
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing | all forms
low side
井内水位drawdown of well
地块sunken block
sinking coast
曲线depression curve
梯度downward gradient
supergene water
descending water
水位法falling water level method
descending flow
descending current
流井downflow well
流体descending fluid
地下水漏斗drawdown cone
漏斗cone of exhaustion
漏斗cone of depression
downthrown block
downthrown side
downcast side
down-dropped block
downcast side
运动descending motion
不均勻沉differential settlement
不均匀沉irregular settlement
中等雨量moderate rainfall
临界critical drawdown
井水位抽well drawdown
井点well points dewatering
井的落漏斗well cone of influence
angle of depression
出口水力坡exit gradient
分区沉zone settling
分层深试验multiple step-drawdown test
分层沉telescoping tube settlement gauge
分層沉telescoping tube settlement gauge
初沉primary settling tank
前期水指数antecedent precipitation index
前期水量antecedent precipitation
前期水量指数antecedent precipitation index
前期antecedent rainfall
剩余precipitation excess
势位potential drop
potential drop
区域落漏斗regional cone of depression
区域下漏斗regional cone of depression
区域性地下水位下regional descent of groundwater level
区域沉zone settling
十字型沉cross-arm settlement gauge
十字臂沉cross-arm settlement gauge
十字臂沉cross-arm settlement gauge
作用elevation and subsidence
hoisting cap
hoisting cable
起重机hoisting crane
单位unit drawdown
单位时间雨量intensity of rainfall
单点式水银沉single point mercury settlement gauge
试验pressure decline test
压力drop of pressure
压力pressure sink
压力difference in pressure
压力pressure deficiency
压力pressure depletion
压力pressure decline
压力下pressure drawdown
压力减release of pressure
压力陡pressure breakdown
压缩沉compression settlement
变坡variable slope
变形沉distortion settlement
可能沉potential subsidence
合成深曲线composite drawdown curve
含水层aquifer degradation
單點水銀沉single point mercury settlement gauge
固体废物的微生物biodegradation of solid wastes
固有沉inherent settlement
固結沉consolidation settlement
固结沉settlement due to consolidation
地下水groundwater drawdown
地下水groundwater drawdown
地下水下曲线groundwater recession curve
地下水位drop in groundwater level
地下水位下groundwater lowering
地下水位下decline of underground water level
地下水位下漏斗cone of water-table depression
地下水位抽area of pumping depression
地下水位洩錐線cone of water-table depression
地下水陡线groundwater fall line
地力下soil deterioration
地基沉ground depression
地壳沉沉陷crustal subsidence
地形性orographic precipitation
地表沉观测ground settlement observation
地面沉settlement of ground
地面沉surface settlement
地面沉setting of ground
地面沉等值线subsidence contours
均匀沉基础uniformly-yielding foundation
fall (排水渠)
垂直管式沉vertical tube settlement gauge
基础不均匀沉differential foundation settlement
填土沉fill settlement
多井水位drawdown of multiple wells
多次深试验multiple step-drawdown test
大气atmospheric sedimentation
大气水泉meteoric spring
大气水量atmospheric precipitation
大气雨补给rainfall recharge
大气沉atmospheric sedimentation
constant drawdown
容许沉permissible settlement
容许沉tolerable settlement
容许沉permissive subsidence
对流convective precipitation
小型链式升coffin hoist
小时雨量hourly rainfall depth
工后沉post-construction settlement
工程完工后沉post-construction settlement
差异沉differential foundation settlement
差異沉differential settlement
平均沉average settlement
雨量yearly rainfall
年总水量total annual precipitation
应力路径沉分析stress-path settlement analysis
建筑物沉building settlement
弹性畸变沉elastic distortion settlement
彈性沉elastic settlement
当地水量local precipitation
水位total drawdown
总沉gross settlement
扭曲沉distortion settlement
曲线drawdown curve
抽水落漏斗pumping-depression cone
抽水落锥面pumping-depression cone
雨量daily rainfall
旱季isolated storm
时间-水位落曲线time-drawdown curve
最大可能水量maximum probable precipitation
最大水位maximum decline of water level
最大累积雨量maximum rolling rainfall
最终沉ultimate settlement
颗粒最终沉速度terminal settling velocity
最高滾存雨量maximum rolling rainfall
有效effective precipitation
有效水差effective abstraction
有效effective rainfall
有效沉effective deformation
杆式沉rod settlement gauge
极限沉速率limiting rate of settlement
校正水位深值corrected drawdown
梯级stepped gradient
次固結沉secondary consolidation settlement
正常normal precipitation
殘餘沉residual settlement
比水位specific drawdown
毛细下capillary depression
气压式沉pneumatic settlement cell
气旋cyclonic precipitation
钻井水位drawdown of well
水位fall depth of water level
水位falling of watertable
水位fall of water level
水位落漏斗depression cone
地下水位下water lowering
水位下water-table decline
水位下water-table drawdown
水位下water table drop
水位下fall of water level
水位下head decline
水位下lowering of water level
水位下decline of water level
水位下曲線drawdown curve
水位下曲线water-table depression curve
水位下falling stage
水位下decline period of water table
水位下drawdown ratio
水位坡water table gradient
水位瞬时transient drawdown
水压沉hydraulic settlement gauge
水压面下decline of piezometric surface
水-气式沉hydro-pneumatic settlement cell
水面water-table drawdown
水面坡water table gradient
settlement gauge
作用precipitating action
分析analysis by sedimentation
subsiding region
negative area
因数settlement factor
沉箱基准面founding level
settling bank
difference of settlement
depression area
平台用于观测填土沉降settlement platform
应力settlement stress
控制复合桩基础composite foundation with settlement-reducing piles
地面收缩settlement shrinkage
-时间曲线settlement-time curve
settlement plate
标点settlement plug
校正系数settlement correction factor
测头settlement probe
测试盒settlement cell
测量仪settlement gauge
海岸subsiding coast
海岸subsided coast
盆地settlement basin
盆地depressed basin
系数coefficient of settlement
construction joint
breaking joint
缝等的构造joint construction
-荷载曲线settlement-load curve
观测点settlement point
观测点settlement observation point
计算settlement calculation
计算经验系数settlement correction factor
记录settlement record
速度subsiding velocity
速度sinking velocity
速度falling velocity
速率settlement rate
速率falling rate
量自记仪automatic settlement plotter
鋼筋網sinking mattress
预测forecast of settlement
河床比stream bed gradient
河道坡stream channel slope
圓錐•面抽水試驗cone of depression
曲線drawdown curve
曲線depression curve
曲線cone of depression
测压水位落漏斗pressure-relief cone
海面升形成的河流阶地eustatic river terrace
海面升进退运动eustatic movement
深层沉deep settlement
深层沉deep settlement gauge
深層沉deep settlement
湿陷性沉slumping settlement
溢水式沉hydraulic overflow settlement cell
溢水式沉hydraulic overflow settlement cell
溢水式沉water overflow settlement gauge
潛在potential drop
潜水位下phreatic decline
潜水面下lowering of water table
潜水面升phreatic fluctuation
现场实测沉资料measured field settlement data
生物解性biological degradability
电位下fall of potential method
相对沉relative settlement
相对沉relative compressibility
瞬时沉undrained settlement
碟形沉dish-shaped settlement
碟形沉bowl-shape settlement
磁性沉magnetic probe extensometer
水量线isohyetal line
深线图drawdown contour map
等测压面下漏斗cone of pressure relief
tube sinking method
管井tube well dewatering
粒度下size degradation
紫外光UV degradation
累积水量accumulated precipitation
累积性沉progressive settlement
自动沉量记录仪automatic settlement plotter
自流压力artesian-pressure decline
荷載-沉曲線load-settlement curve
蠕變沉creep rupture
蠕變破壞 creep rupture test 蠕变破损试验 creep settlement 蠕变沉creep rupture
表面沉surface settlement plate
计算沉calculated settlement
跑道landing strip
距离-深关系distance-drawdown relationship
距离-深曲线distance-drawdown curve
距离-深标准曲线法distance-drawdown type curve method
过大沉excessive settlement
连续沉continuous settlement gauge
部分fractional precipitation
钢管伸缩式沉telescoping tube settlement gauge
长期long-term drawdown
长期地面沉long-term subsidence graph
长期沉long-term settlement
水面interrupted water table
低地下水位groundwater lowering
低地下水位falling groundwater level
低标高reduced level
漏油、漏水等引起slip pressure
压曲线fall-off curve
sag grading
precipitated water
atmospheric condensation
水入渗系数coefficient of rainfall infiltration
水加固固结consolidation by dewatering
水工程dewatering project
水强度intensity of precipitation
水径流量precipitation excess
水指数precipitation index
水效果检验dewatering inspection
水曲线precipitation curve
水量precipitation rate
水量高度height of precipitation
水量分布图isohyetal map
水錐depression cone
水预压dewatering preloading
深修正曲线correction curve for drawndown
深剖面drawdown profile
深干扰值drawdown interference
深曲线drawdown curve
深比drawdown ratio
深-流量曲线drawdown-yield curve
深等值线图drawdown contour map
深试验drawdown test
深-距离试验drawdown-distance test
ash fall
飞机落场landing place
落曲线depression curve
落水subsiding water
落水頭滲透試驗falling head permeability test
水位落测量measurement of drawdown
落漏斗drawdown surface
落漏斗pumping cone
水位落漏斗water cone
落漏斗cone of influence
落漏斗cone of exhaustion
落的地下水位depressed water table
atmospheric condensation
分布rainfall distribution
雨区zone of rainfall
雨区rainfall area
雨带zone of rainfall
雨強度rainfall intensity
雨强度intensity of rain
雨强度intensity of precipitation
雨-径流相关关系rainfall-runoff correlation
雨试验器rainfall simulator
雨量rainfall rate
雨量rain height
zero drawdown
静水压力剖面hydrostatic profile gauge
预计沉estimated settlement
水位sudden drawdown