
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
first-order value
垂向导数first vertical derivation
导数first order derivative
极点first order pole
波散滤波器first-order dispersive filter
波浪力first order wave force
一级second bottom
三次采油tertiary phase
三角洲delta terrace
上升海岸elevated shoreface terrace
上升滨面elevated shoreface terrace
上叠superimposed terrace
上叠on-laid terrace
上沃尔格Upper Volgian stage
下沃尔格Lower Volgian stage
下里阿斯Infralias stage
下降decline period
不对称nonpaired terrace
不过端台no-go base
段打入桩two-stage driven pile
段灌浆方法two-stage grouting method
中期成岩anadiagenetic stage
主地槽main geosynclinal stage
主要main phase
主造山climactic orogeny
乌拉尔Uralian stage
乌拉蒂斯Ulatisian stage
divalent radical
多普勒位移second-order Doppler shift
多次波second-order multiple
段等时线secondary isochron
波浪力second order wave force
管螺纹two-step pipe threads
dihydric acid
diatomic acid
井停喷抽油段产量settled production
亚丁斯克Artinskian stage
亚东Yeadonian stage
交切intersected terrace
亥姆菲尔Hemphillian stage
亥明佛德Hemingfordian stage
人工驱替flooding stage
伊利诺斯Illinoisan stage
伊普雷斯Ypresian stage
伊普雷斯Londinian stage
伊沃尔Ivorian stage
伊涅茨Ynezian stage
伍德宾Woodbinian stage
伏尔加Volgian Stage (早白垩世)
low-order bit
低潮low-tide terrace
低煤low coal rank
佛利Foley stage
倾斜tilted terrace
充满fillup period
先导性试验pilot phase
克拉克福克Clarkforkian stage
克拉林东Clarendonian stage
克拉里Corallian stage
全凝结full set stage
兰乔拉布瑞亚Rancholabrean substage
兰代洛Llandeilian stage
兰开斯特Lancastrian stage
关井shut-in phase
关井shut-in period
内叠in-laid terrace
内台设计inside step design
内突台inwardly protruding shoulder
冰冻夷平equiplanation terrace
冰冻夷平altiplanation terrace
冰期间interstadial epoch
冰水沉积outwash terrace
冰界ice-contact terrace
冰砾阜kame terrace
冲积stream-built terrace
冲积drift terrace
切割stream-cut terrace
初产initial flow period
初期压实initial compaction stage
初期开发initial development phase
初流动initial flow period
别杜尔Bedoulian stage
制造fabrication phase
前滨foreshore berm
加尔加斯亚Gargasian substage
勒拿Lenian stage
勘探exploration phase
单向梯塔板single direction cascade plate
卡兹诺夫Cazenovian stage
卡塞尔Casselian stage
卡尼Karnian stage
卡尼Carnian stage
卡德Chadronian stage
卡拉布里亚Calabrian stage
卡洛夫Callovian stage
卡纳斯托Canastotan stage
卡西莫夫Kasimovian stage
卡赞Kazanian stage
印度Indian stage
双向梯塔板two-direction cascade tray
双向流梯式塔板double pass cascade flow tray
双锥梯型double cone with stepped configuration
吉丁Gedinnian stage
吉浪德Girondian stage
吉维特Givetian stage
后滨backshore terrace
后生epigenetic phase
哈斯太尔Hastarian stage
哈里希Harlechian stage
喀山kazanian stage
喀拉多克Caradoc stage
喀赞Kazanian stage
土若里Turolian stage
地台platformal stage
坎佩尼Campanian stage
坡下slope-covered terrace
垂直vertical stage
埃姆Eemian stage
埃尔广登Irvingtonian stage
堆积accumulation terrace
堆积depositional terrace
堆积built-up terrace
塔凡尼克Taghanican stage
塞库安亚Sequanian stage
填满fillup period
多里居Torrejonian stage
多麦尔Domerian stage
大西洋温湿Atlantic phase
天然能量开采natural recovery phase
天然能量开采natural depletion phase
奥伦尼克Olenekian stage
奥列兰Orellan stage
奥尼斯奎索Onesquethawan stage
奥斯汀Austinian stage
奥林伯格Orenburgian stage
奥维尔斯Auversian stage
奥萨季Osagian stage
奥诺达格Onondagan stage
奥里斯坎尼Oriskanian stage
奥顿Autunian stage
始成岩eogenetic stage
威尔德内斯Wilderness stage
威尔科克斯wilcoxian stage
威斯康星Wisconsinan stage
威斯法Westfalian stage
安大略Ontarian stage
安尼西Anisic stage
完井completion phase
实验stage of experiments
实验experimental phase
实验室初期试验initial laboratory phase
密辛Messinian stage
富兰克林Franklinian stage
封闭closing stage
尤因塔Uintan stage
尤维尔Yeovilian stage
山麓piedmont benchland
嵌入inset terrace
布兰肯Blancan stage
布林格乌德Bringewoodian stage
布莱克河亚Blackriverian substage
布迪加尔Burdigalian stage
布里奇Bridgerian stage
布里特Bulitian stage
布鲁塞尔Bruxellian stage
希尔斯Heersian stage
席德廷Shidertinian stage
平台使用in service phase of platform
库伊兹Cuisian stage
库默里Kummerian stage
康尼旺高Conewangoan stage
开发development phase
弗兰康Franconian stage
弗拉斯Frasnian stage
微分derivative order
德尔蒙特Delmontian stage
德拉岗Dragonian stage
德里斯巴赫Dresbachian stage
恩舍尔Emscherian stage
恰特Chat tian stage
成岩diagenetic stage
成岩段成因气diagenetic gas
成岩早期eogenetic stage
fan terrace
托尔Toarcian stage
托尔顿Tortonian stage
托纳万德Tonawandan stage
托莫特Tommotian stage
托诺洛威Tonoloway stage
抽后postpump stage
拉丁尼Ladinian stage
拉丁尼克Ladinic stage
拉卡赛特Lacasitan stage
拉托尔夫Latdorfian stage
拉托尔夫Lattorfian stage
拓殖colonization stage
提升台pickup shoulder
提塘Tithonian stage
散诺Sannoisian stage
文丘里梯式塔板Venturi kaskade tray
文图拉Venturian stage
文多邦Vindobonian stage
sloping step
跃波ramp step wave
断层fault terrace
斯坦普Stampian stage
斯基道Arenigian stage
斯塔福德Staffordian stage
斯密斯Smithian stage
斯帕特Spathian stage
斯普林格Springeran stage
新莱昂Nuevoleonian stage
晚期不稳态流动late-transient period
最优optimal order
最初initial phase
本特Bunter stage
杜兰戈Durangoan stage
杜内Tournaisian stage
杰克逊Jacksonian stage
构造tectonic terrace
构造structural terrace
枯竭depleted stage
枯竭stripper stage
格热尔Gzhelian stage
格热尔Gshelian stage
格里斯巴赫Griesbachian stage
梅内夫Menevian stage
梅言Mayan stage
梯格林Tiglian stage
植物群floral stage
次要subordinate phase
次要开采subordinate production phase
武木Wurm stage
比哈尔Biharian stage
民德Mindel stage
气候climate terrace
气候climatic terrace
水下shore face terrace
汇流junction terrace
沃希托Washitan stage
沉积depositional phase
沉积期前pre-depositional stage
沙尔木齐Charmouthian stage
沙音武德Sheinwoodian stage
河切stream-cut terrace
河成river terrace
河成fluvial terrace
河流stream terrace
河谷stream terrace
河谷valley terrace
法门Famennian stage
洛克波特Lockportian stage
浆状slurry stage
浪积wave-built terrace
海尔微Helvetian stage
海底submarine terrace
海成marine terrace
海成sea terrace
海蚀marine-cut bench
海蚀abrasion terrace
海达斯普Hydaspien stage
温洛克Wenlockian stage
lake terrace
滑动successive incremental tiers
滑动台sliding scale
漫滩flood-plain terrace
漫滩flood-plain bench
gray scale
gray level
特林尼特Trinitian stage
狄南Dinantian stage
狄莫Desmoinesian stage
玛列姆Maremmian stage
瑞替Rhaetian stage
皮亚琴Piacenzian stage (N2)
reef terrace
礁前reef-front terrace
祖洛加Zuloagan stage
科布仑茨Koblenz stage
稳定压实steady compaction stage
穆德尔Murderian stage
突变压实saltatory compaction stage
第一first stage
第二subordinate phase
第勒尼Tyrrhenian stage
第斯特Diestian stage
第纳尔Dienerian stage
米亚契可夫Myachkovian stage
米德卫Midway an stage
米拉兹Milazzian stage
紧密压实close compaction stage
线性流动linear flow period
考依波Keuper stage
考文Couvinian stage
耶杜里Jatulian stage
艾姆斯Emsian stage
艾尔通Eltonian stage
艾斐尔Eifelian stage
艾登Edenian stage
艾米里Emilian stage
芬格雷克Fingerlakesian stage
荷斯但Holsteinian stage
莫恩Mohnian stage
莫豪基Mohawkian stage
莱南Lenan stage
莱恩特瓦丁Leintwardinian stage
莱第Ledian stage
萨克马尔Sakmarian stage
萨尔普克霍威Serpukhovian stage
蒸汽平稳steam plateau
衰竭depletion stage
裂陷chasmic stage
西兰Seelandian stage
西西里Sicilian stage
西里西亚Silesian stage
试采pre-production phase
valley floor step
豪特里维Hauterivian stage
贝利亚斯Berriasian stage
费斯丁Festiniogian stage
赛特Skythian stage
赫唐Hettangian stage
赫尔德堡Helderbergian stage
起始initial stage
supers tage
转移变化locomorphic stage
辐射diverged terrace
辛涅缪尔Sinemurian stage
达却斯Duchesnian stage
达斯Dacian stage
过渡段气transition gas
迈欧特Meotian stage
退化catagenetic stage
退化段成因气catagenetic gas
控制heuristic control
递减depletion stage
通格里Tongrian stage
邦努Bononian stage
郎夫Langhian stage
采竭depletion stage
里斯Riss stage
锡瓦利克Siwalik stage
锥形梯取心钻头tapered step-core bit
地变形deformation of terrace
地圈闭terrace trap
地期Terraci an
地期Terrace epoch
地构造terrace structure
地珊瑚礁bench reef
地砾石bench gravel
坎和平台交替地形step-and-platform topograph
式制冷cascade refrigeration
式制冷循环cascade refrigeration cycle
式曝气装置cascade aerator
式流动cascade flow
式液化cascade liquefaction
式破裂stepwise cracking
式过滤器notch filter
形基础stepped footing
形舱壁recessed bulkhead
order number
梯函数响应step-function response
梯刮刀钻头stepped drag bit
梯剖视图staggered section view
梯型钻头step type bit
梯堰塔盘cascade weir tray
梯平台状地形step-and-platform topograph
梯式下降step down
梯式分馏塔cascade-tray fractionating column
梯式反应器kaskade reactor
梯式反应器cascade reactor
梯式基座step-down substructure
梯式塔kaskade contactor
梯式塔板kaskade tray
梯式塔板cascade tray
梯式底座step-down substructure
梯式拌和机gravity mixer
梯式渗透stagewise penetration
梯式烷基化过程cascade alkylation
梯式筛架面step deck
梯式舱壁stepped bulkhead
梯式钻头step bit
梯式钻头crowned bit
梯形stepped appearance
梯形响应cascaded response
梯形图echelon pattern
梯形活塞stepped piston
梯形管臂racking arm
梯效应staircase effect
梯断层terrace fault
梯断层ladder fault
梯曲线step curve
梯构造terrace structure
梯沉积模式step sedimentation model
梯波形staircase waveform
梯状剖面step profile
梯状断裂step fracture
梯状裂线理parting-step lineation
梯环cascade ring
梯环型填料cascade ring packing
段奖励interim award
段性沉降episodic subsidence
段报告interim report
段注入速度interval rate of injection
段采油速度interval rate of production
状侵入剖面step invasion profile
状冰川step glacier
状地rock bench
状地垒rock bench
状地垒step horst
状地形bench-like form
状岩块step block
状挠曲terrace flexure
状断块step block
状断层stepwise fault
状断层multiple fault
状断裂作用step faulting
状槽铸型terraced flute cast
状熔岩bench lava
状褶皱step fold
码范围exponent range
terrace edge
跃函数heaviside function
跃函数响应step-function response
跃发生器step generator
跃增益放大器stepped-gain amplifier
跃注入率step rate injectivity
跃注水量试井step test
跃试井step test
运算exponent arithmetic
阿什吉尔Ashgillian stage
阿什贝Ashby stage
阿伦尼Arenigian stage
阿勒格尼Alleghenian stage
阿启坦Aquitanian stage
阿启洛Aquilonian stage
阿姆干Amgan stage
阿尔丹Aldanian stage
阿尔岗期后造山epi-Algonkian orogenic period
阿尔必Albian stage
阿斯蒂Astian stage
阿普第Aptian stage
阿特达班Atodabanian stage (早寒武世)
阿纳海斯Anahuac stage
阿舍林Asselian stage
阿连Aalenian stage
continental terrace
depression of order
限位台no-go base
霍尔克Holkerian stage
霍麦尔Homerian stage
鞑靼Tartarian stage
页硅酸盐发育phyllomorphic stage
顶峰domination stage
风化weathering stage
马平Maping stage (晚石炭世)
倍数higher order multiples
双曲线hyperbola of higher order
导数derivatives of higher order
差分higher difference
干扰higher-mode interference
微商higher derivative
求导higher derivation
higher order wave
精度higher order accuracy
高尔特Gault stage
魏梅尔Wemmelian stage
鲁珀利Rupelian stage
鸭湖Duck Lake stage
鹿园Deerparkian stage
Dani an stage
麦斯特里希特Maastrichtian stage
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