
Terms containing 间 位 | all forms | in specified order only
archit.一位二进时间bit time
tech.一位时间bit time
tech.丁戊烷碳同位素值间距separation of butane pentane carbon isotope value
busin.丈量吨位应扣除机器锅炉所占的空间engine and boiler space is excluded from tonnage measurement
tech.三床位房间triple bed room
tech.三维空间定位three-dimensional fix
tech.不留中间过道的剧场座位continental seating
tech.丙丁烷碳同位素值间距separation of propane butane ethane carbon isotope value
gen.两个单人间,三个晚上。两位是分开付账吗?Two single rooms for three nights. Will you be paying separately?
construct.sandwich digit
auto.central position
otorhinol.间位intermediate position
auto.间位指变速杆座上 "2"的位置intermediate hold
expl.接通或切断的间位in-between position
auto.间位center location
tech.间位intermediate position
tech.间位in-between position
tech.间位centre position
avia.间位neutral position
tech.间位cross-over position
tech.测量站的间位changing station
tech.间位mid-travel (指开关位置)
agric.间位medial position
auto.转向轮间位straight-ahead position
auto.间位midway location
auto.间位mean position
telecom.间位置串通的tandem center
tech.间位置串通的阀tandem center valve
auto.间位置封闭式换向滑阀closed center slide valve
tech.间位置封闭的阀closed center valve
tech.间位置控制系统proportioning control system
econ.中位数时间median time
tech.中间主应力方位角direction of the intermediate principal stress
met.中间产物品位cascade grade
securit.中间价位期权middle-priced options
agric.中间倒位intercalary inversion (inversio intercalaris)
tech.中间倒位intercalary inversion
met.中间包临界钢水高液位critical high liquid steel level in tundish (【技】中间包内钢水在浇注过程中的液面高度如果高于某一高度,就有可能导致流人结晶器的钢水过多,从而酿成钢水从结晶器上口溢出,造成生产事故。此时的中间包内钢水面高度称之为中间包临界高液位。)
met.中间包位置误差tundish position error
met.中间包低液位low tundish level
met.中间包低液位操作tundish operation at low level of steel
met.中间包低液位浇注pouring at low tundish level
met.中间包内低钢水位low steel level in tundish
met.中间包内取样位置sampling position in tundish
met.中间包内钢水位steel level in tundish
met.中间包内钢水高液位high steel level in tundish
met.中间包和结晶器错位misalignment between tundish and mold
met.中间包放置空位vacancy for tundish
met.中间包残钢排放位置discharge position of residual steel in tundish
met.中间包注流错位tundish stream misalignment
met.中间包注流错位misaligned tundish stream
met.中间包浇注位置tundish cast position
met.中间包浇注位置pouring position of tundish
met.中间包浇注位置casting position of tundish
met.中间包液位控制系统tundish level control system
met.中间包液位检测装置tundish level detector
met.中间包液位自动控制automatic tundish level control
met.中间包液位降低法lowered tundish practice
met.中间包重新定位repositioning of tundish
met.中间包钢水临界低液位critical low liquid steel level in tundish (【技】中间包内钢水在浇注过程中或在浇注末期的液面高度如果低于某一高度,钢水面就会产生旋涡,致使中间包内的渣子流人结晶器,直接影响连铸坯质量。此时的中间包内钢水面高度称之为中间包临界低液位。)
met.中间包预热位置tundish preheating position
met.中间包预热位置preheating position of tundish
tech.中间单位intermediate unit
tech.中间反向进位intermediate negative carry
tech.中间基本方位quadrantal point
tech.中间基本方位intercardinal point
agric.中间定位interfix (interfixus)
avia.中间定位器locator middle
avia.中间定位器middle locator
tech.中间应变轴方位orientation of intermediate strain axis
gen.中间座位enter seat
tech.中间数位sandwich digit
agric.中间易位interstitial translocation
agric.中间易位intercalary translocation
tech.中间电位intermediate potential
agric.中间等位基因互作interallele interaction
met.中间罐放置空位vacancy for tundish
tech.中间自位阀self-neutralizing valve
tech.中间负进位intermediate negative carry
avia.中间/起始进近定位点intermediate/initial approach fix
footb.中间越位offside in the centre of the field
avia.中间进场定位点intermediate approach fix
tech.中间零位继电器center zero relay
manag.主管单位与其上下单位之间的关系relations between the units and their multiples and divisions
econ.主管单位与其上下单位之间的关系relations between the units and their multiples and devisions
tech.乙丙烷碳同位素值间距separation of ethane propane carbon isotope value
agric.亚单位间相互作用subunit-subunit interaction
auto.位于V 形发动机两列气缸之间的凸轮轴camshaft in the vee
chem.位于换热器管间的空间outside of tubes
archit.位于不同地层之间的interbedded (岩石,矿物等)
gen.位于…中间midway between
gen.位于其间in between
earth.sc.位于地球月球轨道间的宇宙空间cislunar space
gen.位子可以保留多长时间?How long can you hold the table for me?
tech.位流传输时间transfer time of byte flow
tech.位移一时间关系displacement-time relationship
tech.位移一时间关系图displacement-time diagram
tech.位移一时间关系曲线displacement-time curve
tech.位移一时间曲线deformation-time curve
telecom.位空间bit space
gen.位置介于…之间occupy a position between...
avia.位置单位时间position unit time
earth.sc.位置时间计数器set time counter
mil., air.def.位置、速度、时间position velocity time
avia.位置,速度,时间position, velocity, time
met.位错与固溶间隙原子间的相互作用dislocation interaction with dissolved interstitials
tech.位错时间函数dislocation-time function
met.位错间距spacing of dislocations
telecom.位间距column pitch
desert.低潮潮位出现时间occurring time of low tidal level
tech.信号度盘时间键定位dial key setting
tech.光学的空间相位调制器optical spatial phase modulator
tech.光学的空间相位调制器optic spatial phase modulator
met.八面体间隙空位octahedral interstitial void
tech.准相位空间quasi-phase space
tech.礼拜堂中的凸窗前空间座位bay stall
auto.分位修理时间fractile repair time
tech.分子间同位素效应isotope effect between molecular
agric.分裂间期与有丝分裂染色质的亚单位结构subunit structure of interphase and mitotic chromatin
tech.初级抽样单位间的方差variance between primary sample units
auto.利用全球卫星定位系统更新时间AUTO GPS UPDATE
mil., air.def.到达时间定位法time of arrival position
mil., air.def.到达时间差到达频差定位TDOA/FDOA location
mil., air.def.到达时间差定位TDOA location
gen.相邻刻度单位的间隔scale span
sport., med.动作电位持续时间action potential duration
sport., med.动作电位时间action potential duration
nautic., tech.动力定位不间断供电电源系统DP UPS
railw.区间轨道电路分割点停车位置标志牌stop marker for section track circuit separation point
stat.十分位间区域interdecile range
math.十分位间距interdecile range
tech.半饱和时间单位half-saturation unit
agric.单位[时间]间隔unit interval
China, law单位之间的争议dispute between units
busin.单位产品耗费劳动时间labor time spent in producing one unit of products
gen.单位传质时间time of a transfer unit
tech.单位信号时间unit interval
agric.单位信号间隔unit interval
tech.单位区间unit interval
busin.单位大修车间unit overhaul shop
tech.单位工作区间commitment unit
met.单位时间unit time
tech.单位时间unit interval (间隔)
CNC单位时间unit interval
busin.单位时间事故次数events per unit time
anim.husb.单位时间产丝量reeling efficiency
met.单位时间保护渣耗量powder consumption per unit time
avia.单位时间内作动次数actions per time interval
met.单位时间内熔炼炉数heat frequency
mil., air.def.单位时间内的信号数events per unit time
tech.单位时间内的到达数number arriving in one unit of time
tech.单位时间加速作用acceleration/flow-time ratio
tech.单位时间单位面积上的降水量amount of precipitation per unit area and time
earth.sc.单位时间原子核变化events per unit time
earth.sc.单位时间定额quantity per unit time
busin.单位时间平均产量time-averaged yield
tech.单位时间强度intensity per unit time
tech.单位时间步unit time step
tech.单位时间水化热specific hardening heat
met.单位时间流量flow ratio
tech.单位时间溶液体积volume of solution per unit time
met.单位时间熔炼炉数heat frequency
tech.单位时间的热容量time rate of heat capacity
tech.单位时间研究unit time study
tech.单位时间转数revolution per unit of time
tech.单位时间转数number of revolution per unit of time
met.单位时间过钢量throughput rate
tech.单位时间降雨量intensity of rain (fall)
tech.单位时间雨量unit rainfall
tech.单位空间unit space
tech.单位进尺间接费indirect cost of footage of tunneling
econ.单位间定价the interunit pricing
busin.单位间定价interunit pricing
tech.单位间距unit distance
tech.单位间距unit spacing
tech.单位间距代cyclical permuted code (码)
tech.单位间距代cyclic permuted code (码)
busin.单位间转让interunit transfer
tech.单位间隔unit gap
tech.原位固结时间field consolidation time
railw.反向区间停车位置标志牌reverse direction section stop marker
industr.同位时间继电器synchronous timer
tech.同行业单位之间应付账款account payable interline
tech.同量异位素空间isobaric space
shipb.吨位甲板下空间立体容积的计算calculation of the cubic capacity of the space below the tonnage deck
adv.含基本隔间装潢的摊位shell scheme
gen.喂,你好,英国航空订票处,您想要哪种座位呢?靠过道的还是中间位置的?Hello, British Airways Reservations. What kind of seat do you prefer? An aside seat or enter seat?
tech.喷头间歇转位式喷灌器wave-type sprinkler
stat.四分位数间距inter-quartile range
math.四分位数间距interquartile range
stat.四分位间区域quartile range
stat.四分位间区域interquartile range
stat.四分位间距quartile range
stat.四分位间距interquartile range
auto.在单位时间内in unit time
tech.在单位时间里in unit time
UN, afghan.在各省之间分配议会席位allocating parliamentary seats among provinces
tech.地下水位等深线间距piestic interval
tech.地岩上测量线间的方位角grid bearing
auto.坐位间距seat spacing
agric.基因间顺反位置效应intergenic cis-trans position effect
auto.转向器处在中间位置时的调整overcenter adjustment
auto.复位重调时间reset time
tech.复位时间resetting time
weld.复位时间reset time
auto.复位间隙reset gap
met.外来杂质原子与位错间的流体静压力相互作用hydrostatic interaction between foreign atoms and dislocations
auto.夜间驾驶位置night-driving position
met.大吨位中间包large-tonnage tundish
gen.如果可能的话,我想要三人一排且中间不安排人的座位If possible, we want a three seat row with a seat open between us
multimed.定位时间positioning time
tech.定位间距positioning space
auto.客车座位间通道bus gangway
expl.就某些类型的爆破而言、考虑药包的几何形状和安放位置、有时称之为空间分布、也有重要意义For some types of blasting, it is also significant to consider the geometric shape and positioning of the explosive charges, sometimes called spatial distribution
tech.间位relative storey displacement
tech.间位storey displacement
tech.间位story drift
tech.间位storey drift
tech.间位story displacement
tech.峰电位间隔interspike interval
auto.布置安放座位的空间seating space
telecom.帧复位时间reframing time
telecom.帧失位时间out-of-frame alignment time
busin.平均单位时间收益average earning per unit of time
stat.年度时间单位annual time unit
avia.飞机座舱内座位中间过道高度aisle height
tech.座位的空间seating room
auto.座位空间seating space
agric.座位间的interlocal (interlocalis)
agric.座位间相互作用interlocus interaction
agric.座位间相互作用interlocal interaction
tech.座位间距seat spacing
agric.座位间重组interlocal recombination
gen.恐怕那个时间的餐位已经订满了I'm afraid we're fully booked for that time
tech.恢复水位观测时间observation period of recovered water level
gen.您是否换个时间订餐位呢?Would you like to make a reservation at another time?
gen.我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现在这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation
gen.我查查看还有没有空位。很幸运,还剩一个。请注意,登机时间是上午9点20分I'll check to see if there's any space left. Luckily, only one left. Mind you, boarding time is 9:20 am
tech.手工操作的复位时间manually reset time switch
sport., med.指间关节脱位dislocation of interphalangeal joint
securit.按中间价位发行issue by middle price
auto.接入中间位freewheel change
tech.操纵杆的中间位neutral steer
busin.故障定位时间fault-location time
tech.故障部位寻找时间fault location time
tech.教堂座位与列柱间的走道inner side aisle
tech.教堂座位间走道inner nave aisle
dril.方位时间记录器bearing time recorder
math.方位空间director space
econ., construct.施工单位的间接费用和利润contractors’ overhead and profit
multimed.间位time shifting
tech.间位移曲线time displacement curve
nurs.间-位置显示法time-motion display
tech.间位置码time and location code
tech.时深转换空间归位值space restoration value of time depth transform
expl.时间一位移曲线time-displacement curve
tech.时间与高度方位time-and-altitude azimuth
avia.时间区位time location
manag.时间单位time units
manag.时间单位unit of time
avia.时间单位time unit
mil., air.def.时间和频率定位分析time and frequency location analysis
tech.时间地层单位time-stratigraphic unit
tech.时间地层单位time-stratigraphical unit
tech.时间地层单位time-rock unit
tech.时间方位time azimuth
mil., air.def.时间、方位、仰角、距离time, azimuth, elevation, range
tech.时间方位显示time bearing display
tech.时间方位显示器time bearing display
tech.时间方位表time azimuth table
tech.时间水位曲线time stage curve
manag.时间测量单位time measurement unit
tech.时间海侵单位time-transgressive unit
wind.时间相位time phase
tech.时间相位散布time-phase dispersion
tech.时间相位角time phase angle
avia.时间/空间/位置信息time/space/position information
tech.时间置位time setting
tech.时间置位电路time setting circuit
tech.时间衡量单位time measurement unit
agric.易位时间time of translocation
met.间位intergranular position
met.晶格原子间隙位置interstitial lattice site
desert.最低低潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum low tidal stage
tech.最低水位出现时间time of minimum water level
desert.最低高潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum high tidal stage
tech.最佳水位变动区间interval of optimal water level change
tech.最佳的方位间距optimum splitting of azimuth
telecom.最大位间隔时间maximum interdigit time
agric.最大化每单位时间产量maximize yield per unit of time
telecom.最大复位时间maximum reset time
desert.最高低潮位出现时间occurring time of maximum low tidal stage
tech.最高水位出现时间time of maximum water level
desert.最高高潮位出现时间occurring time of maximum high tidal stage
tech.机位间滑行线aircraft stand taxilane
UN, ecol.机构间提高妇女地位小组委员会Inter-Agency Subcommittee on the Advancement of Women
auto.发动机机油的单位时间质量消耗量单位是g/hlub-oil consumption
agric.杂合臂间倒位heterozygous pericentric inversion
met.杂质原子与位错间的化学相互作用chemical interaction between foreign atoms and dislocation
auto.变速器档位速比间隔gear spacing
auto.变速器档位间隔gear steps
auto.变速器档位间隔速比级差gear stepping
auto.变速器档位间隔速比级差gear spreading
expl.模式炮孔行间定位策略pattern row orientation strategies
tech.正则时间单位canonic time unit
avia.正则时间单位canonical time unit
sport.每单位时间per unit time
agric.每单位时间 有机干物质organic dry matter per unit time
agric.每单位时间产量增到最大maximize yield per unit of time
agric.每单位时间分裂数number of divisions per unit time
agric.每单位时间和面积的水蒸气water vapor per unit time and area
agric.每单位时间总剂量total dose per unit time
agric.每单位时间的发芽种子数germinating seeds per unit time
agric.每单位时间的干物质dry matter per unit time
earth.sc.每单位时间转数revolution per unit time
earth.sc.每单位时间转数number of turns in unit of time
tech.每时间单位per time unit
sport., med.气量/单位时间升/分gas volume / unit time
tech.水位保持时间stage duration
tech.水位统测时间time of simultaneous observation
tech.泊位占用时间duration of occurrence of a berth
tech.泊位间隔berthing space
tech.泊位间隔berthing room
met.浸入式水口位于中间包与结晶器之间submerged entry nozzle is between tundish and mould
tech.火焰时间位time displacement of flame
busin.生产单位产品平均必要劳动时间average necessary labour-time for producing a unit of commodity
anim.husb.生态位空间niche space
tech.用时间单位表示经度longitude in time
shipb.甲板间吨位between decks tonnage
shipb.甲板间吨位between deck tonnage
nautic., tech.甲板间吨位T'ween-deck tonnage
tech.甲板间吨位截面tweendeck tonnage section
tech.甲板间舱吨位tweendeck tonnage
avia.直位时间计数器set time counter
tech.相位时间比phase split
earth.sc.相位时间调制phase-time modulation
mil., air.def.相位状态转换时间phase state transformation time
mil., air.def.相位编码脉冲的时间带宽乘积time bandwidth product of a phase-coded pulse
tech.相间电位interphase potential
auto.比赛目前current standing
tech.矿体空间位location of ore body in space
expl.破碎粒度合成分布曲线受原位岩体结构的影响、也受岩体内炸药空间分布的影响The coarse end of the resulting fragment size distribution is influenced by the insitu rock mass structure and the spatial distribution of the explosive within the rock mass
tech.碳稳定同位素值间距separation of carbon stable isotope value
tech.磁头定位时间head positioning time
shipb.磁头间隙方位角head gap azimuth
agric.种间杂种优势等位基因specific heterotic allele
tech.间位spatial potential (势)
met.间位外形spatial configuration
tech.间位spatial position
avia.间位spatial location
busin.间位置因子steric factor
avia.间位置状态知觉attitude perception
mil., air.def.间位置精度因子position dilution of precision
multimed.间位转移space shifting
polym.间位阻的sterically hindered
polym.间位阻稳定性steric stabilisation
tech.间位隔效应spacing effect
tech.间位隔能力spacing capability
nautic.空间传播相位延迟space phasing
tech.空间像素错位法spatial offset technology
chem.空间同位素效应steric isotope effect
met.空间定位spatial orientation
tech.空间定位光纤束spatially aligned bundle
gen.空间定位的sterically defined
tech.空间90度相位差space quadrature
avia.空间方位信息attitude information
tech.空间相位spatial phase
tech.空间相位不均匀误差error due to non-uniformity of space phase
desert.空间选择定位dimensional preferred orientation
agric.等位基因间互作interallelic interaction
agric.等位基因间互补作用interallelic complementation
agric.等位基因间杂交interallelic cross
agric.等位基因间的interallelic (interallelicus)
agric.等位基因间重组interallelic recombination
busin.简易时间单位readily time unit
met.粒间成核位置intergranular nucleation site
met.【连】 结晶器内单位时间旋涡数number of vortices per unit time in mold (【技】结晶器内钢液面旋涡是造成卷渣的重要因素。抑制旋涡产生、减少结晶器内单位时间旋涡数量有利于提高铸坯质量。)
tech.继电器入位时间relay seating time
avia.维修间隔单位maintenance interval unit
China, law缺位期间period of vacancy
tech.置位时间setting time
tech.置位时间计数器set time counter
otorhinol.间位相角interaural phase angle
mil., air.def.脉间相位与频率调制interpulse phase and frequency modulation
anat.腹膜间位器官interperitoneal viscera (脏器表面大部分被腹膜覆盖的器官,有肝、胆囊、升结肠、降结肠、直肠上段、子宫和膀胱等)
agric.臂间倒位eucentric inversion
agric.臂间倒位pericentric invers ion (inversiopericentrica)
agric.臂间倒位symmetrical inversion
agric.臂间倒位transcentric inversion
life.sc.臂间倒位染色体的pericentric inversion
agric.臂间倒位transkinetic inversion
tech.臂间倒位pericentric inversion
adv.节目单位时间广告量commercial load
tech.荷载时间位移关系图load-time displacement chart
met.【金】 蠕变期间空位迁移vacancy migration during creep
sport., med.血流量/单位时间blood flow / unit time
agric., stat.试验单位间inter- experimental unit
gen.请稍等。1月22、23、24,15间双人间。好的。我们有足够的房间。都是带空调的时尚公寓间,座位区配置双人沙发床,有免费无线网和平板电视Just a moment, please. Fifteen TWBs for January 22 nd, 23 rd and 24 th. Yes. We still have those rooms available. They are stylish, air-conditioned apartment featuring a seating area with a double sofa bed. All are equipped with free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs
gen.请给我保留两张靠中间位置的Please keep two enter seats for us to pick up
tech.起动位间隔start interval
tech.起空间位隔作用的增量剂spacing extender
met.超位错间距spacing of superdislocations
tech.转位时间index time
met.边界射线中间位midposition of boundary rays
tech.道间相位差phase difference between traces
earth.sc.重力定位空间实验卫星gravity anchored space experiments satellite
tech.钢筋定位隔间水泥bar spacer
tech.钳位时间clamping interval
tech.间位亚二甲苯基二胺met-xylylene diamine
agric.间位分散薄壁组织metatracheal-diffuse parenchyma (perenchyma diffusa metatrachealis)
chem.间位定位基meta-orientating group
chem.间位定位基meta directing group
tech.间位interstitial nucleus
agric.间位薄壁组织metatracheal parenchyma (parenchyma metatrachealis)
tech.间接同位素效应indirect isotope effect
tech.间接固位体indirect retainer
mil., air.def.间接定位indirect location
securit.间接本位制indirect standard
mil., air.def.间接相位同步indirect phase synchronization
tech.间歇位置interstitial site
met.间歇原子-位错相互作用interstitial-dislocation interaction
tech.间距定位块spacer lug
tech.间隙位gap digit
met.间隙位置interstitial site
met.间隙位置interstitial position
met.间隙原子-位错间相互作用interstitial-dislocation interaction
tech.间隙固位体space retainer
chem.间隙空位缺陷interstitial vacancy defect
met.【连】 降低中间包液位法lowered tundish practice
gen.靠过道的座位卖完啦,您想要靠窗的还是中间的座位?We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat OK with you or would you prefer a middle seat?
math.韦斯顿伯格四分位数间距检验Westenberg's interquartile range test
agric.顺反子间第二部位回复intercistronic second site reversion
avia.首次定位时间time to first fix
archit.高低潮位之间的竖直区intertidal zone
navig.高水位时间high water time
tech.高水位间隔high water interval
desert.高潮潮位出现时间occurring time of high tidal level
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