
Terms for subject Technology containing 防备 | all forms | in specified order only
个人防护设备personal safety equipment
铁路与公路交叉道口防护设备railroad crossing protection device
便携式消防设备fire control portable equipment
倒流防止设备backflow prevention device
加压防腐处理设备pressure process equipment
干式消防设备系统dry system
成套防腐设备complete sets of anti-corrosive equipment
放射线防护设备radiation protection equipment
施工设备及防护措施construction equipment and protection
无防寒设备的发动机unprotected engine
无防护设备的平面交叉unprotected level crossing
有重型救援装备的消防队heavy rescue company
永备防御工事permanent defence
消防器材设备fire-fighting equipment
消防及火警设备证书certificate for fire extinguishing and detecting apparatus
消防员装备fireman's outfit
消防栓箱第一种设备fire hose cabinet equipment
消防栓箱第二种装备fire hose cabinet equipment"B"
消防灭火设备fire-fighting equipment
消防管理备忘录fire management note
消防给水设备waterworks for fire-fighting
消防装备箱fire equipment cabinet
消防设备extinguishment facilities
消防设备fire-protection equipment
消防设备fire-protecting arrangement
消防设备fire installation
消防设备fire-fighting appliance
消防设备fire-extinguishing plant
消防设备fire-extinguishing installation
消防设备fire-extinguishing equipment
消防设备fire-extinguishing appliance
消防设备制造商协会Fire Equipment Manufacturers Association
消防设备布置图fire-fighting plan
消防设备洞niches for fire-fighting equipment
消防设备管理员equipment officer
滚轴防冲设备roller bumper
灾害防备和救济disasters preparedness and relief
热气防冰设备hot-air deicer
码头防撞设备dock fender
码头防撞设备pier fender
码头防撞设备fendering system
码头防撞设备berthing fender
线路定期防护设备track protected equipment
自动备水消防系统automatic wet-pipe sprinkler system
自备消防栓private fire hydrant
衬聚四氟乙烯防腐设备anti-corrosive equipment lined with Teflon
衬里防腐设备anti-corrosive equipment lined with Teflon
被动消防安全设备passive fire safety equipment
谷物防动隔舱设备grain fitting
谷类防动隔舱设备grain fitting
进水口防臭设备yard trap
进水口防臭设备gulley trap
进水口防臭设备gully trap
部署消防设备deploy fire-fight equipment
防冰与融雪设备deicing and snow melting equipment
防冲设备fender system
防冲设备dock fender
防冲设备current fender
防冻设备icicle prevention device
防化设备chemical warfare protective equipment
防喷设备blowout hookup
防尘式电气设备dustproof electrical equipment
防尘式电气设备dustproof electric equipment
防尘设备pollution abatement equipment
防尘设备dust guard
防护设备protected device
防护设备protective installation
防护设备protector apparatus
防护设备protective equipment
防护设备protective device
防护设备protecting device
防护设备preventive device
防护设备配置labour protect and safety devices
防护设备配置labor protect and safety devices
防振设备vibration-proof equipment
防振设备anti-hunt means
防撞设备anti-collision gear
防故障设备fail safe
防止溅油装备oil save-all
防止误操作设备foolproof apparatus
防止辐射能漏出设备radiation leaktightness
防毒设备respiratory device
防水电气设备waterproof electrical equipment
防水电气设备waterproof electric equipment
防浸式电气设备flood-proof electrical equipment
防浸式电气设备flood-proof electric equipment
防浸水设备flood-prevention equipment
防溅式电气设备flood-proof electrical equipment
防溅式电气设备flood-proof electric equipment
防滑设备non-skid device
防滑设备anti-sliding device
防火水幕设备fire drencher
防火照明设备flameproof luminaire
防火设备fire retardant equipment
防火设备fire safety equipment
防火设备fire-protection installation
防火设备fire preventive device
防灾准备状态disaster preparedness condition
防灾报警及设备监控系统包package of fire alarming system and building automatic surveillance system
防灾设备fire control center
防灾设备safety control equipment
防灾设备disaster prevention center
防烫伤设备anti-scald device
防爆电器设备permissible electrical equipment
防爆电器设备permissible electric equipment
防爆电气设备electrical apparatus for explosive atmosphere
防爆电气设备electric apparatus for explosive atmosphere
防爆设备permissible equipment
防爆设备explosion-tested equipment
防爆设备anti-knock device
防爆配电设备anti-explosion distribution equipment
钢轨防爬设备anti-creeping device
防爬设备anti-creeper device
防盗设备vandal proof equipment
防盗设备burglary-resisting installation
防空设备anti-aircraft defence
防空设备air defence equipment
防腐陶瓷设备anti-acid ceramic equipment
防雪设备snow shield
防雪设备snow protection device
防静电设备anti-static device
防风设备windbreak equipment
雪崩防止设备check facilities for snow slide
雪崩防止设备check facility for snow slide
震前防灾准备earthquake disaster preparedness
非防爆型设备open-type equipment
预防设备prevention equipment