
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
不能止扩大的损坏the non-localized damage
临时御性特惠制temporary defensive preferential system
为预起见,容器内已衬防水塑料薄膜The containers are already lined with waterproof plastic sheet for the sake of precaution
美国与北约的互惠务采购谅解备忘录Reciprocal Defense Procurement Memoranda of Understanding
工程air raid shelters
他为止通货膨胀而套购He hedged against inflation
他们把文件放在火保险柜里They packed the papers in a fireproof safe
他们采取一切预措施,以保证该轮安全抵达目的港They took every precaution to ensure that the ship would arrive at the port of destination in safety
兼并reciprocal holdings
橄榄球赛中保护带球者对方抢球interference for
全自动complete self-protection
公共安全和对工程及财产的protection of the public and of work and property
公害保险预公共危险的信贷制credit system for protecting public hazard
减少国建设taper defense demands
办公大楼盗安全措施office security
危机预计划preparedness programme
卸下货物上面的水遮盖物dismantle the goods of their waterproof covering
商船船长应该备航程中极有可能发生的一切风险The captain of the merchant vessel should prepare against all risks which are likely to happen during voyage
债券defence bonds
公债defense bond
公债defence bond
力量defense capacity
基地法案defense base act
工业defense industries
工业defence industry
工业defence industries
急需证明书certificate of necessity
美国技术安全管理局Defense Technology Security Administration (dtsa)
拨款defense budget
支出defense expenditure
支出defence spending
支出defense spending
支出defence expenditure
标准National Defense Standard
生产法案defence production act
生产法案defense production act
美国石油管理局Petroleum Administration for Defense
科学技术工业委员会主任minister in Charge of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence
经济学economics of defense
经费defense outlays
经费defence outlays
经费the defense appropriation
经费the defence appropriation
经费defense appropriations
美国与同盟国之间的谅解备忘录defense memoranda of understanding (MOU)
美国贸易工作组Defense Trade Working Group
美国贸易控制办公室Defense Trade Controls
费用defense outlays
费用defence outlays
费用支出national defence expense
Ministry of National Defence
美国西部部拥有的工业技术设备DOD Department of Defense-owned facility
美国西部部拥有的工业技术设备DOD -owned facility
英国部标准Defence Specification
部长Minister of National Defence
预算national defence budget
预算defence budget
多方面的御措施the multi-part defence programme
必须采取措施止货物变质Some measures must be taken to guard against deterioration of the goods
我们企求在销售产品的过程中止那些有害和不经济的做法We hope to prevent those detrimental and uneconomic practices in our distribution of the products
我们必须采取一切必要措施以发生损坏We must take all necessary steps to prevent any damage
我们要止出现任何严重的收款问题We want to protect against any serious collection problem
我方应采取有效措施来止他人非法使用我方之特许专利We should take effective measures to prevent the unauthorized use of our licensed patent by others
我方必须采取一切措施止任何他方非法制造我方产品All measures should be taken to prevent unlawful manufacture of our product by any other party
损害sue and labor
损害止条款a sue and labour clause
损害止费sue and labour charges
故障事故accident prevention
有计划的预性维修planned preventive maintenance
本合同需两个月进行一次预性的修订The contract needs preventive revision on a bimonthly basis
欧洲国长期合作European Cooperation for the Long-tenn in Defense
正当legal defence
派克曼式御策略指公司对付收购竞争的一种防御措施和策略Pac-Man defence
浮动波堤floating breakwater
海洋污染止法marine pollution prevention law
fire protection
牲畜疾病预the animal disease prevention
生物the biological control
英国皇家事故预协会Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
盒内衬了油纸,可以The boxes are lined with oil paper in order to be proof against moisture
盖子用来止灰尘落到仪器上The cover is used to protect the instrument from dust
直接国支出direct defense expenditures
种子装在结实的袋内以漏损The seeds are packed in strong bags as a protection against leakage
管道操作预性维修pipe line operations preventive maintenance
综合洪减灾体系comprehensive system of flood control and disaster reduction
美国国促进法act to promote the defence of the U.S.
美国国United States Department of Defense (DOD)
英国燃电气设备审核处British Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment in Flammable Atmospheres
要求你方在商品经销业务中设法止侵害性和不经济的做法You are asked to try to prevent injurious and uneconomic practices in the distribution of the goods
港口fortified port
该通道不得阻塞,以发生紧急情况The passage can not be obstructed in case of emergencies
beware of (fire, 火烛)
假冒beware of imitation (pickpockets, 扒手)
the frontier defense
采取预火灾措施take precautions against (fire)
银行的第二道线banker’s second line of defence
银行第二道线banker's second line of defense
银行第二道线banker's second line defence
伪系统anti-false system
protected from cold (or heat, 或热)
动板a shifting board
卫捐defense tax
卫捐defence surcharge
卫捐附加税defense surcharge
卫的投资defensive investment
,噪音控制noise control
噪声the noise control
噪音的noise proof
备风险against risk
美国御区石油管理局Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts
美国御区石油管理局Petroleum Administration for Defense District
护不当insufficiently protected
护手续safeguard procedures
loss prevention
损命令stop loss order
撞隔舱板collision bulkhead
雨淋protect from light, rain (包装标志)
止不法支出prevention of expenditures for illegal purpose
止公司债价值减少的条款an anti-dilution clause
止因不使用而撤销the safeguard against forfeiture for lack of working (专利)
止技术性质贸易壁垒行动守则Code of Conduct for Preventing Technical Barriers to Trade
止损失委托令stop loss order
止损失指示stop order
止滥捕渔业资源anti-plunder of the fish stock
止迟延prevent delay
水包装water proof packing
水包装water-proof packing
水纸包装the waterproof papering
治牲畜病疫the animal disease prevention
洪措施flood damage prevention measures
涂改的支票a protected check
湿材料the moisture-proof material
漏包装leakage-proof packing
潮纸包装the waterproof paper packing
prevention of fire
火结构fire proof construction
火设备fire prevention device
火隔舱壁fire bulkhead
各种风,污染的设施various protections from (the wind, pollution)
缩作用the shrinkage correcting action
缩作用shrinkage correcting action
锈材料a rust-resisting material
震值knock value
震装置a shock-absorption device
务支出the non-defense expenditure
provision against (bad harvest, 歉收)
万一precautions against major perturbations
性检验a preventive check
性检验preventive check
性维修方案preventive maintenance program
性维修服务preventive maintenance service
性维修检查preventive maintenance check
性维管理计划preventive maintenance management program
性维管理计划preventive maintenance management plan
性限制preventive check
费用the prevention cost
通货膨胀造成损失的套购保值inflationary hedge
重大事故政策Major Accident Prevention Policy
食物损失预简写为PFLprevention of food losses