
Terms for subject Business containing 长 期 | all forms | in specified order only
不断增长产权长期抵押贷款growing equity mortgage
不断增长快速分期偿付长期抵押贷款growing rapid payoff mortgage
长期信贷medium or long-term credit
长期信贷middle and long-term credit
长期信贷medium and long-term credit
长期信贷medium long-term credit
长期投资middle and long-term investment
长期投资make middle and long-term investment
长期计划middle-long term plan
长期计划middle and long-term plan
长期设备贷款medium or long-term loan for equipment
长期贷款middle and long-term loan
长期贷款middle-long term loan
长期贷款medium or long-term loan
交款服务最长期maximum length of contributory service
以盈余偿还长期债款funded debt retired from surplus
佣金长期抵押借款commission long-term mortgage loan
偿还长期借款reimbursement of long term loans
其他长期信贷other long-term credit
其他长期贷款other long-term loans
减少长期投资decrease of long term investments
原定偿还期或延长偿还期original or extended maturity
可调整长期投资证券Adjustable long-Term Putable Securities
可重复使用的长期信贷发放系统replicable long-term credit delivery system
周期长度length of the cycle
均衡化长期资本equilibrating long-term capital
增值法长期long-range rate of appreciation method
外汇借款的长期远期票据long bill issued in the operation of lending foreign money
定期调整利率的长期贷款revolving term loan
实施性长期计划implementational long-range planning
工作周期长度length of working cycle
应付长期信用票据long time notes payable
应付长期抵押票据long-term mortgage note payable
应付长期票据long-term note payable
应付长期贷款long-term loans payable
应收长期票据long-term note receivable
延长合同期限extend the contract period
延长有效期至...to extend the expiration date to...
延长索赔期extend the time for filing claim
延长贷款偿还期extension of loan
延长贷款日期extension of credit
U形长期平均成本曲线U-shaped long-run average cost curve
我们的信用证有效期需要为多长时间?How long should our L/C be valid?
战略性长期计划strategic long-range planning
时效期延长extension of the limitation period
时期长度性质nature of length of time period
普通长期债务general long-term debt
普通长期负债类账户general long-term debt group of accounts
有效的长期业务规划effective long range business planning
有效的长期营业计划effective long-range business planning
本年到期的长期负债current maturity of long term debt
横向长期供给曲线horizontal long run supply curve
水险延长责任期条款marine extension clause
清偿长期债务准备reserve for retirement of long-term debts
清偿长期债务准备reserve for retirement of longterm debts
长期供应very long-period supply
盈利和股息预期增长率expected growth rate of earnings and dividends
经常项目和长期资本往来差额balance on current account and long-term capital
经济周期的成长阶段growth stage of the business cycle
经济周期的成长阶段growth phase of the business cycle
要求延长索赔时效期request to extent time-limit of claim
要求延长索赔期限request to extend time-limit of claim
资金长期融通票据banker's long bills drawn for the purpose of raising money
长期利息long-end interest
长期市场展望longer-term market outlook
逐期增长率period-to-period growth rate
逐渐下降的长期供给曲线forward falling long run supply curve
银行长期商业贷款利率bank rate on long-term business loan
银行长期汇票bankers long bills
银行长期贷款利率bank rate on long-term loan
长期long period
长期下降趋势downward secular trend
长期世界美元短绌chronic world dollar shortage
长期业务long-term business
长期乘数long-term multiplier
长期交易long exchange
长期代付通知又称长期汇票。 指活期存款户给银行的通知,请该行按一定时间代付某人或某单位一定金额款项,如代付保险费、租金等,并依约付给手续费standing order
长期价格long price
长期任用permanent appointment
长期优待折扣long term discount
长期使用positive prescription
长期供应long supply
长期供应价格long period supply price
长期供给曲线long period supply curve
长期保留文件long-term retention file
长期信贷standing credit
长期信贷long-timp credit
长期信贷国际金融机构international financial institution for long-term credit
长期信贷金融机构financial institutions for long-term credit
长期借债long-term borrowing
长期借出borrowing short to lend long
长期借款money borrowed for long time
长期借款增加increase of long term loans
长期债券long-term bond
长期债务long term indebtedness
长期债务中本年内到期部分current portion of long-term debt
长期债务对净运用资本比率long-term debt to net working capital ratio
长期债务对总资本比率long-term debt to total capitalization
长期债务对资本总额比率long-term debt to total capitalization ratio
长期债务还本付息payment on long term debt
长期债权人long-time creditor
长期偏移secular drift
长期停滞论theory of secular stagnation
长期偿还债务liquidation of longs
长期储备long term reserve
长期储备long-range reserve
长期公债long-term government securities
长期公债long-term government bond
长期公债long-run debts
长期公司债券long-term debenture
长期决策long-term decision
长期分期付款long-term installment
长期利息fixed term interest
长期动态学secular dynamics
长期发展secular development
长期变动secular drift
长期期货合同long end of a contract
长期合同会计处理long-term contract accounting
长期合同完工会计法completed job method of accounting for long term contract
长期商品短缺chronic shortage of commodities
长期国策long-term national policy
长期均衡secular equilibrium
长期均衡价格long-run equilibrium price
长期增量long-term multiplier
长期增长secular growth
长期外雇人员long-term expatriate
长期失业long-term unemployment
长期失业hard core
长期失业chronic unemployment
长期失业工人hard core workers
长期失业者hardcore unemployed
长期失业者hard-core unemployed
长期存在的问题long-standing problem
货物长期存库dead storage
长期存放处理long-time deposit treatment
长期存款long time deposit
长期存款利率interest rate for long term deposit
长期定额信用证standing credit
长期就业long-duration employment
长期居留extended residence
长期居留证long-term residence permit
长期工程承包long-term construction contract
长期平均成本long-range average cost
长期平均状态long-run average
长期开发规划long-range development program
长期弹性long-run elasticity
长期影响long-term implication
长期影响long-range impact
长期性故障chronic trouble
长期息票long coupon
长期成本long-run cost
长期成本long-period cost
长期成本变动change of long run cost
长期成本表列long-run cost schedule
长期承诺long commitment
长期投资折价摊销amortization of discount on long term investment
长期投资溢价摊销amortization premium on long term investments
长期投资溢价摊销amortization of premium on long term investment
长期拖延工期的项目project long in construction
长期授权standing authorization
长期措施long-range measures
长期支出long-term expenditure
长期支岀long-term expenditure
长期收入假设permanent income hypothesis
长期政府债券收益yield on long-term government bond
长期效能long-term performance
长期无效chronic frustration
长期日工day-to-day work
长期标准long-run standard
长期比特误差率long-term bit error rate
长期比较long-term comparison
长期永续年金deferred perpetuity
长期波动long-time fluctuation
长期波动理论long-wave theory
长期浮动利率票据long term floating rate note
长期消费函数long-run consumption function
长期环境long range circumstances
长期环境分析long-range environmental analysis
长期生产指示standing production orders
长期生产率计划long-term productivity planning
长期病伤假生活费long-term sickness and injury leave living expense
长期long sight
长期long standing
长期的均衡价格long-run equilibrium price
长期相依long-term dependence
长期相对频率long-run relative frequency
长期season ticket
长期票据long-dated bill
长期票据long-dated paper
长期票据long bill
长期票据与债券long-term bills and bonds
长期租约long lease
长期租赁long lease
长期移动平均数long-period moving average
长期竞争平衡long-run competitive equilibrium
发行股票长期筹资long-term financing
长期繁荣secular boom
长期约定long commitment
长期经济增长缓慢chronic slow growth of economy
长期经营long-standing operation
长期经营long-standing business dealings
长期经营资金long-term operation fund
长期职员established clerk
长期股权long-term holdings
长期股票long stocks
长期营业long-term operation
长期行为long-term behavior
长期规划long-term projection
长期规划报告long-range report
长期规划报告服务long-range report service
长期计划long-range planning
长期计划long term plan
长期计划long-range plans
长期订单即总括定单standing order
长期订货制造费用manufacturing expense of standing order
长期证券paper long
长期证券long-term security
长期证券指偿还期在 15 年以上或附固定利息的证券longs
长期证券long-dated security
长期试验long-run test
长期负债fixed obligation
长期负债如长期付票据等long-term liabilities
长期负债如公债funded liability
长期购买long-pull buying
长期贸易long-term trading
长期贸易贷款long-term trade credit
长期费用long-run cost
长期费用long-term expense
长期费用long period cost
长期资产即固定资产long-term assets
长期资产long lived assets
长期资本交易long-term capital transaction
长期资本余额long-term capital balance
长期资本利得long-term capital gain
长期资本损失long-term capital loss
长期资本收益long-term capital gain
长期资本流动long-term capital movement
长期资本短细deficit in long-term capital
长期资金long-term funds
长期资金收支亏损deficit on long-term capital balance
长期资金运用funding operation
长期赊账便利long-term credit facility
长期趋势long swing
长期趋势long-run trend
长期趋势曲线curve of secular trend
长期边际成本long-run marginal cost
长期边际成本long-range marginal cost
长期运用资金long-term operation funds
长期远景long-term perspective
长期递延法permanent deferral method
长期通货膨胀率chronic inflation rate
长期遗传适应long-term genetic adaptation
长期部门间预测工具long-term interindustry forecasting tool
长期重复long-term repeatability
长期金融资产结构平衡long-run portfolio equilibrium
长期闲置固定资产long-time idle fixed asset
长期限价证券long tap
长期项目long-term project
长期预付款long-term advance
长期预测long-run prediction
长期预测long-run forecast
长期预测long-range projection
长短期利率操作operation nudge
长、短期目标平衡调整balance between short range and long range goals
长短期经营计划制business planning based on long-term and short-term interests
长远期票据long-time bill
雇员技能的长期发展long-term development of employee skill
预期排队长度expected length of the waiting line
预算期长度length of budget period
预算期长度length of budget