
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
上下文外关索引keyword out of context (index)
valence bond method
functional impact values
critical period
路径critical path method
的高空辐射率码strategic high-altitude radiance code
keystone species
索引keyword in context (index)
词与上下文索引keyword and context (index)
路〔径]分析critical path analysis
化学固定相色谱chemical bonded phase chromatography
double bonding
分子轨道antibonding molecular orbit
周期链失量periodic bond chain vector
晶形发育的周期链理论periodic bond chain theory
快速频移fast frequency-shiftkeying
氧-氧oxygen-oxygen bond
相移phase shift keying
碳氢carbon-hydrogen link
脉冲码调制-相移pulse code modulation-phase shift key
轨道价力场orbital valence force field
控信息速率处理器manipulated information rate processor
控开关gate control switch
控穿孔机keyboard perforator
能键序bond energy bond order
距差bond length difference
聚合物long chain polymer
分子轨道nonbonding molecular orbital
非平衡四相相移unbalanced quarternary phase-shift-keying
题目关key word in tide