
Terms for subject Technology containing 长 期 | all forms | in specified order only
一年内到期的长期债务current maturity of long-term debt
长期信用middle and long term credit
长期信贷medium term and longterm credit
长期投资middle and long term investment
长期水文预报mid and long term hydrology forecast
长期水文预报mid and long range hydrologic forecast
长期水文预报medium and long range hydrologic forecast
长期计划middle and long term plans
长期贷款term loan
长期贷款易取短期贷款的投资者take-out investor
长期period of elongation
长期jointing stage
作物生长期crop growing period
全球长期趋势long-term global trend
内源生长期endogenous phase of growth
农药的长期留存persistence of pesticides
冰点长期上升secular rise of zero-reading
冻土的长期内聚力long-term cohesion of frozen soil
前期生长early growth
动态变化周期的长度period of regime change cycle
化学品的长期影响long-term effects of pollutant
原定或延长偿还期original or extended maturity
古地磁场的长期变化secular variation of geomagnetic field
长期存在long standing
周期延长periodical elongation
周期延长periodic elongation
周期时长cycle length time
周期时长变换cycle length change
周期生长量periodical increment
周期生长量periodic increment
长期使用而获得的通行权prescriptive easement
土壤长期潮湿long periods of wet soil
地温长期变化long period variation in earth's temperature
地磁长期变化magnetic secular change
地震长期预报long-time earthquake prediction
地震中长期预报medium term and long term earthquake prediction
垂直向长周期地震仪vertical long period seismograph
基本营养生长期basic vegetative period
长期accretionary phase
增长周期rising period
增长时期growth stage
多年变化长期缓慢变化secular variation
定期平均年生长量periodical mean annual increment
定期平均年生长量periodic mean annual increment
定期木材生长率basic wood increment
定期生长量periodical increment
对数增长期increased logarithmic phase
对数生长期logarithmic growth period
对数生长期logarithmic growth phase
工期延长time extension
工程地质长期观测engineering geological long-term observation
工程地质长期观测long-term observation of engineering geology
工程地质长期观测engineering geologic long-term observation
康德拉捷夫长期波动周期Kondratieff cycle
长期extension of time
长期extension of maturity
延长付款期限extension of time for payment
延长信用证有效期extend letter of credit
延长合同有效期prolong a contract
延长工期索赔claim for extension of time
延长投标有效期extension of validity of bids
延长报税期限extension of time for filing
延长时期extended period
延长有效期prolong the period of validity
延长索赔期extend the time for filing claims
延长索赔期限extend the time limit for filing clause
房地产完工后的长期贷款take-out loan
指数生长期exponential phase of growth
放射性长期平衡radioactive secular equilibrium
整个生长期throughout the growing season
早期强度增长early strength gain
最长使用期限maximum service life
最高生长期maximum growth period
有效期延长extension of availability
期望排队长度expected length of the waiting line
未偿清长期债款的折扣unextinguished discount on funded debt
本田生长期field growth period
长期very long term
植物生长期vegetation period
植物生长期vegetal period
植物生长期period of vegetation
植被生长期vegetation period
气候长期研究制图计划climate long range investigation mapping prediction study
气候长期趋势secular trend in climate
污染物的长期效应long-term effects of pollutant
污泥长期sludge long-term storage
活性生长期active growth stage
浅水长期淤积shallow water stands for a long time
海洋勘探研究长期扩大方案long-term and expanded programme of oceanic exploration and research
海洋勘探研究长期扩大方案long-term and expanded program of oceanic exploration and research
混凝土长期性能long-time performance of concrete
港内运送长期系泊设备的小船chain boat
港内运送长期系泊设备的小船mooring lighter
港内运送长期系泊设备的小船anchor hoy
港口运送长期系泊设备的小船chain boat
港口运送长期系泊设备的小船mooring lighter
港口运送长期系泊设备的小船anchor hoy
潜伏期延长prolongation of latency
潜伏生长期late nt growth period
燃料长期储存稳定性fuel storage stability
长期growing season
生长断层活动期growing period of fault
生长衰减期period of declining growth
电子立式长周期地震仪electronic vertical long-period seismometer
短生长期植物emergency crop
长期变化magnetic secular change
积极生长期active growth stage
竣工期限的延长extension of time for completion
细菌成长期growth phase of bacteria
经常项目和长期资本往来的平衡balance on current account and long-term capital
经济长期发展缓慢chronic slow growth of economy
经济长周期论economic long cycle theory
长期retardation phase
缺陷责任期的延长extension of defects liability period
规则码激励长期预测regular pulse excitation-long term prediction
负荷增长期period of load development
贷款偿还期的延长extension of loan
长期预报extra-long range forecast
超长周期ultra-long period
超长周期地震仪ultra-long period seismograph
长期的利息long end interest
边界层增长期流动generating flow
近期经济增长速度economic growth rate in the near future
进行生长全期浇水throughout like watering
远期列车计算长度train calculation length for long term
铁路长期计划railway long-term program
铁路长期计划railway long-term programme
铁路长期计划railway long plan
铁路施工企业中长期经营计划medium and long-term plan of railway construction enterprise
long duration
分潮long period constituent
长期负载long-term loading
长期负载long-term load
长使用期润滑脂long life grease
长使用期的long lived
长半衰期long half-lift
长周期long period surge
长周期不稳定性long period instability
长周期假潮long period seiche
长周期变化温度long period changing temperature
长周期变量long period variation
长周期台阵long period array
长周期地层仪long period seismograph
长周期地震仪long period seismograph
长周期地震图long period seismogram
长周期地面运动long period ground motion
长周期基线畸变long period base line distortion
长周期寿命long cycle life
长周期引力潮long period force
长周期性long periodicity
长周期性荷载long-term cyclical load
长周期性荷载long-term cyclic load
长周期振动long period vibration
长周期振动曲线phugoid curve
长周期振动阻尼long period oscillation damping
长周期振荡long period oscillation
长周期波动long period fluctuation
长周期波峰crest of long period wave
长周期波谷trough of long period wave
长周期涌long period swell
长周期潮tide of long period (汐)
长周期潮long period tide (汐)
长周期生潮力long period tide-generating force
长周期生潮力long period force
长周期结构long period structure
长周期脉动long period microtremor
长周期试验long period test
长周期负荷sustained load
长周期运动分量long-term reference
长周期运动稳定性long period dynamical stability
长周期运动稳定性long period dynamic stability
长周期重力波long period gravity wave
长周期重力波infra-gravity wave
长周期项long period term
长年周期secular cycle
长时期隐燃的火hold-over fire
长期long range
长期long-term (的)
长期long time
长期long period (的)
长期一览子合同long-term blanket contact
长期不变水道perennial water course
长期亏损的企业enterprise incurring long run losses
长期产沙量long-term sediment yield
长期价值long-term value
长期休闲地long fallow land
长期作业long-term operation
长期作业long-range operation
长期作物long season crop
长期使用long run
长期使用lifetime service
长期使用后的特性long-time quality
长期使用契约long-term lease contract
长期使用的井permanent well completion
长期保存long-term storage
长期借款funded liability
长期借款审计long-term audit
长期债务还本付息payments on long-term debt
长期停机时间lengthy shut down periods
长期停泊不用的船舶lay boat
长期停航lay up
长期停车者day parker
长期储存long-term storage
长期储藏standing storage
长期允许承载力long-term allowable bearing capacity
长期再现性long-term reproducibility
长期分潮long-term constituent
长期刚度long-term stiffness
长期加热prolonged heating
长期协议long-term agreement
长期发展long-term development
长期发展计划long-range development
长期发展适应long-term genetic adaptation
长期变化long-term variation
长期变化long-term change
长期变化long period variation
长期变化周期secular variation period
长期变化引起的误差secular error
长期变异secular variation
长期变异secular change
长期变形【测long-term deflection
长期变量secular variable
长期可持续性long-term sustainability
长期合作long-term cooperation
长期周期secular period
长期周期secular cycle
长期固定long-term fix
长期固定区long-term fix area
长期国债long-term government bonds
长期地震预报long-term earthquake prediction
长期天气预报long-range weather forecasting
长期天气预报long-range weather forecast
长期存储器long-term memory
长期存在的long standing
长期存款long-term saving
长期荷载容许应力allowable stress for long sustained loading
长期封闭long-term containment
长期封闭long period containment
长期居住的蓬车residential caravan
长期岁差secular precession
长期工作助推器long burning time booster
长期平均period average
长期平均long-term average
长期平均成本long run average cost
长期平均流量long-term average discharge
长期平均流量long period average flow
长期平均降雨量long-term average depth of rainfall
长期平衡long-term equilibrium
长期平衡secular balance
长期平衡long-term balance
长期平衡系数long-term balance ratio
长期应付款会计核算的审计long-term dues accounting audit
长期应付款的审计long-term dues audit
长期应付款真实性long-term dues authenticity and legality audit
长期应付款计价的审计long-term dues valuation audit
长期荷载应力.stress due to long time loading
长期应变long-term strain
长期废水long-term wastewater
长期建筑合同会计处理long-term construction contract accounting
长期开发计划long-range development plan
长期弯环应变long-term ring bending strain
长期强度long-time strength
长期影响long-term effect
长期径流关系long period runoff relation
长期徐变试验long-time creep test
长期徐变试验long-term creep test
长期徘徊不前protracted stagnation
长期性工作性能long-term performance
长期性流水permanent water flow
长期性浮游生物permanent plankton
长期运转性状long-term behaviour
长期运转性状long-term behavior
长期运转性能long-term behaviour
长期运转性能long-term behavior
长期感受long-term environmental effect
长期感受long epoch environmental effect
长期成本变化long run cost variation
长期战略long-term strategy
长期户外曝晒long-term outdoor exposure
长期房地产租借的贷款definitive loan
长期扩展long extension
长期承包合同long-term construction contracts
长期投资人permanent investor
长期投资决策long-term investment decision-making
长期投资审计long-term investment audit
长期投资者permanent investor
长期投资项目long-term investment projects
长期抗剪强度long-term shear strength
长期抗震滑动long-term aseismic slip
长期抽水试验long-time pumping test
长期持续荷载long-term sustained loading
长期挠度long-term deflection
长期接触long epoch environmental effect
长期提供资金long-term financing
长期摄入long-term intake
长期收入long-term income
长期收缩prolonged shrinkage
长期收缩性prolonged shrinkage
长期效应secular effect
长期效应组合combination for long-term action effects
长期方案long-term project
长期方程secular equation
长期施加的荷载sustained load
长期旋转long running
长期无振滑动long-term aseismic slip
长期无毒试验long-term non-toxicity test
长期时效secular time effect
长期时效long-term effect
长期时间平均数long-term time average
长期暴晒prolonged exposure
长期暴露long-term environmental effect
长期暴露long-term exposure
长期暴露long epoch environmental effect
长期月球速度的增减secular acceleration and retardation of the moon
长期有效always open
长期有效保险单running policy
长期有效保险单floating policy
长期有效保险单general insurance policy
长期有效保险单declaration policy
长期有效的实用建筑timeless functional architecture
长期服务career service
长期未耗用成本long-term unexpired cost
长期检验年份year of grace survey
长期残留作用long residual action
长期气候循环long-term climatic cycle
长期气候趋势long-term climatic trend
长期气象预报long-range meteorological forecasting
长期气象预报long-range meteorologic forecast
长期水库水质效果评价evaluation of long-term reservoir water quality impact
长期污染chronic pollution
长期污染long-term pollution
长期污染chronic contamination
长期污染浓度预报long-term prediction of concentration of contaminants
长期沉积long-term sedimentation
长期沉积库容dead storage of sedimentation
长期沉积量long-time sediment yield
长期沉积量long-term sediment yield
长期沉降long-time settlement
长期河槽趋势long-term channel trend
长期波动long period fluctuation
长期洪水预测long-term flood predication
长期流量测量long-term gauging of flow
长期流量测量long-term gaging of flow
长期测流long-term gauging
长期测流long-term gaging
长期测试long-term testing
长期淤积量long-term sediment yield
长期淹没prolonged inundation
长期漂移long-term drift
长期演变long-term evolvement
长期演变long-term evolution
长期演替prolonged succession
长期潜力long-term potential
长期潮湿天气long wet spells
长期火险性long-term fire danger
长期燃烧油long-time burning oil
长期物资计戈long-term material plan
长期特性long-term quality
长期环境影响长期接触long-term environmental effect
长期生产费用表long run production cost schedule
长期生化需氧量long-term biochemical oxygen demand
长期监测long-term monitoring
长期目标long-term objective
长期目标与短期目标long and short-term objectives
长期磁变secular magnetic change
长期票乘客班机commuter airliner
长期租用房间permanent occupancy
长期租贷预收款deposite on long-term lease
长期租贷预收款deposit on long-term lease
长期稳定度secular stability
长期稳定度long-time stability
长期稳定性secular stability
长期稳定性long-time stability
长期稳定阶段long relative stability stage
长期管理long-term care
长期系泊permanent mooring
长期经营long standing business dealings
长期给水系统long-term water system
长期给水系统lasting water system
长期维修long-term maintenance
长期缓升secular upheaval
长期缓升secular rise
长期缓慢沉降secular settlement
长期缓沉secular sinking
长期罐藏稳定性prolonged can stability
长期而缓慢的变化secular variation
长期而缓慢的变化secular change
长期耐受性检验long-term tolerability test
长期耐蚀试验prolonged corrosion test
长期腐蚀试验long-term corrosion test
长期节约long-term economy
长期荷载long sustained loading
长期荷载long-time loading
长期荷载stationary load
长期荷载sustained load
长期荷载long time
长期荷载下强度strength under sustained load
长期荷载作用long-term load action
长期荷载应力stress due to long-time loading
长期荷载应力stress due to long-term loading
长期荷载试验long-time load test
长期荷载试验long-time loading test
长期荷载试验long-time service testing
长期荷载试验long-term loading test
长期获利计划long-range profit planning
长期蓄水long-term storage
长期蓄水水库long period storage reservoir
长期融资long-term financing
长期蠕变试殓long-term creep test
长期蠕变试验long-time creep test
长期蠕变试验long period creep test
长期观察孔borehole of long-term observation
长期观测孔borehole of long-term observation
长期观测点密度density of long-term observation points
长期观测站long-term station
长期观测站long-established station
长期观测记录long-term record
长期观测记录long-term observation record
长期规划long-range program
长期规划long-term program
长期规划long-term programme
长期规划long-range plan
长期计划long-term project
长期经营计划long-range planning
长期经营计划long-range plan
长期订货secular order
长期许用应力long-term allowable stress
长期设想long-range conception
长期试验permanent experiment
长期试验test of long duration
长期试验permanent testing
长期试验long-time test
长期调节水库long period storage reservoir
长期负荷long-time loading
长期负荷permanent load
长期负荷permanent loading
长期负荷long-time load
长期负荷long-term loading
长期负荷long-term load
长期负载permanent loading
长期负载long-time loading
长期负载permanent load
长期负载long-time load
长期贷款long-term financing
长期贸易逆差long-term trade gap
长期资本long lived assets
长期资本短缺deficit in long-term capital
长期资本经营者capital manager
长期资本资产销售收益long-term capital
长期资金融通long-term financing
长期趋势long-time trend
长期commutation ticket
长期轮作草地long rotational grassland
长期辐照long-term irradiation
长期输出功率permanent output
长期缓漫运动secular movement
长期运行long running
长期运行extended service
长期运行发热试验heat run test
长期运行的卫星long playing rocket
长期运转数据long life operating data
长期连续运转的额定值容量continuous rating
长期运转试验long-term running test
长期退化long-term degradation
长期适应long-term adaptation
长期雨量记录仪long period rain recorder
长期静力试验long duration static test
长期静水压强度long-term hydrostatical strength
长期静水压强度long-term hydrostatic strength
长期secular term
长期项系数secular coefficient
长期预付款long-term prepayment
长期预报long period forecast
长期预报long period forecasting
长期预报long-range prediction
长期预报long-range forecast
长期预测long-range prognosis
长期预测long-range prediction
长期预测流量long-term flow prediction
长期频率long run frequency
长期验潮站permanent tidal station
长热期hot spell
长花期long flowering period
长轮伐期long-term rotation
长龄期强度long age strength
阿拉斯加长周期天线阵Alaska long period array
零点长期上升secular rise of zero-reading
长期债务unfunded debt
非周期延伸长度length of aperiodicity stretch