
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不要过机会Don't let an opportunity slip
事先排除出的可能性obviate the possibility of mistakes
佣金计算The commission was figured out in error
使人误解的误说明misleading misdescription
利用竞争对方公司的误而获利capitalize on the errors of a rival firm
如果你方信用证不能在本月底前到达,我们将会过下月船期Failing the arrival of your L/C before the end of the month, we'll miss the vessel next month
对损害赔偿费估计misestimate the damages
与遗漏除外errors and omissions excepted
待查errors and omissions expected
弥补redeem an error
总额中有一差An error has been made in the total amount
当查error and omissions excepted
误报告inaccurate account
未注意打字overlook typing errors
条文有几处明显的There are several conspicuous errors in the provision
纠正retrieve an error
计算误你方未注意到The error in calculation has escaped your notice
责任原则principle of liability for fault
这家餐馆供应的饭菜不This restaurant serves nice food
误交货wrong delivery
误估价incorrect evaluation
误或遗漏不在此限errors or omissions excepted
误或遗漏除外sauf erreurs ou omission
误说明misdescription (货物细节)
误遗漏不在此限errors and omissions expected
过机会miss the opportunity
非独立dependent error