
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
万国邮政联盟组织法第六加议定书Sixth Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union
有船舶优先权no maritime lien is attached
亚洲太平洋邮政联盟组织法加议定书Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Asian-Pacific Postal Union
全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》件一第七条和附件二第三条的解释Interpretation by the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC Regarding Article 7 of Annex I and Article 3 of Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
公路属设施road auxiliary facilities
列入件三的法律laws listed in Annex III
南太平洋无核区条约第二和第三号加议定书Additional Protocol II and HI to the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty
土地着物attachment on the ground
地上着物attachment on land
地区加津贴extra regional allowance
地方加费local extra charges
1973 年国际防止船舶造成污染公约及其78年议定书I 修正案 Amendment to 1973 International Convention for Prevention of Pollution From Ships and Appendix I (MARPOL73/ 78)
有关证据with relevant evidence attached thereto
拉丁美洲禁止核武器条约第二加议定书Additional Protocol II to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America
按照规定enclose according to relevant regulation
教育费extra charge of education funds
日内瓦公约及其加议定书Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocol
日内瓦四公约关于保护非国际武装冲突受难者的加议定书第二议定书Protocol Additional to the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 and Relating to the Protection of the Victims of Non-International Conflicts (Protocol II)
独立适用加刑simply impose with supplementary punishments
《禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》所的“关于激光致盲武器的议定书”第四号议定书Protocol on blinding Laser Weapons Protocol IV Annexed to The Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
《禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》所的“禁止或限制使用地雷、诱杀装置和其他装置的修正议定书”修正的第二号议定书Amended Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices Amended Protocol II Annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
约定期限agree to attach a time limit
义务collateral obligation
件 1C:与贸易有关的知识产权协定Annex 1C: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
件 2:关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解Annex 2: Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes
件 IB:服务贸易总协定Annex 1B: General Agreement on Trade in Services
件 1A:货物贸易多边协定Annex 1A: Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods
件 3:贸易政策审议机制Annex 3: Trade Policy Review Mechanism
impose additionally
加减除费用additional deduction of expenses
加刑supplementary punishment
加剥夺政治权利deprivation of political right as a supplementary punishment
加剥夺政治权利with the additional penalty of deprivation of political rights
加条件restrictive conditions
加条件批准conditionally approval
加表决权right to extra vote
加费supplementary sum
加适用impose as a supplementary punishment
加适用限期出境leave the country within a time limit attached
加限制性条件impose additional restrictive conditions
卷备查keep on file for reference
属法规subordinate legislation
属设施facility attached
带赠送礼品attached gift
有条件condition attached
期限attach time limit
条件conditions attached
终止期限attach with a time limit for its termination
贴批单attach an approval slip
give away as gift
attach to
enclose in
随的单据attached bill
…附属be affiliated to