
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一小时空时间的价格price of an hour's leisure
不休耕作permanent agriculture
fallowness (土地)
制度fallow system
土壤fallow soil
idle land
地作物fallow crop
水田fallow paddy field
fallow field
稻田fallow paddy field
草场spelled pasture
转数rest-rotation grazing
住房置率vacancy ratio
停航置船laid-up ship
停航置船idle ship
内空时间internal idle time
作用catch crop
季节non-agricultural season
区间空section cleared
半休occupied fallow
双向选组级示idle two-way selector stage indicator
土地置税vacant land tax
土地置税unused land tax
作物alternate crop
复耕休twice-ploughed fallow
夏季休summer fallow
夏季休summer fallow field
夏季绝对休clean summer fallow
夏耕休clean summer fallow
存储器memory idle
工作空时间比work-leisure time ratio
平均空时间mean down time
buty cycle
总线空机器工作周期bus idle machine cycle
房屋空损失vacancy losses
无草休weed-free fallow
无草休clean fallow
早期休early fallow
春季休early fallow
春耕休early fallow (地)
普遍休general fallow
堤防两边的沿河空river location
中心leisure centre
中心leisure center
清洁休full fallow
生草休late fallow
灯电路free lamp circuit
秋耕black fallow
秋耕休dead fallowing
idleness (率)
传声器idle microphone
例行程序idle routine
信号idling signal
信号idle signal
信道检测idle channel detection
free area
vacant ground
vacant land
unoccupied land
idle land
块的组合combination of free blocks
字符idle character
存储器free storage
存储表free storage list
free pool
未使用的房间vacant room
未使用的房间tenantless room
指示信号idle indicating signal
时间stand-by time
时间idle hours
时间的估价valuation of leisure time
时间补充工资idle time supplementary rate
服务leisure service
free pool
vacancy rate
生产能力idle capacity
电路idle circuit
的仓库free depot
bell idles
程序idle routine
空间free space
线idle line
线路non-occupied track
线路unoccupied line
线路unoccupied track
线路empty line
线路empty track
线路clear track
记录器idle register
过程idle process
通道状态idle channel state
绝对休dead fallow
绝对休bare fallow
绿肥作物休green fallow
草地休pasture spelling
裸休bare fallow
资源置情况idle status of resources
路由示idle route indicator
轨道空track clear
轨道空状态检测track vacancy detection
长期休long fallow land
匝损失dead-end loss
idle coil
导条idle bar
市后市场after market
vacant house
接点idle contact
接点dead contact
idle pendulum
散土地scattered plots of unutilized land
散现金idle money
散生产力吸收absorption of idle capacity
散资金inactive money
散资金scattered funds
散资金spare capital
散资金idle money
散资金idle fund
散资金idle capital
时交通leisure traffic
暇工业leisure industry
暇消遣设施leisure facilities
暇消遣设施leisure facility
free potential grid
vacant land
vacant field
线idle line
线disengaged free line
线路idle channel
leave unused
set aside
laid up
生产能力idle capacity
置不用的船laid-up tonnage
置不用的船laid-up ship
置人员idle hand
置人工成本idle labour cost
置人工成本idle labor cost
置地idle land
置折旧shelf depreciation
置损失idling loss
置损耗idling loss
置时间stand-by unattended time
置时间和利用时间百分比percentage of idle time to utilization time
置时间开支idle-time expenses
置时间补充率idle time supplementary rate
置机器idle machine
置机器时间报告idle machine time report
置机组idle unit
置泊位lay berth
置率vacancy rate
置生产能力spare capacity
置生产能力差异idle capacity variance
置电池idle battery
置的standing idle
置的建设用地vacant building land
置的机器idle machine
置的货币资本idle money-capital
置的车辆idle vehicle
置空间dead air space
置能量差异idle capacity variance
置能量成本idle capacity cost
置能量损失idle capacity loss
置腐蚀shelf corrosion
置船idle shipping (舶)
置船只laid-up ship
置船舶unemployed ship
置船舶lay ship
置船舶lay vessel
置船舶mothball ship
置船舶lay boat
置船舶停靠的码头lay berth
置船锚地laid-up vessel anchorage
置设备stand-by equipment
置设备dormant equipment
置设备清单idle equipment report (list)
置设施idle facility
置试验shelf test
置账户结存dormant account balance
置货币idle money
置费idling charges (指设备)
置费idle time cost (指设备)
置费expense of idleness (指设备)
置资产dormant assets
置资源效果idle resources effect
置资金laid-up capital
置资金dead money
置跑道idle runway
置车道free track
触点idle contact
idle frequency
非出租房屋置率vacancy rate homeowner
黑色休black fallow