国国际金融有公司China International Capital Corporation (简称"中金公司")
中国太平洋保险集团股份有公司China Pacific Insurance Group Co., Ltd. (在1991年5月13日成立的中国太平洋保险公司的基础上组建而成的保险集团公司,总部设在上海,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强排行榜中名列第278位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第429位)
中国招商基金管理有公司China Merchants Fund Management Co
中国期货保证金监控中心有责任公司China Futures Margin Monitoring Center Co., Ltd. (简称"中国期货保证金监控中心",成立于2009年1月,总部设在上海,主管部门是中国证监会)
中国证券投资者保护基金有责任公司China Securities Investor Protection Fund Corporation Limited (简称"中投保",成立于2005年9月29日,由国务院独资设立,证监会、财政部、央行有关人士出任董事)
中国证券登记结算有公司China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (简称"中国结算公司",成立于2001年10月,上海、深圳证券交易所各持50%的股份,总部设在北京,下设上海、深圳和北京数据技术分公司)
中央价委托纪录central limit order book
中央国债登记结算有责任公司China Government Securities Depositary Trust & Clearing Co. Ltd. (简称"中央国债登记结算公司")
中央国债登记结算有责任公司China Central Depositary & Clearing Co., Ltd. (简称"中央结算公司")
中央汇金投资有责任公司Central SAFE Investments Ltd. (前译"China SAFE Investments Ltd.",简称"汇金公司")
中证指数有公司China Securities Index Co., Ltd (指数管理公司)
<中〉香港交易及结算所有公司Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
主权债务市场的卖空restrictions on short-selling in sovereign debt markets
买主信用特定special buyer credit limit
买卖盘价值order consideration limit
事件event limit
亚洲金融控股私人有公司Asia Financial Holdings Pte. Ltd. (新加坡淡马锡控股(私人)有限公司 (Temasek)的全资子公司)
交易transaction limit
交货delivery term
付款宽payment grace period
价格上upper price limit
价格幅度permissible price range
传统上conventional cap
估计实际年寿命estimated physical life
估计经济年指折旧estimated economic life
制性贷款low-conditionality loans
住房restrictions on housing sales
使用年折旧法sum of expected life method of depreciation
保单押借loan value
保留意见——除范围制外qualified opinion - except for limitation
保证贷款guaranteed line of credit
保险集团控股有公司Ms&Ad Insurance Group Holdings (2010年4月由三井住友海上火灾保险集团、爱和谊财产保险公司、日生同和财产保险公司三家公司整合而成,从而成为日本第一、世界第七的财产保险集团,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第191位)
信用line of credit (credit line)
信用期term of credit
信用贷出limit of credit
信贷restriction of credit
信贷credit limit
信贷line of credit
信贷marginal credit
信贷limit of credit
信贷credit line
信贷上制度credit ceiling system
信贷基本basic credit line
信贷期period of credit
信贷质量qualitative credit restriction
债券制发放股利的方法bond restrictions on dividends
债务debt restriction
债务debt line
债务上协议debt ceiling deal
债务上最后期限debt ceiling deadline
债务期结构maturity structure
停价价委托limit and stop order
偿债能力margin of solvency
偿还本金的期schedule for repayment of principal
充分提供资金的制条件full funding limitations
公债public debt limitation
公司合并limitation on merger
公司合并limitation on consolidation
公积金, междун.торг. reserve
关贸总协定制性品目表GATT negative list
农业信贷有公司Agricultural Credit Corporation
减轻投资海外的lighten restrictions to invest money offshore
分享式上期权participating cap
分保cession limit
利率上interest-rate ceiling
利率上interest-rate cap
利率上掉期rate-capped swap
利率上期权cap option (一种协助持有人规避利率上升风险的金融衍生工具,期限通常为 2-5 年,有效期内可按约定的时段行使权利)
利率上下interest-rate collar
利率上下协议floor-ceiling agreement
利率上下期权collar option
利率下interest-rate floor
利率下期权floor option (期权出售者保证购买者可以在一定时期内获得一个最低利率,购买者只需支付期权费便可回避利率降低的风险)
利率期结构市场分割理论market segmentation theory of term structure of interest rates
利率期结构理论theory of term structure of interest rate
利率的期曲线term structure of interest rates
制度上的institutional restrictions
办公用现金office cash control
劳埃德银行有公司Lloyd’s Bank Limited
华侨银行有公司Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (1932 年由三大华资银行合并而成,是新加坡成立时间最早的本土银行,也是东南亚第二大金融服务集团,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第74位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第298位)
协议期contract period (交割日与到期日之间的天数)
卖空short-selling limit
南方基金管理有公司China Southern Fund Management
友邦人寿保险股份有公司American International Assurance Company, Limited (全球最大的泛亚地区独立上市人寿保险集团,也是第一家获准在中国经营保险业务的外资保险公司,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第150位)
掉期collar swap
取消不合理lift unreasonable restrictions
取消住房lift restrictions on housing sales
制证券restricted securities
可用年曲线probable life curve
合格的境外有合伙人qualified foreign limited partner
因库存股票的取得而产生股息的dividend restrictions resulting from treasury stock acquisitions
固定下浮动利率债券floating-rate drop lock bond
固定期国债衍生产品constant maturity treasury derivative
固定期掉期constant maturity swap
固定资产使用年life of a depreciable asset
国泰人寿保险股份有公司Cathay Life Insurance (由中国东方航空集团公司和台湾国泰人寿保险公司合资成立的寿险公司,2004年12月正式批准开业,总部设于上海,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第499位)
在... 基金的额内within the limit of ... fund
基本贷款basic credit line
境外使用人民币的restrictions on the use of the currency outside the mainland
增加举债权的法案legislation to increase borrowing authority
增强价盘enhanced limit order
外国投资者持股limit of foreign investors' holding of stocks
外国税收抵免总overall limitation on the foreign tax credit
外汇基金投资有公司Exchange Fund Investment Limited
多重制决策模型multicriteria decision models
大公国际资信评估有公司Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., LTD (简称"大公",1994年经中国人民银行和国家经贸委批准成立,是中国信用评级与风险分析研究的专业机构,是面向全球的中国信用信息与决策解决方案的主要服务商)
大概耐用年probable life
大灾损失额保单commercial umbrella
子公司借债limitation on subsidiary borrowing
存款利率上deposit rate ceiling
存款利率上ceiling limit for deposit interest rates
安全界rate of safety margin
安邦财产保险股份有公司Anbang Property & Casualty Insurance Company Ltd.
官定汇率的上下upper and lower limits of official rate of exchange
实施严格的预算enforce tough budget limits
实施的最后期implementation deadlines
天数days of grace
free period
对境外投资的restrictions on investing outside China
对外汇交易的restrictions on currency trade
对…施加限制impose conditionality on...
寿保险insurance till death
封顶保底利率双期权collar option
就债务上达成协议reach an agreement on the debt ceiling
65 岁缴终身寿险life-paid-up-at-age-65 whole life
平均年composite life
平均年折旧depreciation-composite life
总额折旧 ftdepreciation-sum of year digit method
延长信贷期担保extended term guarantee
开盘价委托on the opening limit order
引发界trigger threshold
当前期current maturity
总持仓gross limit
恒指国际有公司HSI International Limited
恒指服务有公司HSI Services Limited
恒生指数有公司Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited
恒生银行有公司Hang Seng Bank
银行承兑acceptance line
承销underwriting limit
投资investment horizon
投资及借贷investment and borrowing restriction
投资者赔偿有公司Investor Compensation Company Limited
折旧寿depreciation age-life method
折旧年depreciable life
拒绝承兑期time for protest
拨款appropriation limitation
拨款期appropriation period
持仓position limit
持仓额比率position limit ratio
按揭期mortgage term
授权limit of authorization
提供期为1周的短期人民币贷款offer one-week renminbi loans
提高债务上increase the borrowing limit
提高债务上raising the ceiling
提高债务上raise the debt ceiling
提高债务上increase in the debt ceiling
摊还期amortization period
摊销期period of amortization
支付payment restriction
支付使用费期term of enforcement of royalty payment
支付期time for payment
支付期time limit of payment
支付期term of payment
收盘价委托limit on close order
放宽针对资本流人的relax restrictions on capital inflows
新加坡交易所衍生工具交易有公司Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited
新加坡交易所证券交易有公司Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited
新华富时指数有公司FTSE/Xinhua Index Ltd. (指数管理公司)
新华财经有公司Xinhua Finance Limited
制保证unlimited guarantee
制美元融资unlimited dollar financing
制股票期权non-restricted stock option
定损害赔偿金unlimited damage
期承兑undated acceptance
期提供流动性支持never-ending liquidity support
法定货币unlimited legal tender
流动性unlimited liquidity
责任投资unlimited liability investment
额支票unlimited check
无固定open end
无固定期open end
无固定期信贷open-end credit
无折扣net period
无期without day
无期债券undated stock
无期债券undated gilts
无期发行undated issue
无期浮动利率票据undated floating rate note
无期证券undated securities
时区局time zone barriers
最低bottom line
最后dead line
最大度地创造就业和发展机会maximize the creation of employment and development opportunities
最大差价maximum spread
最少度年金付款minimum number of annuity payment
最高净net line
最高和最低upper and lower limits
交易授权limited trading authority
公债terminable debt
制之查帐limited audit
制牌照银行restricted licence bank
制的风险finite risk
制股票restricted stock
双向支付limited two-way payments
发行法limited issue method
合伙账户limited partnership account
套利limits arbitrage
套利理论theory of limits arbitrage
套利理论limits arbitrage theory
审核limited review
寿命的资产limited-life asset
年金terminable annuity
年金limited annuity
度的背书qualified endorsement (indorsement)
开放抵押limited open-end mortgage
弹性汇率limited flexible exchange rate
担保债券limited obligation bond
授权limited discretion
授权账户limited discretionary account
数额的成本finite cost
法币limited legal tender
清偿责任limited liability
税款债券limited tax bond
红利公司limited-dividend corporation
表决权股票limited voting stock
责任single liability
责任simple liability
责任公司limited corporation
责任股东limited liability shareholder
风险价差套利limited risk spread
有上的浮动利率票据capped floating rate note
有上下的浮动利率票据collar floating rate note
有下的浮动利率票据floor floating rate note
有利率上的浮息票据capped note
有地点制的承兑acceptance qualified as to place
有效期effective duration
有效期expiry date
有时间制的承兑acceptance qualified as to time
有期债券terminable bond
有法定时间制的息票statute time-barred coupon
借款已满fall in
结构模型term structure model
期货经纪有公司futures brokerage Co., ltd.
权益处分权之股权转移受限制limited right to dispose of interest
权重上weighting cap
开支ultimate cost
某些制条件some qualifications
核定authorized limit
止损价买盘stop-limit buy order
止损价卖盘stop-limit sell order
止损价委托stop-limit order
正现金流量上期权positive cash flow collar
每日价格daily price limit
每日价格上下daily trading limit
每日价格波动daily price swing limit
气球型期balloon maturity
汇兑极limit of exchange
汇票支付期制度usance system
法定legal limit
法定出口mandatory restrictions in export
法定期以后归回已履行的债restitution of performance after prescription
法定贷款legal lending limit
法定速率legal limit
法律legal restrictions
波幅fluctuation limit
涨跌limit move
新加坡淡马锡控股私人公司Temasek Holdings Limited
混合上hybrid cap
温尼伯商品结算有公司Winnipeg Commodity Clearing Limited
特别价盘special limit order
现金支出cash limit
要求转移资金的trigger threshold
留置权limitation on lien
短期额借款协议money market line
票据支付期排列assortment of usances
竞价价盘at-auction limit order
累积aggregate limit
约定界treaty limit
纽约泛欧交易所利率管理有公司NYSE Euronext Rate Administration Limited
结算上settlement cap
美元票据宽dollar usance
耐用年life table
股份有公司limited liability stock corporation
股份有公司public limited company (指英国及爱尔兰等国家的股票公开交易的上市公司)
股份有公司limited corporation by shares
股份有公司limited company by shares
股息dividend restriction
股息dividend limitation
股息的dividend restrictions
自主决定的信贷discretionary credit limit
自愿信用制计划Voluntary Credit Restraint Program
融券保证金short-margin restriction
融资上upper limit for the financing
要约期time limit of offer
规定期due authority
规定的支付期time fixed for payment
订明上prescribed limit
设置出口新impose new export restrictions
证券登记公司总会有公司Federation of Shares Registrars Limited
负债liabilities limits
财力负担limiting of financial capacity
财务financial barrier
责任的金额monetary limit of liability
货币交易currency limit
购买buying limit
贴现line of discount
贷款loan restriction
贷款loan line limit
贷款loan limit
贷款利率下floor limit for lending interest rates
贷款宽loan grace period
贷款最高lending ceilings
费用expense quota
资产不受freedom of assets from restrictions
资产处置limitation on asset disposition
资产折旧年asset depreciation period
赔偿期period of indemnity
赔偿期indemnity limit
超过go over the limit
转换limitation on conversion
输人输出 import quota
追加借款additional debt restriction
透支limit of overdrawn account
透支户的limit of overdrawn account
采取制性更强的政策adopt a more restrictive policy
《金融时报》-股票交易所国际有公司FTSE International Limited (简称"富时国际有限公司",1995年由伦敦股票交易所 (LSE)和《金融时报》共同发起设立)
钞票发行额的limit of bank-note issue
银行制债券bank restricted bond
银行承兑acceptance line
银行承担凤险的bank's exposure limits
错漏不在此errors and omissions excepted
长期价证券long lap
价买盘limit buy order
价卖出委托sell-limit order
价卖空规则tick rule
价委托limited order
价委托系统limit order system
价指令at limit
议付银行信用社restricted credit
制买卖期black out period
制准备制度system of confined reserve
制卖空股票的禁令ban on short-selling of equities
制定价法collar pricing
制性信托基金tied trust fund
制性审计limited review
制性投资体制restrictive investment regimes
制性股票所有权restricted stock ownership
制性贷款tied Ioan
制执行期权limited exercise option
制放贷lending limits
制未确定抵押limited open mortgage
制流动资金restricted current funds
制用途基金restricted funds
制盈余或限定公积restricted surplus or retained earnings
制税款债券limited taxes bond
制背书restrictive endorsement
制规则collar rule
制认付qualified acceptance
制议付restricted negotiation
制账户block accounts
制费用restriction of expenditure
制资本流人restrict capital inflows
制通知书restriction notice
制银行基本放贷能力limit the fundamental ability of banks to lend
制铸造limited legal tender
定债务qualifying liabilities
定审计limited audit
定意见报告书qualified opinion report
定流动基金restricted current fund
定用途之资产restricted assets
定留存盈余restricted retained earnings
定资产defined asset
时委托time order
时委托time limit order
定期人寿保险extended term insurance
期清偿债务clear up liabilities within a prescribed period
期缴纳人寿保险单limited payment life policy
期缴纳保险单limited payment policy
期缴费limited payment
期缴费终身寿险limited-payment whole life insurance
界利润marginal profit
额余额quota balance
额信贷closed-end credit
额存款bank deposit with ceiling
额投资closed-end investment
额投资信托closed investment trust
额投资信托公司closed-end investment trust company
额投资公司closed-end investment corporation
额投资公司closed-end investment company
额支票check against deposit with limit
零期货币money zero maturity
非标准期套算汇率triangular arbitrage
非标准期套算汇率broken cross rates
面临face restrictions
预算budget restraint
预算budget limitation
预算期的长度length of budget period
预算经营费额帐户normed deposit account of budgetary expenditures
预计年总额折旧法depreciation-sum of expected life method
风险horizon of risk
香港中央结算证券登记公司HKSCC Registrars Limited
香港中央结算代理人公司HKSCC Nominees Limited
香港中央结算有公司Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited.
香港中央证券登记有公司Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
香港交易及结算所有公司Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
香港交易及结算所有公司Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
香港交易所中国公司HKEx Limited
香港交易所资讯服务有公司HKEx Information Services Limited
香港商品交易所有公司Hong Kong Commodity Exchange Ltd.
香港按揭证券有公司Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited
香港期货结算有公司HKFE Clearing Corporation Limited
《香港联合交易所有公司创业板证券上市规则》Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
《香港联合交易所有公司证券上市规则》 Rules of the Exchange 《交易所规则》Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
香港联合交易所期权结算所有公司SEHK Options Clearing House Limited (简称"联交所期权结算所")
香港金融市场发展有公司Hong Kong Financial Markets Development Limited
香港银行同业结算有公司Hong Kong Inter-bank Clearing Limited
高利贷制法usury law