
Terms for subject Business containing 间 位 | all forms | in specified order only
丈量吨位应扣除机器锅炉所占的空间engine and boiler space is excluded from tonnage measurement
单位产品耗费劳动时间labor time spent in producing one unit of products
单位大修车间unit overhaul shop
单位时间事故次数events per unit time
单位时间平均产量time-averaged yield
单位间定价interunit pricing
单位间转让interunit transfer
平均单位时间收益average earning per unit of time
故障定位时间fault-location time
生产单位产品平均必要劳动时间average necessary labour-time for producing a unit of commodity
间位置因子steric factor
简易时间单位readily time unit