
Terms for subject Commerce containing 长 期 | all forms | in specified order only
长期信用medium and long-term credit (贷)
长期应收票据收买业务forfeiting business
买主要求延长索赔期The buyer requests to extend the time limitation of claim
产品成长期growth stage
美国公债长期转期偿还senior refunding
前者为长期债券government bill
定期调整利率长期贷款revolving term loan
长期extend a time limit
延长信用证有效期extend the expiration date of L/C
延长报盘的有效期extend the period of validity of an offer
延长有效期extend prolong the period of validity
延长索赔期extend the time for filing a claim
建设期长度length of construction period
日本长期信用银行Long-term Credit Bank of Japan (Tokyo, 东京)
物价经长期跌落后重新回升After a long decline, prices are firming again
长期stage of growth
结束长期的争议wind up the long-standing dispute
英国政府长期统一债券consolidated stocks
英国政府长期统一债券consolidated annuities
要其长期供货bargain with a producer for a constant supply of the articles
要求延长信用证有效期request extension of credit validity
这笔长期未清的账目必须偿付This long outstanding account must be settled without further delay
银行长期票据banker's long draft
银行长期票据banker's long bill
长期long sight
长期亏空chronic deficit
长期信用standing credit
长期借款funded debt (与流动债务 (floating debt) 相对,亦用 funded loan, 比较 loan fund 贷款资金)
长期债券long bonds
长期债务permanent debt
长期债务funded liability
长期债务与股本的比率long-term debt-equity ratio
长期债务补偿金offsets to long-term debt
长期债权long-term claims
长期存款permanent deposit
长期投资long-term investment (亦指资本资产 (capital asset))
长期投资permanent investment (亦指资本资产 (capital asset))
长期提成continuing royalties
长期期票papier long
长期汇票long-dated bill
长期汇票贴现率long rate
长期筹资long-term financing
长期融通资金longterm financing
长期计划long range plan
长期证券papier long
长期负债permanent liabilities
长期负担permanent burden
长期贷款利率long-term lending rate
长期资产long-term asset (指固定资产 (fixed asset))
长期资产负债表预测long-term projection
长期资本permanent capital (包括:股本 (equity),中长期负债 (long and medium-term liabilities) ,准备金(reserves))
长期资本市场capital market
长期趋势major movements
长期趋势major trends
长期连续交货spread delivery
长期连续损失保险spread loss cover
数字长期secular term