
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
段模型three-stage model
段股利贴现模型three-phase DDM
下滑downward phase
段模型two stage model
段程序two-step process
中间mezzanine level
介绍introductory period
段购买buy on scale
创业start-up stage
创意/发明seed stage
到期maturity stage
到期maturity phase
合约的开放open phase of contract
在中间段进行直接股本投资direct equity investment at mezzanine stage
增长growth phase
段效应cascade effect
实验和查错trial and error phase
巩固consolidation phase
开销spending phase
弃权abandonment stage
成长企业stages of growth
成长公司生命周期in corporate life cycle growth
承诺书commitment letter phase
技术technology structure
技术结构technology structure
整理consolidation phase
未成熟mezzanine level
积累accumulation phase
第二second round
贷款偿还return leg of a loan
资料收集information phase
进货accumulation phase
价指令scale order
梯式利率上限期权合约step-up caps
梯成本stepped cost
梯成本stairstep cost
梯跳跃式收益存款yield jump deposit
段分析period analysis
段增长phased increase
段性披露phased disclosure
降低bring down phase
随后的投资follow on
靠息票为生的clipping coupons class
预投资pre-investment phase
食利social stratum rentiers (有固定年金、租金、利息收人者)
高收人high income bracket