
Terms for subject International trade containing 附的 | all forms
不附加条件的合同absolute ontract
不附带条件的援助untied aid
不附带条件的贷款untied loan
不附带条件的费率non-tied rate
不附担保的契约bare contract
不附条款的信用状unclaused credit
不附货运单据的汇票bill unaccompanied by document
免收航空附加费的航空函件unsurcharged airmail correspondence
全部占有的附属公司wholly-owned subsidiary
关于海关手续简化和统一的国际公约及其有关海关过境的附件 E. 1Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures Annex E. 1 concerning Customs Transit
合同附带的保证guarantee incidental to a contract
对船舶附属物的留置权lien on the accessories for the vessel
对附属物的留置权lien on accessories
拥有过半数股权的附属机构majority-owned subsidiary
提供附加服务的租赁wet lease
援助的附带条件aid tying
普遍附有较苛刻的条件generally stricter conditions
有附件的票据bill with attached documents
有附注的提单claused bill of lading (B/L)
未列入综合报表的附属公司unconsolidated subsidiary
未加入综合报表的附属公司unconsolidated subsidiary
未合并的附属公司unconsolidated subsidiary
船只能安全到达的附近地点as near thereto as the ship can safely get
部分附现的订货part cash will order
附加购买义务的出售tie-in sale
附属的collateral col
附带条件的信贷tied credit
附带条件的安排tying arrangement
附带条件的贷款tied loan (aid)
附带的保护incidental protection
附息的货币interest money
附有信用证的押汇汇票documentary bill of exchange with L/C
附有凭证的发货单invoice with documents attached
附有担保品的票据bills with collateral securities
附有担保品的票据bill with collateral securities
附有条件的交款qualified contributions
附有条件的债券conditional bond
附有条件的发行认购conditional subscription
附有条件的合同以同时购买其他物品为条件的买卖合同tying contract
附有条件的售货单conditional bill of sale
附有条件的投入tied input
附有条件的销售conditional sales
附有条件的销售合同conditional sales contract
附有留置权的船舶vessel to which a lien attaches
附有留置权的财产property subject to a claim
附有解答的分类目录catalogue raisonne
附有货运单据的汇票bill accompanied by document
附条件的交货conditional delivery
附条件的保证qualified guarantee
附条件的动产抵押据conditional bill of sale
附条件的承兑汇票qualified acceptance of a bill of exchange
附条件的承兑汇票conditional acceptance
附条件的承担义务conditional undertaking
附条件的承担义务conditional liability
附条件的承诺书qualified instrument of commitment
附条件的抵押品qualified guarantee
附条件的提单conditional bill of lading
附条件的最后通牒qualified ultimatum
附条件的背书conditional endorsement
附条件的船员收据foul mate’s receipt
附条件的装货单foul shipping order
附条件的装货单condition shipping order
附条件的销售合同conditional sale contract
附说明书的发盘offer by description
附说明的暂定项目表annotated preliminary list
附说明的资料目录annotated bibliography
附说明的项目表annotated list of items
附跟单电汇索偿条款的信用证letter of credit with T/T telegraphic transfer reimbursement clause
附送赠券的商品推销法coupon system
附送赠品的行业gift enterprise