
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 限度 | all forms | in specified order only
发动机转速限度极限engine-speed limitation
可保证精度的使用期限accuracy life
可听限度limit of audibility
可听限度hearing threshold
可泵性温度下限泵可保持工作能力的最低温度low-temperature pumpability limit
地道高架桥下通道通过尺寸限度underpass limit
坡度极限阀值gradient threshold
安全限度强度的安全裕度margin of safety
排放测试容量比规定排气中有害成分按容量计算出浓度的有关限制规定capacitive ratio regulation
车辆宽度限制width limit
车门开度限制条check strap
钢板弹簧变形限度range of spring
弹限保证强度proof strength
强度极限breaking-down point
柴油机微粒排放限度particulate emission limit
拉伸极限强度ultimate tension
排放限度emission limit
最大允许限度legal limit
有限强度结构limit design
极限最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength
极限最大精度extreme accuracy
极限冷起动温度lowest starting temperature
拉深极限圆顶高度limiting dome height
极限圆顶高度limiting dome height
极限高度height at ultimate load
注满限度排气阀fill limit vent valve
灵敏度动作界限response threshold
调速器/喷油泵烟度冒烟限制器smoke limiter
柴油机烟度极限smoke limit
柴油机烟度极限特性smoke limit characteristic
喷油泵燃油温度补偿限止器fuel temp, compensating stopper
界限临界速度threshold velocity
疲劳强度极限与静载荷下抗断强度极限之比endurance ratio
真空度极限限制vacuum limitation
进气管真空度限制阀vacuum limiter
眩目作用的限度limitation of glare
稳定性限度range of stability
能见度极限limit of visibility
火花塞自净限度scavenging limit
角度极限angularity limit
喷油泵起动过量燃油限度excess-fuel limitation for starting
车辆超越速度极限go over the speed limit
【动】超过速度极限exceed the speed limit
车门开度限位器door check
车门开度限位带door check strap
车门开度限位臂door check arm
车门开度限制器door link check
车门开度限制器door arrestor
车门开度限制器door arrester
转向轮转向角度限止器steering-gear lock
进气真空度极限induction-vacuum limitation
进气真空度限制极限intake-vacuum limitation
强制怠速工况时进气管真空度限制阀vacuum limiter
速度转速限度speed limiting
速度转速限度speed limitation
速度界限velocity threshold
速度范围上限upper speed range
道路速度限制speed limit
重量限度极限weight limit
镗削加大限度reboring limit
长度限制length limit
阈限临界能见度距离threshold visibility
附着限度adhesion limit
制坡度ruling grade
限制疲劳强度极限的应力范围fatigue range
验收限度acceptance threshold
高于弹性限度载荷superelastic load