
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
段导数second derivatives
偿还特遣队所属装备费用问题第三段工作组phase III working group on reimbursement of Contingent-Owned equipment
偿还特遣队所属装备费用问题第三段工作组Phase III Working Group on Reimbursement of Contingent-Owned Equipment
偿还特遣队所属装备费用问题第二段工作组phase II working group on reimbursement of Contingent-Owned equipment
偿还特遣队所属装备费用问题第二段工作组Phase II Working Group on Reimbursement of Contingent-Owned Equipment
偿还特遣队所属装备费用问题第四段工作 组phase IV working group on reimbursement of contingent-owned equipment
偿还特遣队所属装备费用问题第四段工作 组Phase IV Working Group on Reimbursement of Contingent-owned Equipment
单一段政府间审议方案预算和中期计划single-stage intergovernmental review of the programme budget and MTP
发作attack phase
后第五段工作组post-phase V working group
国际比较方案第六段亚太经社会区域规格讲习班Workshop on ESCAP Regional Specifications for phase VI of the International Comparison Programme
已渡过重新安排债务段的重债穷国HIPC "graduates"
建设construction phase
改革特遣队所属装备费用偿还的计算程序问题第五段工作组phase V working group on reform procedures for determining reimbursement of contingent-owned equipment
改革特遣队所属装备费用偿还的计算程序问题第五段工作组Phase V Working Group on reform procedures for determining reimbursement of contingent-owned equipment
最后确定案文finalization process
由会员国的技术和金融专家组成的第二和第三段工作组phase II and phase III working groups, made up of technical and financial experts from member states
第三安全非关键工作人员和家属离开该国Security Phase Three relocation of non-essential staff and dependants outside the country
第二段裁武条约Treaty on the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
第四安全联合国的作用限于执行紧急方案和人道主义活动Security Phase Four United Nations role limited to emergency programmes and humanitarian operations
胎儿的foetal stage
设计研究design development phase
分析导数和数字导数high-order analytic and numerical derivatives