
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
不知情的误陈述innocent misrepresentation
不肯脱手以致过行市overrun one's market
期限组合staggered maturities
董事会staggered board
冲销contra error
配额net mismatch
出差at fault
利率interest rate mismatching
到期配风险maturity-mismatch risk
到期日配安排maturity mismatching arrangement
到期日配情况maturity mismatch profile
合规上的compliance error
在遵守规则上犯的compliance error
实验和查阶段trial and error phase
容忍误的能力error endurance
容忍误的限度error endurance
审核negative verification
应用中的误做法mistakes in using
抵消offsetting error
操作error of performance
error correction
证券交易委员会希望企业在正式发行证券前,能改掉登记文件上所有的错误,因此它发的这种信叫作改错信bedbug letter
无差业绩error-free performance
无差预测者unbiased predictor (股市上)
未欠债的误偿还indebiti solutio
error check
查找差tick up
漏账error of omission
牛熊市交struggle between bulls and bears
疏忽过negligent act
科目error of item
程序process crash
系统性systematic error
纠正correction of error
incorrect posting
wrong post
enter wrongly in the ledger
记账error in posting
账上的差out in account
货币currency mismatch
网上incorrect posting
资产misplacement of assets
资产与负债期限maturity mismatching of assets and liabilities
赔偿errors of compensation
开条款董事轮流改选条款staggered terms
incorrect posting
记账户wrong account
误交割wrongly delivered
误交易error trade
误交易erroneous transaction
误付款erroneous payment
误定价pricing error
误定价的证券mispriced securities
误或遗漏除外errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)
误支付erroneous payment
误改正error recovery
误曲线error curve
out trade
erroneous account
过交易missing trade
过交易机会由于经纪人的疏忽而错过一项对客户有利的交易missing the market
过行情missing the market
配交易mismatched trade
配缺口mismatch gapping
配风险mismatch risk
零过zero defect
非故意造成的inadvertent error
非正常abnormal error
记账项目error of item
预期的差和遗漏Errors and Omissions Excepted
预计的误和疏漏errors and omissions excepted