
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
一台发动机不工作时的参考进场着速度reference landing approach speed one engine inoperative
三点着three-point landing
下滑航迹着系统glide path landing system
下滑道仪表着系统出现故障glide path instrument landing system appears unreliable
下滑道着系统仪表恢复工作glide path landing system resumed operation
不使用无线电设备进场着nordo approach
不平坦机场着rough field landing
20世纪 70 年代军空中防御系统army air defense systems for the 1970s
中断进场着并复飞missed approach
中途着的长途飞行cross-country flying
临时标准微波着系统interim standard microwave landing system
system临时标准微波着系统interim standard microwave landing (设计用来为进行最终进近的飞机提供和仪表着陆系统 (ILS)相似的进近信息的系统。它在常规的航向偏差指示器或进近地平仪上显示横向和垂直引导。系统在C波段微波频率范围大约5000MHz 上工作,而且飞机必须安装特定设备来接收这些信号。这个系统的运行类似于 ILSO然而,它的信号只能在进人航线两侧50°范围内被接收。ISMLS 包括一个C波段 (5000〜5030MHz )航向信标台,一个C频段 (5220〜5250 MHz)下滑道信标台,一个发射 75 MHz 的甚高频“VHF”指标点。一个甚/特高频“V/UHF”ILS 接收机,一个C波段天线,一个变换器装置和一个微波/ILS 模式控制器)
临时标准微波着系统interim-standard microwave landing system
主攻部队的登main landing
主着major landing site
主起落架着接地点main gear touchdown point
低速起飞和着slow takeoff and landing
停车着dead-stick landing
停车着dead stick
允许着authorised landing area
先头登landing party
先进的军飞机仪表系统advanced army aircraft instrument system
先进的短程起飞和垂直着advanced STOVL
先进的短程起飞和垂直着advanced short take off and vertical landing
先进的飞机着系统advanced landing system
先进综合着系统advanced integrated landing system
先进进场进近和着系统advanced approach and landing system
光学夜间着系统optical night landing approach system
全停着flight stop landing
全天候着指示器all-weather landing indicator
全天候着系统all-weather landing system
全球卫星导航系统导航和着系统GNSS navigation and landing system
全球卫星导航系统导航和着装置GNSS navigation and landing unit
全球卫星导航系统着系统GNSS landing system
全球定位系统着和导航系统global position system GPS landing and navigation system
全球定位系统着和导航系统GPS global positioning system landing and navigation system
全球定位系统着和导航装置GPS landing and navigation unit
全球定位系统着和导航装置global position system GPS landing and navigation unit
全球定位系统着和导航装置GPS global positioning system landing and navigation unit
全球定位系统着系统global position system GPS landing system
全球定位系统着系统GPS global positioning system landing system
全球定位系统着装置global position system GPS landing unit
全球定位系统着装置GPS global positioning system landing unit
全球导航卫星系统着装置GNSS landing unit
切向着tangential landing
切向起飞与着滑跑起飞与着陆tangential takeoff and landing
单发进场着最小控制速度minimum control speed during landing approach with one engine
单点登single sign on
单轮着one-wheel landing
卫星着satellite landing ground
卫星着系统satellite landing system
危险的不适合的来自仪表着系统的信息hazardous misleading information from ILS
军服役的空军人员air force with army
在…登陆<#0>land on
在着构型参考失速速度reference stall speed in landing configuration
在第五边上进入着final approach
地球着控制区earth landing control area
地球着顺序控制器earth landing sequence controller
地面控制的自动着automatic ground controlled landing
地面控制进场着ground-controlled approach (用雷达监视飞机进场,用无线电指挥其着陆)
地面控制进场着ground-controlled approach (系统)
地面效应起飞和着ground effect take off and landing
地面效应起飞着系统surface effect take-off and landing system
地面着经过时间ground elapsed time of landing
地面自动引导着系统automatic ground-controlled landing
备用着场地alternate landing site
复合天线仪表着系统multiple antenna instrument landing system
多模式进场进近与着系统multimode approach and landing system
夜间/全天候起飞着night/all-weather take off and landing
夜间着训练模拟器着陆附加装置simulator landing attachment for night landing training
夜间运输机着训练器night carrier landing trainer
作战范围continental operations range
气象数据系统continental meteorological data system
管制区continental control area
航空公司continental air lines, Inc.
航空服务continental air services
防空系统continental air defense system
陆军司令部continental army command
飞机飞行控制与告警系统continental aircraft control and warning
大航线进场着wide approach
大西洋彼岸着trans-Atlantic landing
太平洋彼岸着transpacific landing
起落航线进场着bring around tight
常规制动着braked conventional landing
常规起飞与着conventional takeoff and landing
常规起飞和着conventional take off and landing
干跑道着和短等待操作land and hold-short operations dry (在干跑道上的着陆和短等待操作。当一架正在着陆的飞机可以且被调度员要求短暂停留在交叉跑道或滑行道或指定的短暂停留点时,着陆和短暂停留包括同时起飞和着陆或同时着陆)
平均中间着的航线飞行速度average cross-country speed
平坠着pancake landing
强迫着forced landing
强迫着distress landing
战术上攻击导弹tactical land attack missile
战术仪表着系统tactical instrument landing system
战术进场和着雷达tactical approach and landing radar
所需着距离landing distance required
手控目视着系统manual operated visual landing system
摔机着碰撞crash landing impact
摩擦制动着friction braked landing
收起落架着belly land
数字地模拟digital landmass simulation
数字式综合自动着系统digital integrated automatic landing system
数字雷达地模拟digital radar landmass simulation
数字雷达地模拟digital radar land mass simulation
整体信标着系统integrity beacon landing system
最大允许重量maximum permitted landing weight
最大允许着重量maximum landing weight authorized
最大批准着重量maximum certificated landing weight
最大着maximum landing
最大着重量maximum landing weight (允许飞机在着陆时的最大重量,它通常小于最大起飞重量。在起飞不久,实行着陆前,飞行员可能不得不倾倒燃油或投弃储藏物来减小着陆重量。大于最大着陆重量的飞机在着陆后要进行结构检査,特别是对起落架的检查。最大着陆重量有最大设计着陆重量和最大允许着陆重量之分。前者指由飞机强度和适航要求限制的主轮接地的最大重量。后者是由制造商确定、经适航部门同意,并写人数据表和使用说明书的飞机重量)
最大设计着重量maximum design landing weight
最小着误差的问题minimum-landing-error problem
最小着重量minimum landing weight
最终着配置速度final landing configuration speed
最近着nearest landing field
未放或收起起落架的着Aberdeen cutlet
未来地移动电话业务future land mobile telephone service
本土Territorial Army (英国)
本迪克斯公司研制的全天候着辅助系统的商品名Micro vision
机动式军地面图像判读中心mobile army ground imagery interpretation center
机动式空中交通管制与全天候着系统mobile air traffic control and all-weather landing system
机场着照明灯火landing flares
机场着设备airport landing equipment
机头着nose landing
机腹着belly land
机载上探测雷达airborne overland radar
机载仪表着和进场airborne instrument landing and approach
机载仪表着进场airborne instrument landing approach
机载仪表着进场进近系统airborne instrument landing approach system
机载仪表着进近系统airborne instrument landing approach system
机载仪表进场进近airborne instrument landing approach
标准军管理信息系统standard army management information systems
标准战区军指挥与控制系统standard theater army command and control system
标准波束着制导系统standard beam landing guidance system
模块化仪表着系统modular instrument landing system
模拟式自动着改进程序analog autoland improvement program
模拟强迫着simulated forced landing
模拟着landing simulation
气垫登assault air-cushion vehicle
气垫着系统air-cushion landing system
侦察amphibian reconnaissance
水平姿态起飞和着horizontal attitude take-off and landing
水平姿态起飞和着horizontal-attitude takeoff and landing
水平着horizontal landing
水平起飞与着horizontal takeoff and landing
水平起飞和着horizontal takeoff and landing
水平起飞/水平着horizontal takeoff/horizontal landing
海军战队两栖旅marine amphibious brigade
海军战队两栖部队marine amphibious unit (美国)
海军战队两栖部队marine amphibious force
海军战队战术空中控制系统marine tactical air control system
海军战队机场marine corps air field
海军战队航空兵基地marine air base
海军战队航空兵大队Marine Air Group
海军战队航空兵指挥与控制系统marine air command and control system
海军战队航空兵控制中队marine air control squadron
海军战队航空兵武器及战术中队marine aviation weapons and tactics squadron
海军战队航空技术学校marine corps aviation technical school
海军战队航空支队marine aviation detachment
海军战队航空站marine corps auxiliary air depot
海军战队航空站marine corps air station (美国)
海军战队航空设施marine corps air facility
海军与军标准navy and army standard
海-空-系统sea-air-land system
火箭动力软着系统rocket powered soft landing system
照明着flared landing
甚高频全向信标/仪表着系统VOR very high frequency omni-range instrument landing system
甚高频全向信标起飞、进场进近与着系统VHF omnirange takeoff, approach and landing system
甚高频全向无线电信标仪表着系统VHF omnidirectional range/instrument landing system
用于全重和襟翼调定值的参考着速度reference landing speed for a gross weight and flap set
用仪表着系统自动进场着陆coupled approach
用机腹着belly in
甲板着on deck
aviation radio navigation, land
on deck
事故landing emergency
braking parachute
位置touchdown position
作业区landing operations area
信号官landing signal officer
信标系统beacon landing system
全重landing gross weight
冲击ground impact
冲击耐力landing impact tolerance
决断点landing decision point
准确性accuracy landing
分系统landing subsystem
功量landing energy
区上空高度height above landing
区域landing zone
区域控制中心landing zone control center
区泛光灯landing area flood lights
后姿态postlanding attitude
后平尾自动再配平auto horizontal-tail retrimming after landing
后检查after-landing check
后水平尾翼自动调整配平auto horizontal tail retrimming after landing
后滑行taxi in
后连续起飞touch-and-go landing
和分离控制装置landing and fallout control unit
和短等待操作land and hold-short operations (当一架正在着陆的飞机可以且被调度员要求短暂停留在交叉跑道或滑行道或指定的短暂停留点时,如飞行员不能接受短暂停留许可,必须立即通知调度员)
和等待灯land and hold short lights
landing chart
地带landing footprint
地带landing runway
地带landing zone
landing ground
landing area
场地半径radius of landing site
场天气预报landing forecast
场长landing length (也称着陆距离。即飞机从安全高度开始下滑、接地、地面滑跑,直至完全停止所经过的水平距离。民用飞机定义为着陆滑跑距离的1.667倍“干跑道”和1. 917倍“湿跑道”)
场长landing field length
场长度landing field length
场高度landing site latitude
基准速度landing reference speed
基准速度或在跑道人口处的目标速度landing reference speed or target velocity at threshold
姿态修正landing attitude modification
定向站landing direction finding station
导航灯/着陆方向灯landing direction light
导航设备landing aids
工作队landing team
带照明设备landing strip lighting
引导系统landing guidance system
张线landing wires
性能land landing performance
性能landing performance
性能应用landing performance application
性能应用landing performance application
着陆系统对拉平段引导flare guidance
拦阻装置arrester gear
拦阻装置控制arresting gear control
探照灯landing area floodlight
接地区touchdown zone
控制逻辑装置landing control logic unit
操作landing operation
操作工作组landing operations working group
支援指挥官员landing support officer
方向指示landing direction indication
时可用泛光灯floodlights available on landing
时失速速度或最低稳定飞行速度stalling speed or minimum steady flight speed in the landing (land)
时撞击landing impact
时注意exercise caution while landing
期间最小控制速度minimum control speed during landing
条件touchdown condition
构型下失速速度stall speed in a landing configuration
构型时失速速度stalling speed in the landing configuration
构型时最低稳定飞行速度minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration
标准landing categories
滑行灯taxing landing lights
滑行距离landing distance
滑跑引导ground roll guidance
滑跑引导ground-roll guidance
滑跑监控器ground roll monitor
滑跑监控器ground-roll monitor
滑跑距离ground roll
滑跑距离landing distance on runway
滑跑距离distance of landing run
landing light (一种朝向前方的高强度的聚光灯,当即将着陆时在跑道上以及滑行道上闪烁。它也可以用作防撞灯和防鸟灯。着陆灯可以安装在机翼前缘。前起落架或机翼下表面。在飞机上可以装有一个以上的着陆灯,大多数着陆灯是可以收放的)
LT landing light
approach light
touchdown point
点上空高度height above touchdown (在接地区 (即跑道的最初3000ft)最高跑道标高之上的决断高度或最低下降高度。HAT 与所有飞机直线进近最低气象条件一起公布在仪表进近航图中。又称 height above touchdown zone (接地区上空高度)或 height above the touchdown zone elevation (接地区高程以上的高度))
点指示器landing point designator
照明弹landing flares
燃油许可量landing fuel allowance
状态最小控制速度minimum control speed on landing configuration
现场维修maintenance landing sites
监控系统landing monitor system
监视系统landing monitor system
精度landing precision
系统landing system
罗盘landing compass
耗油landing burn off
至停放full stop landing
航向信标台localizer beacon
航迹监视仪landing path monitor
起飞区touchdown and lift off area
跑道landing runway
距离空中段landing air distance
跳跃landing bounce
轨迹监视仪landing path monitor
辅助装置landing assist device
辅助装置实验站landing aids experiment station
进场landing approach
进场进近指示空速indicated air speed on approach for landing
进近练习器landing approach trainer
速度touchdown velocity
阻拦装置arresting gear
限制重量landing limiting weight
雷达控制员final controller
雷达/火炮防空系统army radar/gun air defense system
预报landing forecast
飞机气垫landing craft air cushion
飞行阶段landing flight phase
硬登hard lander
硬登舱落在月球或行星表面hard landing
硬着 在触地前下降率没有被允许制止的飞机着陆方式。这种着陆会引起飞机结构的破坏,特别是起落架的破坏。在一次硬着陆后,必须按照厂商的要求对飞机进行彻底检查,又称 heavy landing HLD high lift device 增升装置hard landing (机翼上用来改善气流状况,以增加升力的活动面。通过增加机翼弯度、增大机翼面积和延迟气流分离的方法增加机翼升力。具有改善飞机起飞、着陆或机动飞行性能的作用。飞机的增升装置主要是由各种机翼的前、后襟翼组成。包括简单襟翼、开裂式襟翼、开缝襟翼、富勒襟翼、前缘襟翼“简单前缘襟翼和克鲁格襟翼”、前缘缝翼、边界层吹除或吸人襟翼 (吹气襟翼包括前缘边界层吹除和后缘边界层吹除)等)
硬着航天器hard lander
等待与进近着holding and approach-to-land
等待和进场进近holding and approach-to-land
紧急着emergency landing
紧急着人员幸存事故emergency landing survival accident
联合垂直起飞和着飞机joint vertical takeoff and landing aircraft
联合进场进近系统joint precision approach landing system
脉冲编码光学着导航组件pulse code optical landing assembly
航天飞机着系统earth landing sub system
航天飞机着设备shuttle landing facility
航空器着aircraft landing area
航空器着测量系统aircraft landing measurement system
航空母舰上自动着系统automatic carrier landing system
航空母舰全天候飞机着系统all weather carrier landing system
航空母舰着练习器aircraft carrier landing trainer
航空母舰飞机着系统aircraft carrier landing system
航空航天防御军司令部aerospace defense command army
航站区仪表着雷达terminal area instrumentation radar
舰载海军战队fleet marine force
舰载飞机着系统shipborne aircraft landing system
虚拟图像起飞着virtual image takeoff and landing
轨道处理和着设施orbit processing and landing facility
轨道飞行器着仪表设施orbiter landing instrumentation facility
轨道飞行器着设施orbiter landing facility
转换式多普勒微波着系统commute Doppler microwave landing system
选项数据登option data entry builder
通用微波着系统universal MLS
通用微波着系统universal microwave landing system
通用电气设备着管理系统electrical utilities land management system
遥控区域仪表着传感器remote area instrument landing sensor
遥控区域仪表着系统remote area instrument landing system
阿波罗飞船先进的直接着任务advanced direct landing Apollo mission
阿波罗飞船登月着系统Apollo lunar landing system
陀螺半罗盘故障条件下进场着gyro out approach
上信息管理ashore information management
上或海上目标surface target
上着舰练习field carrier landing practice
上着舰练习field carrier-landing practice
上跳伞overland bailout
上轰炸机bombing landplane
上运输机transport landplane
上通信land lines
上飞行电话系统terrestrial flight telephone system
land arm
军与空军联合委员会army and air force board
军作战破坏程度评估系统army military damage assessment system
军侦察车army reconnaissance scout vehicle
军保密局Army Security Agency (美国)
军保密局学校army security agency school
军军事学院Army War College (美国)
军军械部army ordnance department
军医学研究实验室army medical research laboratory
军参谋长chief of staff
军后勤培训自动支援系统automated support system for army unit logistics training
军基地库存管理系统army field stock control system
军安全系统指令army safeguard system command
军导弹发展中心army missile development center
军导弹支援司令部army missile support command
军弹道学研究实验室army ballistic research laboratory
军弹道导弹局Army Ballistic Missile Agency (美国)
军总资产可视性army total asset visibility
军情报学校army intelligence school
军情报总局army central intelligence service
军情报部army intelligence department
军战术作战中心army tactical operations center
军战术数据系统Army Tactical Data System
军战术计算机系统army tactical computer system
军战略后勤计划army strategic logistics plan
军数学研究中心army mathematics research center
军机动设备研究和发展中心army mobility equipment research and development center
军材料分析局army material system analysis agency
军材料司令部army material command
军材料司令部条例army material command regulation
军材料和机械研究中心army material and mechanics research center
军材料采购审查委员会army material acquisition review committee
军武器技术局Direction Technique des Armements Terrestres
军武器技术局direction technique des armements terrestres
军法规articles of war
军流动外科医院mobile army surgical hospital
军测绘处army map service
军测试与鉴定局army test and evaluation command
军/海军图纸army/navy drawing
军消费合作社post exchange (美国)
军激光目标指示器系统army laser target designator system
军火箭与导弹局army rocket and guided missile agency
军物资研究局army materials research agency
军电子司令部army electronics command
军直升机改进计划army helicopter improvement program (美国)
军研究实验室army research laboratory
军研究局army research office
军科学和技术目标指南army scientific and technical objectives guide
军空中交通管制与导航系统army air traffic control and navigation system
军空中交通规则和识别army air traffic regulation and identification
军空中运输组织army air transport organization
军空地系统army air-ground system
军空域的指挥与控制army airspace command and control
军空战灵活性研究和发展army air mobility research and development
军系统获得物审査委员会army system acquisition review council
军给养中心army subsistence center
军联队Military Wing (英国皇家飞行队)
军背景实验army background experiment
军航空兵army air corps
军航空兵Army Air Forces (美国)
军航空兵分队army aviation element
军航空兵协会army aviation association
军航空兵协会Aviation Association (美国)
军航空兵基地army aviation base
军航空兵委员会army aviation board
军航空兵战术学校army air corps tactical school
军航空兵手册army air force manual
军航空勤务战术学校army air service tactic school
军航空勤务队Army Air Service (美国)
美国军航空勤务队战术学校army air service tactic school
军航空勤务队校官学校air service field officer school (美国)
军航空基地army air base
军航空学校army aviation school
军航空安全委员会army aviation safety board
军航空材料实验室army aviation material laboratory
军航空研究与发展司令部army aviation research and development command
军航空运输维修transportation army aviation maintenance
军航空部army air force board
军航空部队army air force
军航空队Army Air Corps (美国)
军航路通信处army airway communications service
军装备司令部army material command
军装备状况报告系统army equipment status reporting system
军训练中心army training center
军运输与后勤学校army transportation and logistics school (美国)
军运输处army transport service
军运输计划/陆军战略能力计划army transportation plan/army strategic capabilities plan
军通信与电子局army communications electronics command
军部War Office (英国)
军防御支援服务army defense supply service
军防空区army air defended area
军防空情报处army air defence information service
军防空指挥所army air defense command post
军防空系统army air defense system (美国)
军防空部army air defend board
军雷达进场控制army radar approach control
军飞行器识别army air vehicle identification
军飞行数据传输系统army inflight data transmission system
基中段拦截器ground based midcourse interceptor
基实验室ground based laboratory
基干扰ground based jamming
基数据管理ground-based data management (system, 系统)
基激光器ground based laser
基监控ground based monitoring
基监视与跟踪系统ground based surveillance and tracking system
基超高速导轨炮ground based hypervelocity railgun
基超高速炮实验ground based hypervelocity gun experiment
ground attack
标标志灯landmark beacon
海军仪表研制计划army-navy instrumentation program
、海军/机载无线电导航army-navy/airborne radio navigation
海军标准army-navy standard
海军联合joint army navy
海空arm-navy air
海空三军协会Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes
海空三军协会Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes
-海-空三军联合joint army navy air force
海空三军联合Joint Army-Navy-Air Force
海空军army navy air force
-海-空军Army Navy Air Force
Earth tide
地对空通信联络ground-air communication
空收发两用机ground air transmitter receiver
空防御司令部army air defense command
谱源steep-spectrum source
降落伞制动着parachute braked landing
跑道的非着non-landing section
非计划内着unscheduled landing
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