
Terms for subject Business containing 限价 | all forms | in specified order only
不限定议价unrestricted negotiation
不限量运价any quantity rate
仅按限价执行limit only
价格日变限幅daily limits
价格日变限幅daily limit of price changes
低价界限floor limit
取消限价decontrol the prices
只有几种限价的廉价百货商店limited price variety store
交易所期货市场可变动的每日价格限度variable daily limit
可调整的每日价格变动限幅variable daily limit
官价上下限upper and lower intervention limits
平价限额margins around parity
限价元素element of infinite order
限价寄售consignment without limit
无界限平价parity without margin
无限定价委托指委托人不预先设定销售价,全由受托人根据市场交易行情等自主对所托销货物定价的一种托销方式consignment without price limit
欧共体对进口谷物最低限价threshold price
最低限价法令price floor law
每日价格变动限幅daily price movement limits
综合价上限ceiling composite price
综合价格上限ceiling composite price
交易所股价跌限limit down
议价限额negotiated price quota
证券限价指令limited order
调整限定的工资或物价adjustable peg
购入限价buying limit
递价或发价的变动限额limit bid or limit sell moves
长期限价证券long tap
黄金限价under limit or ceiling price
限价limit price
限价协定price fixing agreement
限价商店limited-price store
限价寄售consignment with limit
限价指令resting order
限价指令limit price order
限价百货商店limited price variety store
限价订单limited price order
限价订单indent with order
限制价格下跌arrest the downward movement
客户给股票经纪人限制售价或购入价limited order
限制性定价法limit pricing
限制物价上涨幅度措施measure on limiting the range of rise in prices