
Terms containing 键入 | all forms | in specified order only
IT中文键盘输入Chinese keyed entry
met.人工输入键manual load key
tech.人工输入键manual input key
tech.任意型键入unsolicited key in
econ.关键性投入critical input
interntl.trade.关键的进口投入物critical imported inputs
busin.关键的进口投入物critical imported input
tech.分开键入split keyboarding
tech.十六进制输入键盘hexadecimal pad
dril.卡入键槽的钻柱key seated string
IT和谐键入chord keying
met.埋入键inserted key
IT多键字符输入multistroke character entry
proj.manag.如果您知道要插入的代码段的名称、则可以通过在键入其快捷键后按Tab 键来完成插入When you know the name of the snippet you want to insert, you can do so by typing its shortcut followed by the Tab key
space字母数字键盘输入装置alphanumeric entry device
tech.存储输入键memory load key
tech.存储输入键memory in key
tech.嵌入键sunk key
tech.平头埋入键recessed key
proj.manag.弹出窗口链接到一个音频文件、 以便您能听取和键入注册所需的指定字符This pop-up window links to an audio file so you can listen to and type the special characters required for registration
tech.打入键load key
tech.打入键driving key
multimed.插入键insert key
space插入键控break-in keying
work.fl.数据输入键盘data entry keyboard
tech.正常输入键控normal input keying
IT汉字输入键盘Chinese character input keyboard
tech.清除输入键clear entry key
el.电流增量输入信号键current increment key
IT自动重复键入typematic key stroke
proj.manag.话务员把这些情况键入计算机终端The operator keys the facts into the computer terminal
space请求输入键request entry key (网络用)
tech.请求输入键request entry key
IT超前键入缓冲区type-ahead buffer
IT超前键入能力type-ahead capability
met.输入键load key
multimed.输入键enter key
tech.输入键盘input keyboard
tech.输入键请求enter key request
tech.进入键enter key
dat.proc.键入key in
oil键入key entry
telecom.键入地址keyed address
telecom.键入设备Keying device
math.键到可换磁盘数据输入装置key-to-floppy disc data input device
math.键到磁带匣数据输入装置key-to-casette data input device
math.键到磁带数据输入系统key-to-tape data input system
math.键到磁带数据输入装置key-to-tape data input device
math.键到磁盘数据输入系统key-to-disc data input system
space键带信息输入key tape load
telecom.键控输入语keyed input language
telecom.键盘数据输入机keyboard data entry machine
space键盘-磁带输入key-to-tape input
space键盘-磁盘数据输入系统key-to-disk data input system
space键盘-磁盘输入器key-to-cassette data input
telecom.键盘输【录】入keyboard entry
math.键盘输入keyboard entry
tech.键盘输入keyboard input
space键盘输入和询问keyboard entry and inquiry
telecom.键盘输入打印输出keyboard input print-out
tech.键盘输入打印输出keyboard input printout
tech.键盘输入模拟keyboard input simulation
space键盘输入集成电路测试机keyboard input IC tester
telecom.键输入处理key-entry processing