
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 铸模 工 | all forms
工业规模的双辊连铸机commercial-size twin roll caster
工业规模的小方坯连铸机production-scale billet caster
工业规模的板坯连铸机production-scale continuous slab caster
接近工业规模的双辊连铸机near-commercial-scale two-roll caster
模铸工艺ingot process (Armco Inc. will also operate a smaller plant, Empire Steel, at Mansfield, Ohio where it has invested $ 100 million for the installation of a thin-slab caster that will replace the ingot process at the plant 阿姆柯钢公司还将在俄亥俄州的曼斯菲尔德经营一家小型钢厂——帝国钢厂,现已在那里投资 1 亿美元建设一台薄板坯连铸机,以取代该厂原有的模铸工艺。)