
Terms for subject Mathematics containing | all forms
first order
反馈系统first-order feedback system
极大值的条件first-order maximum condition
求导first derivation
项式first-order terms
一般的单位跃函数general unit step function
不对称剩设计asymmetrical factorial design
两极抽样,两段抽样two-stage sample
中央乘矩central factorial moments
分析second-order stationarity
分析second-order stationary
反馈系统second-order feedback system
导数second derivative
平稳second-order analysis
张量tensor of the second order
梯度法gradient method of the second order
二级单位,次级单位,第二抽样单位second- stage unit
二级单位,次级单位,第二抽样单位secondary unit
交互影响order of interaction
单位跃函数Heaviside function
单位跃函数unit step function
单级抽样,单段抽样unitary sampling
单级抽样,单段抽样unit stage sampling
单级抽样,单段抽样single sampling
有偏估计量same order bias estimators
段估计multi-stage estimation
段抽样nested sampling
平稳性的order of stationarity
广义乘积generalized factorial
弹道飞行ballistic phase
推力thrust phase
末级群,最终段整群ultimate cluster
极点的order of poles
极点的multiplicity of poles
波利亚二频率函数Polya frequency function of order two
矩阵的order of matrix
相关和回归系数的order of coefficients
order of group
乘多项式分布布negative factorial multinomial distribution
乘多项式分布布multivariate negative hypergeometric distribution
乘多项式分布布multivariate inverse hypergeometric distribution
较优同有偏估计量better same order bias estimator
乘级数分布inverse factorial series distribution
order of matrix
乘函数factorial function
乘分布factorial distribution
乘和factorial sum
乘多项式分布multivariate hypergeometric distribution
乘多项式分布factorial multinomial distribution
乘矩factorial moment
乘矩母函数factorial moment generating function
乘累积factorial cumulant
乘累积母函数factorial cumulant generating function
梯函数step function
梯反应step response
梯变量ladder variable
梯形分布,梯级分布staircase distribution
梯形设计staircase design
梯指数ladder index
梯法staircase method
梯法up and down method
梯法Bruceton method
梯间的价值intergraduated values
段性渐进逼进successive approximation method
逼近proximity of zero order
齐次homogeneous of degree
零点的multiplicity of zero
飞行phase of flight
导数higher derivative (微商)
导数微商higher derivative
导数微商derivatives of higher order
语言编译语言high level language compiler language
非线性微分方程nonlinear differential equation of higher order