
Terms for subject International trade containing 销售 | all forms | in specified order only
一般销售general sale tax
不足额销售sale minus
个人联络直接销售direct marketing by personal solicitation
为再销售而采购buying for resale
争夺销售scramble merchandising
互惠销售reciprocal sale
交货付款销售collect on delivery sales
交货收款销售C.O.D. sales
产品销售计划target for disposal of products
产量及销售限额quotas on output and sales
代理销售agency factor
销售为目标而生产market-oriented production
以陈列方式促进销售promotion selling by display
促进销售sales promotion
全球销售global marketing
全部销售或没有销售的报价offer subject to selling all or none
公司内部销售intercompany sales
公开销售证券public offering
公开销售证券public offering
农业销售farm market sales
农业销售合作社agricultural sale society
农产品销售年度在美国每年7月1日开始至次年谷物登场marketing year
销售与存货比率ratio of net sales to inventory
净利润与净销售比率ratio of net profit to net sales
凭样品销售selling by sample
出 口商销售exporter’s sales price
分期销售的资金筹措financing of instalment sales
分期销售的资金融通financing of installment sales
分期收款销售installment sale
分级销售selling by grade
划定销售地区territorial allocation of market
到货后销售sales on arrival
到货后销售sale on arrival
制造及销售成本表statement of cost of manufacture and cost of goods sold
副产品销售by-products sales
副产品销售成本cost of by-product
功能式销售组织functional type sales organization
区外销售条款extraterritorial sales clause
单份销售杂志报纸等single-copy sales
单边销售straight sale
单面销售straight sale
制造业在原料供应和产品销售方面的一体化backward and forward integration
销售品质merchantable quality
销售的产品marketable product
销售的质量merchantable quality
可供销售的条件salable condition
各级负责和职员负责混合式的销售组织line and staff type of sales organization
合作销售joint marketing
合并销售成本表consolidated statement of cost of goods sold
合法销售white market
商业销售commercial disappearance
商业销售中心commercial distribution center
商业销售commercial distribution area
商业销售value of business sale
商品销售realization of goods
商品销售merchandise sales
商品销售commodity marketing board
商品销售帐户merchandise sales account
商品存货可供销售之日数number of day sales in merchandise inventory
国内销售home sales
国内国际销售公司Domestic International Sales Corporation
国际货物销售合同contract of international sale of goods
国际货物销售契约公约Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
地区销售权条款territory right clause
基本销售basic marketing
增加销售push up sales
多种业务的联合销售组织umbrella joint-marketing organization
大宗销售bulk sales
大规模销售mass marketing
大规模销售large retailing
大规模销售large scale retailing
大量销售mass selling
委托销售sale on consignment
委托销售sale on commission
委托销售commission sale
委托销售发票consignment invoice
定约销售contract sales
寄托销售deposit sales
寄销品销售consignment sales
寄销商店,寄售业务consignment business
小规模销售small scale retailing
已分配销售及管理费用汇总表summary of applied selling and administrative expenses
干扰性销售scramble merchandising
平面销售构想horizontal marketing concept
库存销售比例指数index of inventory-sale ratio
库存销售比率inventory-sales ratio
强制销售forced sale
托销寄售on consignment
执行销售合同中的非欺骗的缺点non-fraudulent defects in performance of sales contract
批发销售wholesale sales
批发商业销售value of wholesale trade
批发贸易销售wholesale trade, sales
指同一产品按不同牌号或包装和/或按不同销售途径分别订价split pricing
销售基础承认收益法sales basis of revenue recognition
按商业类别分组的销售sales by kind of business
按工厂交货条件销售sale ex-work
按月付款销售sale on monthly instalment
按月付款销售sales on monthly installment
按样本销售sale by sample
按眉付款销售sales on monthly installment
按规定路线售货的推销员route man
按说明销售sale by description
提供销售offer for sale
搭配销售tie-in sale
摊销组合或集团销售辛迪加selling syndicate (or group)
无条件销售absolute sale
零售商无法销售可以退货协议s.o.r. on sale or return
易于销售readily salable
最少销售minimum sale
最近销售last sale
有价证券的销售portfolio sale
有希望的销售途径prospective avenue for the sale
有条件的销售conditional sales
有秩序销售协定orderly marketing agreement
有秩序销售协议orderly marketing arrangement
有限的委托销售limited consignment
机械销售mechanical sales
欠拨销售back order sales
正常销售normal sale
正常销售协定orderly marketing agreement
每月销售情况monthly sales
比较销售relative sales value method
消费品销售consumer sales
火灾中受损物品的减价销售fire sale
特种销售special sale tax
特许销售franchise distribution
特许销售franchise distribution network
独家销售代理商sole selling agent
现款销售sales by real cash
现货销售spot sale
现货销售购进,当场买卖spot sale (or purchase)
现金销售cash sale
直接销售direct sales
直接销售证券direct placement
直接销售direct placement
直接销售direct sale price
直接销售条款direct sale clause
相对销售价值法relative sales value method
石油开发和销售计划petroleum development and distribution project
确定销售契约firm sale contract
确认收入的销售completed sales basis
社会销售观点social marketing concept
私人销售private sales
空前销售unprecedented sales
管路外销售out of the pipeline
粮食销售volume of food sales
经营低档商品以增加销售trading down
经销商销售竞赛dealer contest
统一销售条例uniform sales act (laws)
统一销售uniform sales laws
统一货物销售uniform sales act (laws)
美国销售价格American Selling Price.
美国销售价格American selling price
美国销售协会American Marketing Association
美国电子设备销售协会National Electronic Distributor’s Association
联合销售joint marketing
联合销售joint sales
联合国国际销售货物合同公约United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sales of Goods
自动销售mechanical sales
自营销售below the line promotional activity
营业收入实现的销售基础sales basis of revenue realization
计入成本的销售及管理费用selling and administrative expenses charged to cost
诱铒销售switch selling
货物销售条件conditions of commercial sale
购买与销售双重选择权double option
超过供应量的销售sales made in advance of delivery
跟单销售documentary sale
转手销售switch selling
运输途中销售sales afloat
运输途中销售sale afloat
远期销售long selling
连续销售successive sales
退货及销售折让日记簿sales returns and allowances journal
适合销售的质量marketable quality
递延付款销售deferred-payment sale
邮寄销售mail order
邮购销售mail order selling
销售sales transaction
销售业务selling operation
销售业调查distributive trade survey
销售义务obligation sale
销售代理人merchant agent
销售代理人salesmen agents
销售代理人sales agent
销售代理商selling agent (broker)
销售代理商sales agent
销售价值sales value
销售价值法sales value method
销售价格selling price
销售会谈sales talk
销售佣金sales commission
销售保证sale warrant
销售sale letter
销售value of shipments
销售公司sales company
销售净利net profit on sales
销售分析sale analysis
销售制度sales system
销售刺激因素sales stimulation factor
销售力量sale force
销售区域地区sales territory
销售区域sales territory
销售及管理费用selling and administrative expense
销售及管理费用分析表selling and administrative expense analysis sheet
销售及管理费用表statement of selling and administrative expenses
销售发票sales tickets (slip)
销售发票sales invoice
销售发票invoice for sales
销售发票簿invoice outward book
销售合作sale association
销售合同sale contract
销售合同seller's contract
销售合同contract of sale
销售后服务after service
销售员估计综合法salesman sales composite method
销售员旅行路线指南salesman itinerary
销售员销售配额salesman sales quota
销售周转sales turnover
销售和行销sale and marketing
销售地区权利条款territory rights clause
销售场价格saleyard price
销售契约obligation sale
销售学的耻辱shame of marketing
销售定额sales quotas
销售小组委员会committee of sales organization
销售marketing board
销售局、商品管理所marketing boards
销售帐户sales account
销售情形sales status
销售情报marketing information
销售成本cost to make and sell
销售成本selling costs
销售成本cost of marketing
销售或购货合同sales or purchase contract
销售技术sales techniques
销售技术marketing techniques
销售折扣discount on sales
销售折让sales allowance
销售收入sales income
销售收入proceeds of sale
销售日记簿sales journal
销售是一门科学,一种行为,一项艺术marketing is a science, is a behavior, ia a art
销售power of sale
销售条件conditions of sale
销售条件terms of sale
销售条件condition of sales
销售构成sale mix
销售毛利gross profit on sales
销售水准假设levels of sales hypothesis
销售潜力sales potential
销售点终端point of sale terminal
销售状况sales status
销售登记簿sales register
销售目录sales catalogue
营业收入的销售确定法sales basis of revenue recognition
营业收入的销售确定法sale basis of revenue recognition
销售确认书confirmation of sales
销售sale tax
销售管理marketing management
销售组合sale mix
销售组织和销售力量organization and sale force
销售经理sales manager
销售者市场seller's market
销售能力ability to sell
销售计划marketing plan
销售计划的筹资financing of the marketing program
销售设施marketing facilities
销售bill of sales
销售bill of sale
销售调查marketing research
销售费用marking expenses
销售费用selling expenses
销售费用marketing expenses
销售辛迪加selling syndicate
销售退回sales return
销售退回通知单credit memorandum for sales return
销售sales volume
销售量极大的商品Cabbie Patch
销售金融公司sales finance company
销售预估sales forecasting
销售预测sales forecasting
销售预测sales forecast
销售预算sales budget
销售sales by size of establishment
附有条件的销售conditional sales
附有条件的销售合同conditional sales contract
附条件销售conditional sales
附条件销售condition sale
附条件销售conditional sale
附条件的销售合同conditional sale contract
限制委托销售consignment with limit
集体销售mass selling
集团销售公司a group sales company
零售商业销售value of retail trade
零售商店的销售sales of retail stores
零售销路retail outlets
零星销售retail selling
非个人销售non-personal selling
非个人联络销售non-personal selling
预计销售利益estimated profit from sales
预计销售损失estimated loss from sales