
Terms containing 降低成本 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.使生产成本降低一半halve the production cost
tech.制订成本降低计划institute cost reduction programme
tech.制订成本降低计划institute cost reduction program
proj.manag.加工过程中制品的废料、溢料可回收使用、以降低生产成本、更合乎环保原则The remaining materials can be recycled during the finishing process to reduce the production cost for the sake of environmental protection
tech.可比产品成本降低任务cost reduction target on comparable products
busin.可比产品成本降低指标cost reduction target on comparable product
busin.可比产品成本降低率rate of reduction of cost of comparable products
tech.可比产品成本降低率cost reduction percentage of comparable products
tech.可比产品成本降低额reduced cost of comparable products
textile可比产品成本降低额reduced amount of cost of comparable pro ducts
tech.可比产品成本降低额reduced amount of cost of comparable products
econ.合理降低成本reasonable cost down
commer.成本或费用降低cost reduction
textile成本降低cost down
environ.成本降低cost reduction The lessening or lowering in the amount of money incurred or asked for in the exchange of goods and services (在货物及服务交易中,引发资金总额的下降或减少。)
econ.成本降低cost reduction (program, 方案)
fin.成本降低cost reduction
busin.成本降低cost decrease
busin.成本降低原理cost reduction principle
shipb.成本降低措施measurement of cost reducing
textile成本降低方案cost reduction program
avia.成本降低曲线cost reduction curve
busin.成本降低法cost reduction method
busin.成本降低率cost reduction rate
tech.成本降低率decrease rate of cost
econ.成本降低率rate of cost reduction
tech.成本降低率cost decreasing rate
shipb.成本降低率cost reducing rate
corp.gov.成本降低的行业decreasing cost industry
fin.成本降低计划cost reduction programs
busin.成本降低计划cost reduction plan
avia.成本降低选择性研究cost reduction alternative study
econ.成本降低金额amount of cost reduction
fin.成本降低额amount of cost reduction
busin.成本降低额cost reduction
tech.成本降低额decrease quantum of cost
shipb.成本降低额amount for cost reduction
shipb.成本降低额amount of cost-reduction
busin.成本降到最低限.度cost minimization
econ.新时代成本降低cost reduction in the new era
expl.爆破成本降低reduced blasting cost
tech.生产成本降低cost decrease
tech.生产成本降低一半halve the production cost
expl.由于有降低成本的需要、重视矿工的健康和安全的问题以及随着毕业生技术水平的日渐提高、导致我们在20世纪的80年代末和90年代初越来越关注炸药技术的应用An ongoing need to reduce costs, and an increasing emphasis on the health and safety of mineworkers,together with the growing influence of technically skilled graduates resulted in increased attention being paid to explosives technologies during the late eighties and early nineties of the previous century
textile综合成本降低计划integrated cost reduction program
busin.综合成本降低计划integrate cost reduction program
proj.manag.详尽与准确的销售资料将有助于减少存货、 以降低营运成本Detailed and accurate sales data can help to reduce stock level and thus the operating cost
tech.逐步降低的成本diminishing cost
fin.降低借贷成本reduce borrowing costs
textile降低利息成本reduced interest costs
busin.降低利息成本reduced interest cost
econ.降低成本cost saving
textile降低成本cut the costs
textile降低成本reduce costs
proj.manag.降低成本costs reduction
textile降低成本reduction of costs
textile降低成本cutting down costs
auto.降低成本reduction in costs
met.降低成本cut cost
tech.降低成本cutback cost
tech.降低成本diminishing cost
tech.降低成本lower cost
tech.降低成本reduce cost
tech.降低成本cost reduction
busin.降低成本cut the cost
busin.降低成本cutting down cost
busin.降低成本let-down cost
busin.降低成本reduced cost
fin.降低成本reduction of cost
econ.降低成本cost reduction (费用)
econ.降低成本cost down
busin.降低成本cut back cost
agric.降低成本falling cost
gen.降低成本drive costs down
proj.manag.降低成本产品cost reductions
textile降低成本余额法reduction of balance of cost method
tech.降低成本余额法reducing cost balance method
busin.降低成本原理cost minimization principle
earth.sc.降低成本投资支出cost-reduction expenditure
fin.降低成本措施cost down policy
shipb.降低成本措施measurement of cost reducing
busin.降低成本支出cost reduction expenditure
busin.降低成本政策cost down policy
commer.降低成本方案cost-reduction programs
econ.降低成本cost minimization principle
fin.降低成本的投资支出cost reduction expenditure
avia.降低成本研究cost reduction study
econ.降低成本联盟Cost Reduction Alliance
tech.降低成本计划cost reduction programme
oil降低成本计划cost-reduction program
tech.降低成本计划cost reduction program
tech.降低成本计划cost reduction plan
busin.降低成本运动cost reduction campaign
busin.降低成本reduced cost amount
busin.降低生产成本cut down the cost of production
busin.降低生产成本lower production cost
commer.降低生产成本reduction in production costs
textile降低生产成本reduce the production costs
textile降低生产成本reduce production costs
manag.降低生产成本reduce the production cost
busin.降低生产成本lowering production cost
busin.降低生产成本reduce production cost
busin.降低生产成本cut back production cost
agric.降低生产成本reduction of production costs
fin.降低融资成本reduce its financing costs
fin.降低行政成本decrease administrative costs
China, polit.降低行政成本reduce government overhead
busin.降低行销成本cutting down marketing cost
busin.降低进出口成本cut down the cost of import and export
fin.降低进口成本reduce the cost of imports
shipb.降低造船成本reduce shipbuilding cost