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趋势moderating trend
今年以来、 实际吸收外资略有下、 合同外资金额稳定增长The actual absorption of foreign capital has been down and contracted foreign investment has been up since the beginning of the year
价格下price reduction
出口和进口同时下、 至少部分由于去年同期基数较高The slowdown in both exports and imports is at least partly due to a higher comparison base in the year-earlier period
利率的大幅下、导致工行净利差减少76个基点、缩减至2.25%The sharp drop in interest rates caused ICBC to suffer a 76 basis-point fall in its net interest margi year on year, to 2. 25 per cent
利用拼写检查器、可避免网站出现尴尬的拼写错误、否则会低网站的信誉度Use a spelling checker, spelling mistakes are embarrassing and hurt credibility
加工过程中制品的废料、溢料可回收使用、以低生产成本、更合乎环保原则The remaining materials can be recycled during the finishing process to reduce the production cost for the sake of environmental protection
北京将回归一天内基于市场情绪小范围汇率升的货币政策Beijing -will return to a narrow band of appreciation or depreciation a day depending on market sentiment
在你的音频处理器中打开文件、 进行背景噪、 删除长段无声空白Open it up into your sound editor and edit out extra background noise or long periods of silence
在市场对任何坏消息都神经过敏的情况下、 评级连四级对市场产生冲击并不令人意外That the four-notch downgrade upset markets on trigger alert for any bad nexus is no surprise
家庭储蓄率下与国际收支经常项目顺差似乎有某种联系The decline in the household saving rate and the current-account surplus would seem to be connected
市情升market fluctuation
开征物业税将有助于低房价、 并为地方政府提供可持续的收入来源A property tax -would help bring down prices and provide local governments with a sustainable revenue stream
政府希望把外汇储备多元化:在今年、政府对于新的国库券的购买已经急速下The government would like to diversify out of dollarsːits new purchases of treasury securities have fallen sharply this year
效率低系数loss of efficiency factors
无论是资源配给过剩还是不足、都将使应用有效性低、并且使企业运营风险相对增加No matter how much the deficiency of resources, utilization efficiency will be decreased and operation risk be increased
明显sharp price reduction
港元汇值下depreciation of the exchange value of the Hong Kong dollar
由于市场继续预期美国将采取息举措、恒生地产分类指数昨日上涨1.8%The HS property sub-index rose 1. 8 percent amid continued expectations for a cut in US interest rates
被称为"黄金落伞"的高额离职费、已经渐渐成为当前企业界的普遍现象The high layoff packages, known as "golden parachute", are increasingly common in the corporate world
该事实可以解释当财政部改变其原始数据之后、 估测出的实际利率明显下This fact could explain the large jump down in the inferred real interest rate when the Treasury changed the raw bond data it uses
详尽与准确的销售资料将有助于减少存货、 以低营运成本Detailed and accurate sales data can help to reduce stock level and thus the operating cost
这可能让喜欢某种官方批准的监管机构感到不安、但它也会低光环效应That might worry regulators who like some official seal of approval, but it would also reduce the halo effect
scale down prices
price mark down
bring down prices
价促销price-off promotion
低成本costs reduction
低成本产品cost reductions
低标价mark down
低的价格reduced price
低质量compromise on quality
黄金落伞golden parachute