
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
向前差分first-order forward difference
向后差分first-order rearward difference
截距点third order intercept point
third order
上一upper stage
下降descent phase
不明uncertainty phase
不肯定uncertainty phase
中断进近missed approach phases (中断进近分为初试、中间和最后三个阶段。初始阶段从中断进近复飞点 (MAPt )开始,并在开始爬升点结束。在这个阶段没有规定转弯,因为最主要的机动是准备爬升。在中间阶段爬升继续进行,通常直着向前。延伸至获得164ft (50m)障碍物间隔的第一点并能保持。在这个阶段,航迹可以从最初进近阶段最大改变15度。同时,飞机在这个阶段开始修正航迹。中断进近的最后阶段从第一次获得164ft (50 m )的障碍并保持的点开始,延伸至新的进近、等待或回到航路飞行开始的那一点。这一阶段可能会指定转弯)
中间进场intermediate approach segment
段计划master phasing plan
主动控制active control stage
主断main step
主要main stage
中心差分second-order central difference
偏微分the second order partial differential
导数second-order differential
导数绕组accelerator winding
差分second-order differential
second order
second-order term
介入stage of involvement
接口low order interface
有限元法low-order finite element scheme
等效系统lower-order equivalent system
通道开销监视low order path overhead monitoring
充气inflation phase
先行发展advanced development phase
决策decision level
减速aerobraking phase
出舱tip-off phase
段淘汰phase out
段爬升step climb
段鉴定grading verification
分析设计analytical engineering phase
分离separation phase
初始initial trail phase
初步preliminary stage
初步elementary step
初等梯函数elementary step function
加速boost phase
加速acceleration stage
助推boost phase
助推段截击boost phase intercept
化学chemical stage
原始机验证prototype validation phase
发射launching phase
合作cooperation phase
合同定义contract definition phase
合同论证contract definition phase
中心差分fourth-order central difference
基于有限元的降element-based reduced-order
多国分段改进计划multinational staged improvement program
多级递控制multilevel hierarchical control
大气海岸atmospheric coast stage
定义段审查definition phase review
属性定义attribute definition stage
巡航cruise stage
巡航cruise phase
工程研制engineering development phase
座椅加速seat boost phase
弹射ejection phase
弹射准备pre-ejection phase
段大纲master phasing plan
恒速constant-rate phase
惯性飞行段控制系统coast phase control system
成品设计production design phase
成本定义cost definition phase
传递矩阵extended transfer matrix
控制control phase
整个whole period
整流罩平均fairing average step
step (水上飞机浮筒或船身平底外形的突变部分, 用来提髙滑水性能,使其易于起飞)
planing step
方案演示验证concept demonstration phase
方案论证concept formulation phase
施工图设计detail design phase
无阻尼二系统undamped second-order system
最后terminal phase final
最后段开始terminal phase initiation
最终演习final exercise periods
有限元降element-based reduced-order
机动maneuvering phase
构型控制configuration control phase
标定calibration step
样品试制pilot stage
概念确认concept validation phase
概念设计conceptual design stage
概念设计conceptual design phase
模型的model order
模型降理论model reduction theory
下降step descent
爬升step climb
潜水dive phase
爬升climb phase
甚高语言very high order language
生产、支援和后续研制production, support and follow-on development
生存待援survival phase
着陆飞行landing flight phase
瞬态操纵transient maneuvering phase
稳降steady-state descent phase
空中加油受油机飞行in-flight refueling receiver flight phase
第三third stage
管理management phase
系统定义system definition phase
系统研制system development phase
统一的uniform stage
联合技术设计定义joint definition phase
联合定义joint definition phase
联合概念定义joint conceptual definition phase
自动段控制automatic phase control
自由坠落free descent phase
导弹被动飞行ballistic period
装配assembly stage
襟翼平均flap average step
规划布置planning stage
设计研制design development phase
设计验证design verification phase
试飞flight test stages (由首飞、研制试飞和验证试飞3个过程构成)
试验段周期testing campaign
详细设计detail design phase
起飞段时间take-off phase
转移transfer stage
进入entry phase
退出exit phase
结构hierarchical structure
采办acquisition phase
层曲线level curve
梯式座位配置stepped seating
梯形搭接接头stepped lap joint
段工程报告phase engineering report
段成本stage cost
段载入入口phase loading entry
矩阵matrix of order
跃波形step waveform
跃轴axial step
保持器zero-order holder
需求requirements phase
项目定义project definition phase
项目定义program definition phase
飞行mission phase
飞行段有关方式flight phase related mode
飞行段有关模式flight phase related mode
飞行事故phase of operation
传播算子high-order propagator
动力学high-order dynamics
系统high order system
软件high order software