
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
发展中国家land-locked developing countries
发展中国家land-locked developing country
land lock country
并装站inland consolidation depot
水域land lock water
汇票inland bills
结关站inland clearance depot
运费inland forwarding expenses
运输产业委员会industrial committee for inland transport
运输保款货站inland clearance depot
运输保险单inland transit policy
加拿大上油气署Canadian Oil and Gas Land Agent
北美大North American Landbridge
另外,我们还应该偿付内货运费用In addition, we should pay for the inland freight charges
在欧洲大付款的票据continental bill
架地产法案Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
以外国家extra continental power
西欧农业经济continental farming
埃姆斯科Continental Emsco
marine shelf
land bridge (海陆联运中的陆运部分)
desire of compatriots in Taiwan to come to the mainland
挪威奥斯股票交易所Oslo Stock Exchange
将寄去保险附加单一张,扩大保险范围把运险也包括在内A rider to the policy will be sent, which extends the policy to cover overland insurance
小型桥运输a minibridge service
横贯大的铁路trans-continental railway
交易所continental house
此外,着费往往是不低的In addition, the landed costs are often not low
发货运费freight and cartage outward
联运mixed traffic
联运码头dock for joint land and water transport service
路线a surface route
运费账户freight and cartage a/c
运输surface movement (transport)
进货运费账户freight and cartage on purchase a/c
汇到大的汇票continental bill
美国班轮公司Sea-Land Line
空联合统计资料the aero amphibious data
联运overseas-overland transportation
联运micro-bridge service
联运joint rail-and-water transportation
landing certificate
短距离路运输short-distance land transport
经济的黑暗大指经济上未开发的非洲economy’s dark continent
经济黑暗的大economy's dark continent (指非洲)
美国海公司方式sea-land system (集装箱)
联合王国或欧洲大United Kingdom or Continent
美国联邦上油气资源租赁改革法案Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act
进入内的深度inland penetration
通常上运输可达的地点overland common point
上条款the shore to shore clause
上货运land freight
上贸易land trade
上运输the terrestrial transportation
上运输可到达处overland common point
上运输运价land rates
land force
军一般分类测验army general classification test
英国军供应部Ministry of Supply (Land)
美国军消费合作社post exchange
firm ground
地区域land area
地温室气体land-based greenhouse
地生物资源terrestrial biological resources
桥运输land bridge
美国海军石油管理Army Navy Petroleum Board
美国海军联合技术标准Joint Army Navy Standards
续上升the progressive rise
续上升progressive rise
路共同地点运费率overland common points rate
路共通点overland common point
路运输land carriage
路运输保险land transportation insurance
路运输费land freight
the overland service
运保险overland transportation insurance
运保险overland insurance
运发货通知dispatch advice
运报单the declaration for land transportation
运险overland transportation risk
运险land risk