
Terms for subject Technology containing 锉,锉刀 | all forms
三毎形锉刀angle file
三角形锉刀angle file
不规则形锉刀anomaly file
中刀锉middle knife file
中等平滑圆锉刀medium smooth circular-cut file
中等锉刀middle-cut rasp
光刀锉dead smooth knife file
刀形锉knife file
刀形锉knife reaper file
刀形锉feather-edged file
刀锉hack file
切锉刀具stinger bit
切锉刀片stinger bit
单纹锉刀hand float
圆锉刀circular-cut file
弧形锉刀circular-cut file
成套锉刀complete set of needle file
成套锉刀complete set of files
打锉刀dozen file
挠性锉刀flexible file
有刀锋的锉刀knife file
有曲形齿的弧形锉刀circular-cut file with curved teeth
有水平齿的弧形锉刀circular-cut file with straight teeth
校准锉刀adjusting file
模具锉刀die sinker's file
瑞士式锉刀Swiss pattern file
瓜子形锉刀melon seed file
粗刀锉coarse knife file
粗齿刀锉bastard knife file
细锉刀fine file
腰窝锉刀waist setting attachment
触点锉刀point file
錾锉刀file cutter
链锯锉刀chain saw file
锉刀hand file
锉刀切削机床file cutting machine
锉刀划痕试验file scratch test
锉刀刷file cleaning card
锉刀合金file alloy
锉刀夹具file holder
锉刀柄file holder
锉刀柄file handle
锉刀标file mark
锉刀硬度file hardness
锉刀试验file test
锉刀试验机file tester
锉刀车床filing lathe
锉刀钢丝刷file cleaning card
锉刀钢丝刷file cleaner
锉刀锉纹file cut
锉齿成型刀具file tooth forming tool